In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 38 Wang Ben’s shock: Is this the pet of a heavenly being? ! ! !

Chapter 38 Wang Ben’s shock: Is this the pet of a heavenly being? ! ! !
The First Emperor discovered that in ancient times, heavenly beings also experienced post-plague.

A pair of eyes were a little wider than before, and they were once again staring at the Book of Immortals.

He just wanted to see how the heavenly beings solved the plague among dragons in ancient times.

If he could learn it, the Great Qin Empire would no longer be afraid of the most terrifying demon in human history!
[After all, it’s the early days of the New Era, and these dragons haven’t adapted to the environment yet. 】

[Without harmony and unity with nature, it is easy to be infected by bacteria and viruses. 】

[After all, they are pets that I have worked hard to collect. I can’t just die without saving them. 】

[These pets are lucky, I was wandering around.Found the two most important herbs for treating plague, mugwort and dandelion! 】

[I first isolated all the dinosaurs that had developed red spots. 】

[Then those dinosaurs that were not infected with erythema were taken away by me to do rough work. 】

[I found two hot spring mouths next to the volcano. 】

[A hot spring mouth is filled with mugwort, allowing the red-spotted dragon to jump in and take a bath. 】

[The liquid extracted from mugwort can kill bacteria that infect red-spotted dinosaurs. 】

[I threw dandelions at the entrance of another hot spring.I asked the dinosaurs that had been bathed in mugwort liquid to drink dandelion water. 】

[In this way, even some bacteria and viruses in their bodies have been effectively controlled. 】

【What?You said that dinosaurs would not drink Chinese medicine and take a bath.Are you kidding? If I punch you, no dinosaur would dare to be disobedient! 】

[Thanks to my great kindness, Master, the first battle against the plague in the Cretaceous period achieved a great victory. 】

Seeing the First Emperor here, he firmly remembered the methods of heaven and man to cure the plague.

In particular, the two herbs, mugwort and dandelion, are almost engraved in my mind.

The deity left a hand-drawn pattern of mugwort and dandelion at the back of this page of the deity book.

This moved the First Emperor to tears.

I just feel that God is teaching future generations how to fight against diseases through this diary!
The land of Bashu.

In the cave of the Celestial Crystal Palace.

After Wang Ben discovered the huge armored warship, he led his soldiers to look around the armored warship under the dim light of the torch.

As Wang Ben continued to explore, he found that the space of this pit was much larger than he imagined!
If the Celestial Crystal Palace can be regarded as one area, the storage point of this armored warship can be regarded as another area.

Wang Ben led the soldiers to the other side of the armored warship.

Immediately I heard the sound of running water.

Wang Ben looked up and found that there was an extremely wide river next to the armored warship!
In an instant, Wang Ben's eyes were as wide as the size of a bullfight, and he was as stunned as a wooden chicken.

The elite soldiers behind Wang Ben also looked scared out of their wits.

Some people even dropped their torches on the ground due to the shock!
Here is the underground world still twenty feet away from the ground.

An extremely huge pit appeared, darkness filled the air, and the wind howled.

The atmosphere is already tense enough.

I discovered an armored warship that I had never seen before, and saw such a wide river.

How can we not make them fearful?
There was a soldier behind Wang Ben. Even the upper and lower rows of teeth were constantly opening and closing together, and he said tremblingly:
"General, why are there rivers underground here!!!"

"Aren't rivers always on the ground since ancient times?"

"Could it be that we have arrived in the underworld, and this is the legendary River of Ten Thousand Rivers in front of us?!"

The soldier finished these words with a tone of extreme panic.

He also almost represents the thoughts in the hearts of all the soldiers behind him.

In this era, how many people have gone deep into the world that is twenty feet below the ground?

What's more, this valley in Bashu is the lowest point in China.

Because of the limitations of the times, no one has ever discovered that there are still rivers under that vast land!

The underground river with no end in sight appeared in everyone's eyes in surprise.

They can only imagine the legendary ghosts and ghosts.

After all, Wang Ben was one of the few famous generals in the Qin Dynasty, although his cognitive outlook at this time was under unprecedented impact.

But Wang Ben still had a determined look in his eyes.

