In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 42: The First Emperor's excitement: I never thought that I could ride on the chariot of

Chapter 42: The First Emperor's excitement: I never thought that I could ride on the chariot of heaven and man! ! !
When the First Emperor traveled, he was surrounded by a large number of elite troops from the Qin Dynasty who accompanied him and protected him.

Afterwards, hundreds of civil and military officials followed, and the scene was extremely spectacular.

Along the way, the First Emperor, sitting on the six-passenger carriage, was in a very excited mood!
Just think of it, the armored warship made of fine iron made by the gods can continue to ride the wind and waves on the sea.

The First Emperor couldn't help but be excited!
More importantly, the fuel coal needed to drive the armored warships can only be obtained by digging deep underground.

Nowadays, Da Qin has a vast territory, which is almost equivalent to having a steady stream of fuel.

The power of Great Qin was enough to support that huge armored warship and sail across the four seas for a long time.

In this way, Da Qin has an artifact that can conquer the country!

The First Emperor kept sketching in his mind what a majestic sight that huge armored warship would look like when sailing on the water.

In my heart, I have infinite expectations for that armored warship.

Now, Gongshu Qiuben had figured out the driving principle of the armored warship.

If on this basis, we can further study the armored warships of Heavenly Beings.

It is very possible to build an iron ship that can also sail on the water!
As long as the imitation iron ship can have one-tenth of the power of the armored warship left by the gods.

It was enough to completely change the appearance of Da Qin's navy.

How can any country in the world be able to compete with such an iron-blooded navy?
The First Emperor did not forget the world map hanging in his room.

It is depicted on it that all the continents are connected are oceans.

And once Great Qin can possess it, a large number of armored warships will be enough to cross the vast seas.

Use iron-armored warships to knock on the doors of foreign countries!
Start the Qin Empire and conquer the world!
What made the First Emperor so excited was not just the armored warships that Qin was about to acquire.

On that armored warship, there were also the mysterious ice crystals mentioned by heavenly beings, as well as the dragon corpse sealed in ice!
The mystery of cryolite was such that even the heavenly beings were unable to fully explore its functions.

The First Emperor believed that the cryolite would never do anything. It only had the function of preserving body temperature.

And the dragon corpse made the First Emperor wish he could see it with his own eyes.

The scene of the nine dragons pulling out the coffin in the Palace of Heaven, Man and Earth was indeed shocking enough.

But of the nine dragons, only a skeleton was left.

But the potholes in the land of Bashu were different. According to Ju Wangben's urgent report, the body of the dragon after death was all frozen by chance.

This results in that, tens of millions of years later, a dragon body with complete dead flesh can be left behind.

The First Emperor led the elite of the Qin Dynasty and led hundreds of civil and military officials to arrive behind the Wei River.

The civil and military officials immediately stood on the edge of the river, standing on tiptoes, stretching their necks and looking into the distance.

The impatience was beyond words.

Even the First Emperor was no longer sitting in the carriage at the moment.

Stopping on the ground, looking at the end of the Wei River near Bashu from time to time.

Although the weather at this time has gradually turned from autumn to the east.

There was a hint of coolness in the strong wind on the river.

It kept blowing on the First Emperor and all the civil and military officials.

But no matter how cold the wind is, it still can't extinguish the excitement in everyone's hearts.

Under the expectation of everyone, an extremely huge shadow appeared on the end of the Weishui River near Bashu!
Everyone who saw this giant shadow had an empty look in their eyes for an instant.

It's too big!

The Wei River is extremely wide, almost fifty feet long.

But what about the giant shadow on the water?

It occupies a full third of the Weishui River!

Li Si, the prime minister of the Qin Dynasty, saw the huge shadow sailing on the river and shouted with trembling eyes:
"How can this armored warship be so big!!!"

"Like a small mountain, swimming on the water!"

"This is a great creation that can only be created by the divine power of heaven and man!"

"If our Great Qin has this magical weapon, why worry about not being able to double its territory!"

