In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 48 God’s Punishment Skyfall has been sealed! ! !

Chapter 48 God’s Punishment Skyfall has been sealed! ! !

Zhang Taichung.

At this moment, the First Emperor was extremely shocked!
The various descriptions in this paragraph in the Book of Immortals only gave the First Emperor a huge shock in his heart.

The First Emperor did not know what nuclear weapons were, nor what kind of theory nuclear fission was.

But the First Emperor knew that the forbidden weapons that heavenly beings had spent thousands of years researching were absolutely extraordinary! ! !

With the majestic magical powers of gods and humans, they all say that the power of this weapon is enough to destroy the heaven and the earth.

This way we can know how terrifying that weapon is.

Destroy a country with one blow
Later, the First Emperor saw the name given by the gods to the forbidden weapon.

The First Emperor's thought was indeed true, it was the divine punishment that had the power to overthrow the heaven and the earth - Yinghuo!
The more critical point is that the heavenly beings sealed up another forbidden weapon, the divine punishment - the meteorite!
The First Emperor's eyes flashed, and he pictured in his mind the scene of the forbidden weapon destroying the world with one strike, and murmured in his mouth:
"Sealed? God's Punishment Skyfall has been sealed!!!"

"Does that mean that this forbidden weapon is still stored somewhere in the world?"

When this idea came to him, the First Emperor's expression was suddenly shocked!
The power of the forbidden weapon is so terrifying that even gods have sealed one.

But if such a terrifying weapon were in the hands of the Qin Empire, it would be the biggest trump card in the hands of the First Emperor!
With the forbidden weapon God's Punishment Tianyun in hand, which force in the world can still resist the Qin Empire? ? ?

"Look! I must find this stored forbidden weapon!"

"Such a terrifying weapon would be in the hands of someone with evil intentions."

"I'm afraid that not only the few but also the entire empire will be in danger of overthrow!"

"But if it is in the hands of a few people."

"From now on, there will no longer be a country in the world that can compete with Great Qin!!!"

In an instant, endless ambition burst out from the eyes of the First Emperor.

In the eyes of the First Emperor, the enemies within the land of China were naturally not qualified for the First Emperor to use the Divine Punishment Sky Meteor.

Not to mention the threat from the other side, it was far from the level that the Qin Empire needed to use forbidden weapons.

Just the power of the forbidden weapon detonating would probably affect the Great Qin Empire itself.

But in the end, the First Emperor would embark on a journey to dominate the world sooner or later.

Among those countless foreign countries, there might be some that were extremely powerful and displeasing to the First Emperor.

At that time, forbidden weapons such as God's Punishment Skyfall will be useful!

The next day, in the early morning.

All the civil and military officials had just stood in the court hall.

The First Emperor stood on the dragon platform and spoke majestically:

"From now on, I want to order all the disciples to hand over the twelve tokens passed down by the gods."

"Let each family and the empire witness the miracle of heaven and man after the twelve tokens are unified!"

"If there is any family that does not respect the orders of others, the elites of the Qin Dynasty will surely destroy their inheritance!"

As soon as the First Emperor said these words, all the civil and military officials were shocked and speechless.

Many of them come from various schools of thought.

The literati bachelors of this era had more or less studied in one of the hundreds of schools of thought.

There are even several families in the court who are members of hundreds of schools of thought.

For example, the Yin Yang family and the Gong Loser family have already joined Da Qin.

At this moment, they were surprised to hear the words of the First Emperor.

But when the civil and military officials thought of the scene on the spar.

The twelve tokens left by heavenly beings have huge secrets.

In this way, we can understand the approach of the First Emperor.

After all, the world now belongs to the Qin Dynasty. If any force can obtain all twelve tokens of heaven and man, it is only the Qin Empire!
Moreover, the First Emperor also made it clear that he would witness the miracles of heaven and man together with all the disciples.

This can be regarded as a great preferential treatment for all schools of thought.

Under this kind of policy, if there is any company that insists on holding on to the tokens of heaven and humans and refuses to hand them over.He must be determined to fight against the empire!

Such forces deserve to be destroyed!

After Li Si thought for a moment, he stepped out of the queue and said:

"I agree that your Majesty's decree is indeed the fastest way to gather twelve heavenly and human tokens."

"We, Da Qin, are willing to witness the miracles of heaven and man together with all the other schools of thought."

"With such preferential treatment, if anyone is disrespectful, he must have already had thoughts of rebelling against our Great Qin Empire."

"Such forces, even if they don't care about the tokens of heaven and humans, will sooner or later come into conflict with the empire."

"It's better to start a military attack on this incident!"

"Eradicate these forces with evil intentions!"

After Li Si finished speaking, the First Emperor nodded with satisfaction.

Afterwards, all civil and military officials responded to the First Emperor's decree.

Such a quick way to cut through the mess is indeed the fastest way to gather twelve heavenly tokens.

When there is no objection to this decree.

Zhang Han coincided with his appearance at the meeting to report:

"Your Majesty, according to the investigation of Wei Chen's secret guards."

"The great Confucian sage Xunzi and the great Taoist sage Bei Mingzi are on their way to Xianyang at the moment."

Zhang Han is the leader of the intelligence organization under the First Emperor.

He has the duty of supervising the world in place of the First Emperor.

The Confucian Xunzi and the Taoist Tianzong Bei Mingzi did not hide the fact that they marched all the way to Xianyang.

Therefore, it has long been detected by Meng Tian.

When the First Emperor heard this, his eyes moved slightly.

The relationship between Confucianism and Tianzong and Da Qin has been relatively subtle from beginning to end.

They cooperated with each other, and among Confucianism and Tianzong, there were also disciples serving in the empire.

Although these two families, unlike the Yin Yang Family and the Gong Loser Family, fully surrendered to the Qin Empire.

But at any rate, the relationship between the two parties is not bad.

Unlike the Mohist family, which directly had a direct conflict with the Qin Empire.

The First Emperor looked at Zhang Han and slowly said:

"Confucianism and Tianzong have never done anything extraordinary."

"They are Queens of Heavenly Beings. They came to Xianyang at this time, presumably to see the miracles of Heavenly Beings!"

Because the First Emperor knew that Confucianism and Tianzong were both inherited directly from the twelve disciples of Tianren.

He is also much less wary of them.

But thinking of the inheritance left by another heavenly disciple, the First Emperor couldn't help but flash a cold light in his eyes, and said coldly to Zhang Han:
"You don't need to pay too much attention to the great sages of Confucianism and Tianzong."

"But people from the Mo family, especially the giants of the Mo family, you must be watched closely by me!"

Zhang Han heard this and respectfully accepted the order to retreat.

After the first emperor showed a ray of coldness, he no longer took the Mohist giant to heart.

A mere Mohist was far from the level that the First Emperor needed to pay attention to at all times.

When I think about it, the great sages from Confucianism and Tianzong all came to Xianyang to see the miracles of heaven and man.

By then, we will surely be able to perform miracles between heaven and man together!
Thinking of this, the Emperor's face couldn't help but feel a few rays of joy.

At this moment, Li Si, who was at the head of the civil and military officials, looked worried and had an extremely delicate expression.
(End of this chapter)

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