He gritted his teeth and said fiercely:
"Don't talk nonsense! This is where the palace of heaven and man is! How can it be the place of the netherworld!"

"Besides, there is the armored warship of the Heavenly Man next to it. Naturally, it needs a big river to sail!"

At this point, Wang Ben came back to his senses.

He suddenly looked at the armored warship on the edge of the river, his eyes bursting with bright light.Perhaps the mention of heavenly beings dispelled the lingering fear in Wang Ben's heart.

At this moment, Wang Ben thought of more, and said in a loud voice to the extremely frightened soldiers behind him:

"We, the soldiers of Great Qin, this river must be a channel opened up by the gods with their majestic supernatural powers."

"It is used for the movement of the armored warships of heavenly beings."

"The Crystal Palace of Celestial Beings is right ahead. Do you have anything to doubt?"

"How can any demon dare to get even close to the mansion of the Heavenly Man?"

Wang Ben said these words.

Gradually, the soldiers no longer had the fear in their eyes.

After all, to them, heavenly beings are the same existence as gods on earth!

We have never seen the ghosts and ghosts in the underworld, but we have seen the miracles of gods and humans!

With such a huge iron-armored warship built by the gods on its side, it is natural that a big river is needed for the iron ship to sail.

Well, this logic makes perfect sense!
In an instant, all the soldiers once again felt a sense of awe for the supernatural powers of heaven and man.

This river is like the Yellow River, and even gods can create it out of thin air.

The supernatural powers of heaven and man can definitely reshape earth, water, wind and fire!
Seeing that the team's military morale had recovered, Wang Ben continued to explore along this underground river.

After just taking a few steps, Wang Ben discovered that there were some black stone-like things stacked not far from the armored warship.

Although these black stones vary in size and shape.

But overall, they are still neatly stacked in specific areas, which is obviously done deliberately by someone.

Wang Ben walked over curiously and grabbed a handful of the black stones.

I found that the texture of this black stone was not hard and was extremely brittle.

With a little effort on his arm, he crushed the black stone.

Wang Ben frowned and looked at the black ash on his hands, his face full of doubts.

Although I don’t know what the purpose of this black stone is, its deliberate stacking here must be related to the armored warship.

After Wang Ben thought about it for a while, he really couldn't figure out how this black stone was related to the armored warship.

After using up all the black and gray poplars in his hand, Wang Ben continued to lead his team to explore forward.

When we get here, the space is already extremely wide.

There is both a wide and endless river and a refreshing breeze.

It's just that although the space is large, it is still twenty feet below the ground.

There was thick darkness all around, and only Wang Ben led the team of soldiers with torches to illuminate the surroundings.

Like a long fire dragon, winding along the wide river.


At this moment, Wang Ben, who was at the front, seemed to have stepped on a branch, and the crisp snapping sound was heard in the wide space.

Even though Wang Bendang was stunned, an idea suddenly came to his mind.

"This is underground twenty feet away from the ground."

"How come branches are popping up in a place like this???"

Wang Ben bent down and picked up the 'branch' that he had trampled off.

Then in the light of the torch, Wang Ben suddenly discovered that what he had broken was actually a bone! ! !
In an instant, Wang Ben's eyes sharpened!
The soldiers following behind seemed to have noticed something was wrong with Wang Ben, and came over one by one.

As there were more and more torches, the surrounding space was completely illuminated.

Wang Ben raised his head and was about to say something to his soldiers.

In an instant, beads of sweat broke out on Wang Ben's back, and his eyes almost popped out of their sockets!
All the hair on the body is standing upside down!
Because, in front of Wang Ben, a huge monster frozen in ice appeared!

And the 'branch' that Wang Ben just stepped on was just a finger of this monster's claw!
Then in the faint firelight, Wang Ben could see the monster's huge head.

The mottled teeth are as thick as a child’s arm!

The sharp teeth intertwined together formed an extremely ferocious mouth.

Wherever he looked, the body of the huge frozen monster suddenly illuminated in surprise, giving Wang Ben a strong visual impact!

The dead flesh that had been eroded by the years and transformed into dark brown looked extremely terrifying!
The ferocious face of the giant beast, as well as the eyes that suddenly appeared with a desperate and fierce look.

It made Wang Ben's mind enter an extremely tense state!
(End of this chapter)

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