After Li Si started, the civil and military officials came to their senses after the shock and congratulated the First Emperor one after another.

With the addition of such a magical weapon to the Qin Dynasty, the excitement in the hearts of the civil and military officials could not be contained at all.

He could only use this way of singing praises to vent his excitement and win the favor of the First Emperor.

The entire venue was suddenly filled with an atmosphere of joy.The First Emperor's face was filled with joy as he listened to the congratulations from the civil and military officials.

Looking at the armored warships getting closer and closer, the First Emperor couldn't help but think that such a majestic appearance would easily knock on the door of a foreign country!
Moreover, the sailing speed of this armored warship really surprised the First Emperor.

When we first saw it, it was just a giant shadow at the end of the Weishui River.

How long has it been?

The armored warship was already so close.

This speed is several times faster than the best horse with blood.

With such a huge body, he can still maintain such terrifying speed.

Is the thrust of water vapor really that great?
For a time, the First Emperor was shocked beyond measure by the armored warship. This design concept was beyond the times!

At the same time, I made a decision in my mind!
You must get on this armored warship and experience it for yourself, such a majestic artifact!
When the armored warship docked at the shore.

When Wang Ben saw the First Emperor, he led all the civil and military officials to greet him.

I couldn't be more moved!
He immediately climbed out of the warship as quickly as possible, and walked firmly to the front of the First Emperor with the most heroic posture in his life.

With a look of glory on his face, he knelt on one knee in front of the First Emperor and said respectfully:

"The last general, Wang Ben! Do not disgrace our emperor's orders!"

"In the land of Bashu, I found the armored warship left by the gods!"

"Please also ask my emperor to review!"

At this moment, Wang Ben could feel that the eyes of the First Emperor and the civil and military officials were all focused on him.

Wang Ben felt that the blood in his body was almost boiling.

This is definitely the most glorious moment in his first half of life!
Afterwards, be sure to find the best painter to draw all this scene.

Well, Wang Ben has already thought of the name of the painting, it's called "General Wang Yu Shui Thousand Miles"!
Hold on, hold on!
Expression management cannot be broken!
Wang Ben kept cheering himself up in his heart.

The First Emperor looked at Wang Ben in front of him with a satisfied expression and praised loudly:

"Wang Qing, you are indeed the pillar of the Qin Dynasty! You are also the most blessed general!"

"I originally thought that we need to send a master of mechanics to the Bashu land to repair this armored warship."

"I didn't expect that you would bring this armored warship right in front of me."

"After returning to the palace, I will be greatly rewarded!"

Wang Ben heard this and said seriously:

"This trip is entirely dependent on His Majesty's luck."

"Only the last general can sail back to the warship so smoothly."

"If rewards are based on merit, Your Majesty should be the first to receive merit."

"The general will not dare to claim credit, just because he can share your majesty's worries."

Wang Ben finished speaking.

Li Si looked at Wang Ben and immediately felt something was wrong.

Looking at Wang Ben with thick eyebrows and big eyes, Li Si was a little doubtful for a moment. Was this guy really born into a family of famous generals?

How could he be so much better than these civil servants at observing words and expressions?

Listening to Wang Ben's words, the First Emperor was even more delighted.

It's not that the First Emperor didn't understand, Wang Ben was just saying nice things.

But as the most powerful person in the world, what the First Emperor valued most was the attitude of his subordinates!

If the attitude is adequate, it will more or less gain some points in the heart of the First Emperor.

The First Emperor stared at the huge armored warship docked on the shore and said excitedly:
"Wang Ben, I would like to lead hundreds of officials to experience it personally on this armored warship."

"It's up to you to pilot the warship for me!"

Hearing this, all the civil and military officials were excited.

Looking at this man-made creation that transcends the times, who doesn’t want to experience it personally?
Even if the civil servant is weak, as long as he can still walk, he will definitely want to get on the warship to experience it.

When Wang Ben heard this, he immediately led the way for the First Emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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