In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 47 Hand Rubbing Nuclear Weapons: Taboo Area! ! !

Chapter 47 Hand Rubbing Nuclear Weapons: Taboo Area! ! !


The first time Gongshu Qiu returned to his mansion, he spread out the drawings of heavenly and human weapons given by the First Emperor on the desk in the study.

At this moment, Gong Shuqiu was so excited that his face turned red.

It was like drinking three large bowls of good wine.

For a person who is addicted to the art of mechanical tricks, there is no treasure, and it is more precious to have the blueprints of heavenly and human weapons in front of him!

Thinking about it, every creation of heaven and man exists beyond this era!
With exquisite mechanism technology, it has achieved effects comparable to magic weapons in mythology.

The things left behind by heaven and man are the holy objects that they, the masters of the mechanism, long for most.

But what lies before Gong Shuqiu's eyes is the blueprint of a heavenly weapon!
If one could figure out the operating principle of heavenly and human weapons, it would be enough for Gongshu Qiu to die without any regrets.

Gong Shuqiu took several deep breaths in succession to suppress the excitement in his heart.

After his mood gradually calmed down, Gong Shuqiu sat upright at the desk.

With an extremely pious attitude, he looked at this drawing of a heavenly weapon.

In an instant, Gong Shuqiu's eyes, which had calmed down, sparkled again!
Gongshu Qiu just saw clearly the structure of the weapon described by heaven and man on the drawing.

Immediately worship the design ideas of this heavenly weapon as a god!
"It's so mysterious! It can be so mysterious!!!"

"Why have I never thought that saltpeter, sulfur, and coal, mixed together in a certain proportion, will produce an explosive effect once ignited!"

"And the design of the barrel is simply exquisite!"

"With the help of the burning reverse thrust, launch the cannonball and create a violent explosion!"

"Hiss~~~The wisdom of heaven and man is indeed beyond the reach of us mortals."

Gongshu Qiuyue thought deeply about the design and structure of the heavenly and human weapons on the drawings.

While admiring me, I couldn't help but realize a gap in wisdom and cognition.

Gongshu Qiu asked himself that he had already reached the pinnacle of the human world on the path of studying things.

But even if you give him 1000 years, it will take him 1 years.

He was also determined not to create magical celestial weapons like divine cannons and fire blunderbuss out of thin air.

The complex and delicate structure alone dazzled him.

More importantly, because of the cognitive gap, such ideas would never appear in his mind!

How could any mortal imagine that mixing various minerals in specific proportions would produce an explosive effect?
Only the vast wisdom of heavenly beings can come up with such fantastic ideas.

While marveling at the exquisite structure of Shenwu cannons and fire guns, Gong Shuqiu couldn't help but feel a ray of worry in his heart.

There are weapons drawings left by heavenly beings as guidance, and ready-made samples dug out from the underground palace as confirmation.

It is naturally not too difficult to re-produce Shenwu cannons and fire guns in this era.

But the problem is that Gong Shuqiu is not only responsible for this imperial mission.

Previously, at the Weishui River, the First Emperor ordered the Duke to make a replica of an armored warship.

From Gong Shuqiu's perspective, the sophistication of the armored warship was a hundred times more complex than the divine cannon.

Even if he figured out the driving principle of the armored warship, Gong Shuqiu had no confidence in replicating the armored warship without detailed construction drawings.

The most difficult part was that Gong Shuqiu didn't dare to dismantle the armored warship.

Unable to view the delicate internal structure, the difficulty of imitation naturally skyrockets.

"Hey, it is an honor for the descendants like us to be able to imitate gods and gods!"

"No matter how exquisite the armored warship is, I still have to give it a try."

"Even if it can only achieve the effect of one-tenth of the armored warships built by heaven"

"I am enough to smile!"

After letting out a long sigh, Gong Shuqiu regained his will for scientific research.

Imitation of armored warships is almost like following the footsteps of heavenly beings in disguise.This is also an excellent opportunity for Gongshu Qiu!

Of course he couldn't give up easily.

In Zhangtai Palace, the First Emperor quietly thought about the picture that appeared on the ice crystal stone.

Obviously, the content in that picture was specially presented to them, the future generations, by heavenly beings with their great supernatural powers.

The entire screen content is divided into two parts.

One is that the gods gave twelve disciples and twelve tokens.

In today's era, those twelve tokens have become well-known artifacts in hundreds of schools of thought.

Even, to a certain extent, those twelve artifacts carry the academic inheritance of the entire school of thought!
More importantly, the twelve artifacts seem to be vaguely connected in some way.

At this time, there is no clear connection between the artifacts.

The greatest possibility is that it is related to the reincarnation of heavenly beings.

Second, the gods divided a box containing secrets into seven parts and handed them to King Wen of Zhou.

Those seven wooden boxes eventually became the boxes inherited by the kings of the seven kingdoms during the Warring States Period.

There have long been rumors that when the seven boxes are gathered together, the secret of immortality will be unlocked.

At this moment, when he knew that the seven wooden boxes came from the hands of heaven and man, the First Emperor became more and more sure of this guess.

What's more important is that now the First Emperor has six wooden boxes in his hand, and only the last box is missing to unlock the secret of immortality.

And the last missing box is most likely in the Mo family!
The First Emperor's eyes flickered. After thinking about this, he realized that whether it was the twelve artifacts or the seven boxes.

There is no way around all the schools of thought!

The First Emperor tapped his index finger lightly on the table, and a soft sound of 'Pap~~~Pap~~~' slowly came out.

"It seems like it's time to take action against people like Zhuzibaijia!"

"It would be great if they obediently hand over the tokens of heaven and beings. I will not be stingy and witness the miracles of heaven and beings with them!"

"If there is anyone who disobeys, I will kill him! Then take it myself!!!"

Two bright sharp lights burst out from the eyes of the First Emperor.

In an instant, a cold murderous aura filled the air.

After sorting out these thoughts, the First Emperor took out the Immortal Book of Heavenly Beings and carefully observed the past of Heavenly Beings.

[The cannons and muskets were made, and it didn’t take long for the howitzer to be rubbed out with my hands. 】

[On the journey of chemical explosives, I have reached the extreme. 】

[But I always feel that something is vaguely wrong in this world, and there seems to be a hidden crisis somewhere. 】

[Looking at the chemical explosives I rubbed out, I seemed to feel that some of them were not enough.I'm afraid that when a real crisis strikes, these chemical bombs won't be of much use at all. 】

[I thought about it and finally decided to step into that taboo field and study nuclear weapons! 】

[The basic principle of nuclear weapons originates from the collapse of the mass of an object, exchanging the lost mass for endless energy! 】

[Fortunately, I still remember the mass-energy equation, and carefully recalled the various components used in the first atomic bomb. 】

[I pointed my research path towards nuclear fission!I vow to research the atomic bomb without force! 】

[I didn’t expect that this research would take me thousands of years! 】

[But fortunately, during these thousands of years.I created two weapons that entered forbidden territory!Its power is enough to destroy heaven and earth!It only takes one to wipe out a country! 】

[I named these two forbidden weapons after divine punishment.But the lethality of this weapon, which is in the field of nuclear fission, is really terrifying.I completely designed it to be a hundred times the equivalent of a 'little boy'. 】

[I thought about it and decided to seal up the divine punishment - Tianyun. 】

[If a crisis really comes, God’s Punishment Yinghuo must be enough to deal with it]

(End of this chapter)

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