In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 51: Two moons in the same sky, unlimited opportunities! ! !

Chapter 51: Two moons in the same sky, unlimited opportunities! ! !
When Shi Nongling saw Li Si's face full of fatigue, he couldn't help but stepped forward and said with concern:

"Your Majesty, the Prime Minister, is indeed a role model for all officials in our empire!"

"Such a concern for the country and the people really makes me admire him."

Li Si, who was still thinking about how to deal with Xunzi, raised his head and looked at Shi Nong Ling inexplicably.

I don’t know what’s wrong with this guy, why he comes out to compliment me when he has nothing to do.

Shi Nongling didn't notice that Li Si's expression was abnormal, and he still said to himself:

"I think I am responsible for those magical seeds of heavenly beings, so the pressure from His Majesty is strong enough."

"But when I think about how those miraculous crops can benefit people all over the world, I feel full of energy!"

After saying this, Shi Nongling looked at Li Sid with great admiration and said:

"But the Prime Minister is so worried about the country and the people without any pressure from His Majesty!"

"With such a haggard look and such an official attitude, it's no wonder His Majesty trusts the Prime Minister so much."

After Shi Nongling said this, Li Si finally understood.

After all, the tired look on his face was a little too obvious after he had been worried all night.

At this moment, in addition to the seasonal farming orders, several other courtiers spoke out.

Let Li Si put his health first and remember not to worry too much about state affairs.

Li Si listened to the admonitions around him and had no intention of explaining anything.

He could only respond vaguely:

"Hey, heavenly beings and miracles have appeared frequently recently, and every one of them is enough to cause great changes in the world."

"As the Prime Minister of Great Qin, I should think about the overall situation of the empire!"

"So much so that the spirit is a little overdrawn, which is really something that can't be done."

These words came out and attracted the admiration of many ministers.

Li Si could only quietly wipe the sweat from his forehead.

Let the ministers figure it out on their own.

We can't let Li Siyan say that he was worried about Xunzi's accountability, and he was so worried that he stayed up all night.

On the general's side, Wang Ben heard Li Si's sonorous words.

Immediately shocked!

All I have to do is take out a notebook and take notes.

At this moment, Wang Ben only felt that it was no wonder that Li Si could rise from a white body to the position of Prime Minister of the Qin Dynasty.

Sure enough, Li Si really has merit when it comes to being an official!

When the First Emperor came to the court, all the civil and military ministers stopped chatting in an instant.

In an instant, left and right were separated.

The First Emperor glanced at the ministers, finally looked at Gong Shuqiu, and said:

"Mr. Gongshu, there was something about the counterfeiting of weapons and warships that day."

"How are you preparing?"

For the First Emperor, the most urgent thing at the moment was to imitate many of the creations of heaven and man.

In this way, the frontal combat effectiveness of the Great Qin Empire can be improved most intuitively!
Back then, Da Qin was able to wipe out Liuhe with its elite iron cavalry.

Today, Da Qin will use the weapons of heaven and man as the front to frighten Xiao Xiaoxiao everywhere.

Then use the armored warship as a spear to start the journey to dominate the world!

When Gongshu Qiu heard what the First Emperor said, he hurriedly went out to report:

"Your Majesty, there are drawings left by heaven and man as guidance, and there are ready-made weapons of heaven and man to confirm each other."

"Weichen has mastered all the casting techniques of Shenwu artillery and fire guns!"

"As long as we give Weichen enough life and the corresponding ore materials."

"Weichen estimates that within thirty days, hundreds of divine artillery cannons and thousands of fire blunderbuss can be built!"

When the First Emperor heard this, he was immediately overjoyed.

Zhensheng said:
"Okay! Once our Da Qin can mass-produce celestial weapons, the overall empire's combat power will definitely be qualitatively improved!"

"Li Si, you are responsible for coordinating the manpower of the Ministry of Works and fully cooperating with Gongshu Qiu to create this matter!" "The required craftsmen and money are at your disposal!"

Li Si immediately came out to take orders and said:
"The minister obeys the order!"

After arranging the casting of Shenwu cannons and fire guns, the First Emperor turned to Gong Shuqiu again.

Only touched by the gaze of the First Emperor, Gong Shuqiu suddenly felt a little panicked.

I knew that the First Emperor would definitely ask about the research progress of the armored warship.

Gongshu Qiu quickly went to plead guilty and said:

"Your Majesty, as for the armored warship, there are no detailed drawings."

"And the armored warship in the Weishui River is so exquisitely designed that I dare not dismantle it at will."

"Therefore, I don't have a clue about the armored warship yet, and I'm still working on it."

"Your Majesty, please punish me!"

The First Emperor looked at Gong Shuqiu's panicked expression, nodded slowly, and said:

"You don't have to be like this, Mr. Gongshu. Heavy maritime weapons such as armored warships are naturally more complicated to build."

"It makes sense to spend more time studying."

"This time, I won't blame you."

"But you must research the casting method of that heavy weapon at sea without damaging the armored warship!"

"Those artifacts are related to my Great Qin's subsequent big plans!"

Hearing this, Gongshu Qiu hurriedly promised again and again that he would speed up the research progress of the armored warship.

Strive to research the casting method of that heavy weapon at sea as soon as possible.


Xu Fu, the number one alchemist of the Qin Dynasty who was entrusted with the emperor's orders, was currently leading his men to sail on the boundless sea.

In order to search for overseas dragon beads, the ships used by Xu Fu were already the largest in the Qin Empire.

There was plenty of dry food on board, and it was obvious that we were preparing for a long-term plan.

On the deck, Xu Fu faced the sea breeze and looked at the boundless ocean.

A feeling of sadness slowly emerged in my heart.

The sea is boundless and there is no cover as far as the eye can see.

The boat floats on the water, and you can't help but feel a sense of confusion surrounding it.

There are roads everywhere, but I don’t know where to go
It's like looking at the vast starry sky for the first time when you were young.

The shocking feeling of fear in my heart cannot be expressed in words.

Xu Fu didn't know how long this journey would last, or even whether he could return to Daqin alive.

But Xu Fu's pursuit of the mysteries of heaven and man is even greater than Gong Shuqiu's desire for the study of things!

Even if there is an abyss ahead, he will jump down resolutely!
Just for that moment of enlightenment!
Under the bright moon, the entire sea was illuminated transparently.

Xu Fu couldn't help but sigh:

"We have arrived at the coast of the Bohai Sea. I hope to find traces of the dragon beads here."

"The moonlight is so bright tonight. It seems that I haven't seen such a bright moon for a long, long time."

"Huh?! No!!!"

Xu Fu, who was sighing at the endless sea, finally noticed something unusual when he looked up at the moon!

There is only one bright moon in the dark night. This is common sense that even children know!
But in the sky at this moment, on the side of the high-hanging bright moon, another red shadow faintly appeared!

Xu Fu's eyes immediately showed an extremely frightened look.

The red shadow became clearer and clearer in a few breaths.

In an instant, it turned into a blood moon!
Like a blood moon made of blood!
"Two months have the same day! This is two months with the same day!!!"

"A vision that has never happened before!"

“What is going to happen in this world???”

(End of this chapter)

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