In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 43 The First Emperor was shocked!Is this what Tianren uses as a pet? ? ?

Chapter 43 The First Emperor was shocked!Is this what Tianren uses as a pet? ? ?

After the First Emperor and all the civil and military officials had arrived, they all got on the deck of the armored warship.

Wang Ben immediately ordered the soldiers to start the coal burning furnace.As the thrust of water vapor came out, the propeller of the underwater warship started to rotate again.

The huge armored warship sailed on the water again.

Like a giant beast, it slowly took steps on the Weishui River.

However, this time, considering the safety of the First Emperor, Wang Ben did not dare to let the armored warship sail at full speed.

But even though the armored warship didn't reach full speed, the hull, which was as big as a hill, broke through the water.

It still made the First Emperor and all the civil and military officials feel a sense of shock deep in their hearts.

The First Emperor felt the strong wind blowing on his face. As far as he could see, the huge hull and deck were almost as big as the court hall.

Moreover, all civil and military officials were on hand.

In addition to the lack of a dragon chair, the First Emperor even had the illusion that the palace hall was able to navigate the water with the blessing of divine powers.

The civil and military officials only panicked for a moment when the armored warship was just launched.

After a few breaths, all the panic turned into excitement!
Stepping on the deck made of gold and iron made them feel the same as stepping on the earth.

Looking at the receding scenery around them, everyone just felt as if a piece of earth was supporting them to fly.

This feeling is something that everyone has only experienced in their sleep.

Now, in the state of being awake during the day, I have such an incredible experience.

One can imagine the shock in everyone's hearts.

After the First Emperor experienced the thrill of sailing an armored warship, he asked Wang Ben to stop the warship.

Watching the huge creature sailing so fast on the water, it stopped on the water in a matter of tens of breaths.

The First Emperor felt a lot of emotions in his heart.

Looking at the extremely strong iron armor around him, the First Emperor felt that such a water-based gold and iron fortress was invincible in this era!

He immediately gave the order to Gong Shuqiu:

"Gongshu Qing! This artifact is extremely important to our country, the country of Great Qin!"

"You must imitate this artifact!"

The First Emperor's eyes were sharp, and he didn't even ask Gong Shuqiu if he could imitate the armored warship.

Instead, give him a direct order to act immediately.

This shows how important this armored warship is in the heart of the First Emperor.

This is Da Qin, the biggest bargaining chip to conquer the world!

Only these armored warships, which can ride the wind and waves, can cross the vast ocean and attack the country established by the alien race!
Since Gong Shuqiu boarded the armored warship, he has been constantly looking at the various facilities of the armored warship.

Just the various components on the deck made Gongshu Hate unable to lie down on them and study them for three days and three nights.

As for the core power system of the armored warship, it is even more like a Tongxuan Avenue-like structure.

It's just that the armored warship was still sailing just now, and it was inconvenient for Gong Shuqiu to observe the core components of the armored warship.

At this moment, Gongshu Chou heard the order from the First Emperor and immediately respectfully responded:
"Your Majesty, please rest assured that Wei Chen's lifelong ambition is to study the art of mechanism."

"And the armored warship left by the heavenly beings is undoubtedly at the pinnacle of the world."

"Even if Your Majesty doesn't say anything, I still wish I could spend all night studying on the armored battleship."

The First Emperor nodded slowly.

He thought to himself that dragging the public loser into the Qin Empire was the most correct move.

Along with the gods and gods, more and more people appear in the world.

The Qin Dynasty is in need of institutions like Gongshu Qiu to study madmen, who have imitated many gods, humans, and gods.

Then, the First Emperor looked at Wang Ben again and said slowly:

"Wang Ben, what you said in the emergency report earlier."

"The gods left a crystal palace in a cave in the land of Bashu, and there was also an ice bed in the palace."

"Have you ever noticed anything magical about that ice bed?"

When Wang Ben heard this, he immediately nodded and reported truthfully:

"Your Majesty, because there were so many treasures found in that mine, the general did not have time to carefully explore the ice bed of Tianren."

