Chapter 37 The plague is coming! ! !

After retreating.

Gong Shuqiu, who had the imperial mandate, immediately returned to his mansion in Xianyang.

The entire Gongshu family joined the Qin Dynasty, so the First Emperor naturally also gave Gongshu a grudge and was assigned a pretty good mansion.

As soon as Gong Shuqiu entered the door, he plunged into the study room full of classics.

This time he surrendered to the Great Qin Empire, and Gongshu Qiujiang also brought over the ancient mechanical and skill books passed down by the Gongshu family.

Looking at countless classics, Gong Shuqiu looked extremely solemn.

This mission was not simple at all for him.

In terms of organizational attainments alone, he is confident that he is still above the masters of the Mohist school.

But this time the First Emperor wanted him to revive the armored warship that had been built for thousands of years!
To do this, it is not only necessary to figure out how to operate an iron-clad warship.

It is even more necessary to understand thoroughly the specific structure of the armored warship!

Since the armored warship was a man-made creation, Gong Shuqiu believed that even after tens of millions of years, the internal structure of the armored warship should still be usable.

This was the case with the previous Shenwu Cannon.

Even if the cannonball has been eroded by tens of millions of years, it can still unleash the power of thunder.

In the future, the same is true for armored warships with higher technological content.

Gongshu Qiu kept looking for records about armored warships in all the classics.

Even if there is only a few words about armored warships in an ancient book, Gong Shuqiu will not miss any of it.

What confused Gong Shouqiu the most was how much power the huge armored warship was driven by.

You know, for such a huge hull, the area affected by the waves will be equally huge.

Faced with the endless resistance of the waves, what kind of mysterious creation techniques did the gods use to give the huge armored warship the power to penetrate the sea and break the waves.

Until Gong Shuqiu saw the full picture of the armored warship in an ancient book.It depicts the detailed structure and size of the armored warship.

With just one glance, Gong Shuqiu's eyebrows furrowed into a furrow!

Because Gongshu Qiu discovered that the armored warships built by heavenly beings had no sails!
This was enough to make Gong Shuqiu horrified.

You know, the ships of this world.Almost all of them are driven by sails and the reverse force of the wind.

The larger the ship, the larger the sails used.

Because the larger the sail area, the reverse force of the wind it bears is also greater.

Only with the help of greater wind power can larger ships be driven.

But the iron-armored warships built by heavenly beings are inferior in size.It was almost a hundred times bigger than the largest ship Gong Shuqiu had ever seen!
Such a terrifying size does not even have a sail!

How on earth was this terrifying creation of man driven that day?
In an instant, a thick cloud of doubt arose in Gong Shuqiu's heart.

In pursuit of knowledge, Gong Shuqiu quickly flipped through the ancient book in his hand.

Gradually, as I watched more and more content.

The look of horror in Gong Shuqiu's eyes first turned into doubt, then slowly turned into surprise, and finally turned into a clear understanding.

In this ancient book, the driving principle of the armored warship is also described in detail.

It turns out that the power that drives the armored warship to break through the turbulent waves all comes from the inside of the armored warship!
In the inner cabin of the ironclad warship, there is a large stove.

There are countless black 'coals' inside, burning all the time.

The heat from the combustion burned the water stove above the stove.

Countless steam bursts out from the boiling water furnace.

This water vapor full of thrust is transmitted through some mechanical expansion, causing a propeller at the bottom of the hull to continuously rotate.

It is the reverse thrust of this propeller that drives the huge armored warship to sail in the endless ocean.

After understanding the principle behind this, Gong Shuqiu slumped down on the back of his chair.

At this moment, he felt like his brain was swollen!

As the world's first-class mechanism master, Gong Shuqiu Ziwen was on the path of studying things, and he was almost at the pinnacle of the human world.

But despite this, he was still so shocked by the driving principle of the armored warship that his world view almost collapsed.

Gongshu Qiu, he also drank hot water.

Naturally, we can understand what the water vapor mentioned in ancient books is.

