In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 50 Xunzi entered Xianyang, Li Si panicked!

Chapter 50 Xunzi entered Xianyang, Li Si panicked!
Zhangtai Palace.

The First Emperor leaned over the desk and continued to read the fairy books left by heavenly beings.

[As time goes by, the uneasiness in my heart becomes more and more intense, as if the catastrophe that will destroy the world is brewing again. 】

[The Jurassic is unchangeable and perished in the dead ice age. No matter how I save it, it will still follow its destined destiny. 】

[The Cretaceous period is the last era in which dinosaurs inhabited.Can this planet avoid the catastrophe that wiped out the dinosaurs? 】

[After the Jurassic experience, I even feel that even if I can carry this planet and wander around, I still can’t escape what is coming.]

[Based on the current date, the apocalyptic disaster that will destroy the world will probably last a million years. 】

[The dinosaurs that were once extremely prosperous and developed were completely extinct in the apocalyptic disaster a million years later. 】

[In order to save these pets of mine, I still have to make some preparations to deal with the end of the world a million years from now. 】

Seeing this, the eyes of the First Emperor were filled with shock!

The gods are actually beginning to prepare to deal with the great disaster that will come millions of years from now.

This is something that will only happen in millions of years!
Are gods and humans really so powerful?

Even things that will happen millions of years later can be calculated.

In an instant, the First Emperor was once again shocked by the unpredictable supernatural powers of heavenly beings.

What made the First Emperor even more horrified was what kind of catastrophe could cause all dragon creatures in the world to become extinct?

After seeing the Tyrannosaurus rex corpse, the First Emperor already understood how powerful dragon creatures were compared to mortals.

But even that kind of terrifying giant beast was completely wiped out by that disaster!

Can heaven and man stop such a mass extinction that will cause the world to cease to exist?

The First Emperor hurriedly focused his mind on the book of gods and immortals.

I want to know how the heavenly beings responded to the great extinction of heaven and earth.

[During the Jurassic Period, since my brute force did not change the fate of this planet.This time, I am going to take the path of wisdom. 】

[That’s why I decided to step into the forbidden realm and created the Heaven Punishment Yinghuo! 】

[If the power of God's Punishment Yinghuo is not enough, the God's Punishment Skyfall, which is also based on nuclear fission, is probably in vain. 】

[In order to avoid unnecessary nuclear leakage accidents, the God of Punishment was sealed tightly by me. 】

[Unfortunately, nuclear fusion is much more difficult than nuclear fission. 】

[And there is no qualitative difference in the power of local explosions between the two. 】

[If I want to completely cope with the doomsday disaster that wiped out the dinosaurs, I have to focus my research on vehicles. 】

[Only when the thrust of the missile equipped with God's Punishment Yinghuo is strong enough can we have more chances of winning and cope with the big crisis that caused the extinction of the dinosaurs. 】

The First Emperor's eyes glanced here and he raised his head suddenly.

There was a look of shock on his face.

"The divine punishment of Yinghuo is enough to destroy the heaven and the earth!"

"Can such a weapon still be unable to cope with that big crisis?"

"What kind of horror was that doomsday disaster?"

At this moment, the First Emperor was extremely nervous.

He simply could not imagine how horrific the disaster that befell this world tens of millions of years ago was.

Even a powerful weapon like God's Punishment Yinghuo, which could destroy heaven and earth, could not fully cope with that disaster.

The First Emperor continued to read the fairy books left by heavenly beings.

[Nuclear weapons without corresponding vehicles are still useless. 】

[It’s not like that, when the time comes to punish Yinghuo, let the labor and management throw it out personally. 】【Well, we agreed to use wisdom to solve it, but we must not use brute force! 】

[Missiles must be made!Even if you don't want to be as good as Dongfeng 41, you should at least be close to the militia. 】

[The biggest difficulty first is the fuel used for combustion.To make missiles, the burning efficiency of coal is far from enough. 】

[I am on this land again, continuing to look for more efficient fuel. 】

[At the same time, I also made two preparations and built some shelters underground. 】

[After all, I am not sure whether the combination of missiles and nuclear weapons can deal with the disaster that wiped out the dinosaurs. 】

[Let’s build some shelters deep underground. I hope my pets won’t be shocked to death by then. 】

【But at least, as the master, I tried my best.】

The more the First Emperor read the Book of Immortals, the more nervous he became.

Heavenly beings have made a lot of preparations to deal with the catastrophic disaster that will happen millions of years later.

And each of these methods shocked the First Emperor!

Building a habitat tens of feet below is simply something that cannot be accomplished by human power.

Only beings like heavenly beings can act in such miraculous ways.

The next day, early in the morning.

Because Li Si heard in the court yesterday that Xunzi was coming to Xianyang, he was worried for a whole night and did not rest.

Although, when the Palace of Heaven, Man and Earth appeared, he accompanied the First Emperor to practice the magic of immortality all night long.

Li Si already has enough experience of staying up late.

But this time it was different. Because of the panic in his heart, Li Si worried about this whole night.

He didn't know how to face Xunzi, and was especially afraid that Xunzi would confront him about Han Fei's affairs.

Just thinking about the scene of meeting Xunzi, Li Si felt a chill in his heart.

Because of the fear all night long, Li Si's face looked haggard, as if he had aged several years all of a sudden.

Li Si was walking in the courtyard of the mansion. It was not yet time for the morning court.

Li Si glanced at his huge mansion. This was the glory he had earned by ruthlessly getting rid of his fellow juniors back then.
Although, Li Si never felt that he had done anything wrong.

But the name 'Han Fei' has become a taboo in his heart.

No one would mention this name in front of Li Si.

At this moment, a servant came to Li Si and reported:

"Prime Minister, Xunzi estimates that he will arrive in Xianyang in two days."

As soon as these words came out, Li Si's eyes, which were slightly narrowed due to fatigue, immediately widened!
"What?! Master came so quickly!"

"This...what should I do about this!!!"

In an instant, Li Si, who was already worried, became even more panicked.

The brows were furrowed on his tired face.

I don’t know how to face Xunzi’s accountability.

When Li Si walked into the court with a feeling of panic and uneasiness.

More than half of the civil and military officials had already arrived, but because the First Emperor had not yet arrived, some ministers gathered together in groups to discuss with each other some recent major events.

After all, Li Si was the prime minister of the dynasty. As soon as he appeared, he immediately attracted the attention of many ministers.

(End of this chapter)

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