"Mainly, those frozen pets of Celestial beings are really scary!"

"At that time, when General Mo saw the completely frozen celestial pet, he was so shocked that his hair stood on end."

"However, I moved the entire ice bed onto the warship."

"If there really is any miraculous effect on it, we can study it slowly." As soon as Wang Ben said these words, Shi Huangdi had a look of shock on his face.

All the civil and military officials fell silent in an instant.

The First Emperor looked at Wang Ben and said loudly:
"You moved the ice bed of the heavenly being to this warship?"

"Where is it? Where is the ice bed?"

The First Emperor looked around and saw nothing on the huge deck of the armored warship.

Because I saw the armored warship for the first time, I was shocked.

The First Emperor forgot for a moment that it had been stated clearly in the urgent report.

Many treasures of heavenly beings and dragon remains were all moved to the warship by Wang Ben.

After hearing what the First Emperor said, Wang Ben quickly said:

"They were all placed in the cabin by the general."

"In this armored warship, there seems to be an area with a door that is used to store large equipment."

"Those celestial pets that are frozen are extremely huge."

"The general had no choice but to put them in the cabin."

When the First Emperor heard this, his eyes shone with light.

Thinking of the frozen celestial pet, the First Emperor felt excited in his heart!
Even more excited than getting immortality!
"Lead the way! I want to see what the deity's pet looked like in ancient times!"

Under the guidance of Wang Ben, the First Emperor and the civil and military officials passed through the circular ladder on the deck and entered the cabin.

When those many dragon bodies that were frozen in ice appeared in front of the First Emperor and all the civil and military officials.


The First Emperor and all the civil and military officials all took a deep breath!
This is a complete dragon corpse that has been frozen!
The shock it brings to people is simply not comparable to the nine dragon skeletons in the Palace of Heaven, Man and Earth.

After all, the skeleton alone cannot describe what a ferocious face the dragon looked like when he was alive.

But the dragon corpse was frozen in front of him.

Even the eyes are wide open!

Although the fist-sized eyes were lifeless, they still looked extremely fierce.

Among them, there is a sense of despair.

"Tyrannosaurus rex, this is what the gods call Tyrannosaurus rex!"

"A heavenly being can actually tame such a terrifying beast into a pet."

"There's only one of these things, I'm afraid it's enough to drive away ten thousand elites!"

"What if there are hundreds of heads?..."


The face of the First Emperor was filled with shock!
Only by thoroughly seeing the whole picture of Tyrannosaurus rex can we understand what kind of posture the dinosaurs in the ancient times had.

The dark brown dead flesh wrapped a huge and ferocious head.

If you open this big mouth, I'm afraid even three soldiers can't fill it!

The First Emperor thought that heavenly beings had written in immortal arts that they turned these pets into an army.
Are the armies formed by these things going to attack the gods?

The First Emperor led the civil and military officials and lingered for a long time in front of the frozen body of the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Then he looked at the other dragons.

There are so many dragon bodies frozen in the mines of Bashu.

Naturally, Wang Ben could not carry them all onto the armored warship. Firstly, it would be time-consuming and labor-intensive, and secondly, no matter how big the warship was, it would probably not be able to fit them all.

Therefore, Wang Ben moved one of each type of dragon onto the warship.

Looking at the triceratops that was as big as a hut, it had three huge horns that were like spears from a hundred battles.

Everyone can imagine that if such dragons form a charge formation, they can directly level the city!
Any tall city wall is no different from a mound in front of such giant beasts.

There is also the pterosaur, which is several times larger than the car hood, spreading its wings to cover the sky.

The First Emperor thought that this might be the air force that heaven and man talked about.
An army in the air!
As far as the eye can see, all the dragon bodies are in a ferocious state.

But the ferocious beast's eyes also contained despair.

The civil and military officials didn't understand where the dragon's despair came from, but the First Emperor knew it.

It must have been the great destruction of the Ice Age that caused such tyrannical creatures like dragons to wither in despair.

Presumably only the majestic existences of heaven and humans can survive such a scene of all things dying.
(End of this chapter)

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