But looking at the steaming white air at the mouth of the cup, Gong Shuqiu never thought that these wisps of white air could actually propel a tens of thousands of kilograms of armored warships to sail in the roaring waves of the angry sea!
What kind of thinking is this?

What kind of unique art of creation is this?

Ordinary people don't even dare to think about it, and they will only regard it as a fairy tale or magical power.And people like Gong Shuqiu, who stand at the pinnacle of human inquiry, do so precisely because they have a little understanding of inquiry.

Only in this moment can I feel a numbness in my scalp.

After thoroughly understanding the principle, Gong Shuqiu seemed to have a great enlightenment.

However, this great path to enlightenment is too shocking.

So much so that Gong Shuqiu slumped in his chair and didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

I don't know how long it took, but Gong Shuqiu completely digested the shock in his heart.

He suddenly sat up from the chair and continued to read the ancient book on the table with a pious attitude.

Gongshu Qiu knew that the key to activating the armored warship lay in the burning coal.

If we can find some more coal elsewhere in Daqin.

The armored warship left by the heavenly beings completely became the artifact of the Qin Dynasty.

When Gong Shuqiu turned to the records about coal, his eyes widened fiercely on his old face.

It was as if he wanted to engrav the description about coal in his heart.

[Plants from ancient times were buried deep underground.After years of baptism, it will gradually develop into coal that can burn for a long time. 】

[Once this coal is burned, it can burst out with huge amounts of heat.It is one of the easiest fuels to find to drive ironclad warships. 】

When Gong Shuqiu raised his face, his eyes were full of extreme excitement.

"Buried deep underground. Buried deep underground"

"That means that as long as the earth is dug up, there will be an endless supply of coal!"

"The armored warship left by the gods can now sail freely on the sea!"

In an instant, Gong Shuqiu stood up from his chair and danced like a child learning to talk.

He believed that with the power of the Great Qin Empire, in order to find a steady stream of coal, he would not hesitate to dig ten feet into the ground!

From now on, there will be a miraculous creature constantly traveling across the boundless sea!
Zhangtai Palace.

The First Emperor continued to read the book of gods and immortals on the desk.

[Spring is here, the season when everything revives and dinosaurs arrive again.]

[Um, I seem to have written the wrong style. I’ll try again. 】

[After the great destruction, great vitality indeed ushered in.In a new era, species on this planet have once again multiplied to a peak stage. 】

[Because I preserved some species in the last era.This Cretaceous seems to be slightly different from what I know. 】

[Every day, I still live a life of traveling around the world with a lot of pets. 】

[Just when I was thinking about what kind of traces should be left in the Cretaceous Period. 】

[I found that my pets seemed to have some accidents. 】

[These accidents do not come from external natural conditions.But it comes from their ethnic group itself. 】

[First there is a carnivorous dragon species with red spots covering its body. 】

[At first, I didn’t pay much attention to these red spots.I even thought it was the adult form of this species due to growth and development. 】

[But gradually, when red spots covered the body of the carnivorous dragon, it began to cough violently. 】

[Continuous coughing, and as the coughing intensity increased, he gradually coughed up some blood. 】

[Until the end, even the broken pieces of internal organs were coughed out.The carnivorous dragon species was completely dead. 】

[Immediately afterwards, something even more surprising happened to me. 】

[The same red spots appear on more carnivorous dragons.And this erythema is spreading at an extremely fast rate!Even some vegetarian dragons are also infected with this erythema! 】

Seeing this, the eyes of the First Emperor were filled with horror.

The celestial being's description of the sudden red spots on the dragon is very similar to the plague known to the First Emperor.

Since ancient times, every time there is a plague.

All ten rooms will be empty!

It often happens that entire villages or cities turn into ghosts.

For this era, war is not the disaster that takes the most human lives.

The most frightening disaster is the plague!
During the war, you might be able to hide in the deep mountains and old forests and make a living by chewing tree bark.

As long as you are infected with the plague, even if you escape from the epidemic area, you will be regarded as an evil ghost and stoned to death.

(End of this chapter)

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