In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 57: Is there an ancient vicious beast sealed in the vicious city under the sea? ! ! !

Chapter 57: Is there an ancient vicious beast sealed in the vicious city under the sea? ! ! !
The First Emperor's eyes instantly flashed with a sharp color, and he said majestically to the soldier who was delivering the message:

"Undersea underground palace?! How did this underground palace appear?"

The soldier who sent the message was glared at by the First Emperor, and he felt a surge of imperial majesty coming towards him.

Report quickly:
"Your Majesty, on that day the two moons were in the same sky, under the light of the blood moon."

"All the seawater on the coast of the Bohai Sea turned into boiling blood!"

"Amid a roar like a giant beast, an underground palace filled with ferocious aura rose from the bottom of the sea."

"Echoing the blood moon, a fierce aura shoots straight into the sky!"

"At this moment, Master Xu Fu is on the shore of the Bohai Sea, waiting for His Majesty's decision."

After the soldier told the detailed situation.

There was a chaotic discussion in the entire court.

That night, a blood moon appeared in the sky, like a ferocious evil eye cracking open in the night sky.

Everyone saw those visions.

But no one expected that the blood moon would actually summon a terrifying palace from the bottom of the sea.

The three great sages Beimingzi, Guiguzi, and Xunzi also frowned, and they all speculated on what the palace that emerged from the bottom of the sea represented.

The First Emperor also felt that things were out of control, and his sharp sword-like eyes scanned the civil and military officials.

The chaotic discussion in the court hall immediately disappeared.

The First Emperor looked at Beimingzi, Guiguzi, and Xunzi again, and slowly said:

"Three of them are all the most knowledgeable among all the scholars."

"What do you think of the underwater palace summoned by the blood moon?"

After the three were asked, Bei Mingzi thought for a moment and took the lead in saying:
"Two moons in the same sky is an unprecedented phenomenon, but one of them is a blood moon, which represents an ominous sign."

"There is most likely a great evil hidden in that palace that emerges from the deep sea!"

"In the past, heavenly beings sealed some strange monsters."

"I'm not sure whether that deep-sea underground palace is one of the sealed places."

Afterwards, Guiguzi also said:

"No matter whether there are monsters from ancient times sealed in the deep sea palace."

"But there is a fierceness surrounding it, and there must be many dangers inside."

"No matter what, we can't underestimate it."

Immediately afterwards, Xunzi gave everyone a different view.

Xunzi said to the First Emperor:

"The underground palace hidden deep under the sea must have been created by heaven and man."

"With heaven's means, if a seal is left, there will be no way for the monster to escape."

"Besides, this moment is already thousands of years away from the ancient times."

"Even if the demon beast lives for a long time, it will never survive until this point."

"Perhaps, the lingering evil energy does not come from the underground palace itself."

"But no matter what, we should carefully explore this underground palace floating on the bottom of the sea."

"There may be other divine objects left by heavenly beings among them."

After hearing this, the First Emperor's eyes flickered for a moment, and he immediately turned to the general and ordered:
"Meng Tian! I order you to lead one hundred thousand black-armored soldiers and go to Bohai immediately!"

"No matter what is in the deep sea underground palace, I have to find out."

"If there is something invincible and dangerous, remember to report it to me, so as not to lose your life in vain!"

As soon as the First Emperor issued this order.

Meng Tian, ​​who was on the general's side, immediately came out and knelt down on one knee, shouting:
"Last general! Please obey my emperor's order!"

Meng Tian just finished speaking.

Xunzi, Bei Mingzi, and Guiguzi immediately spoke up and wanted to go to the coast of the Bohai Sea together.

Even the Xingyue God of the Yin Yang family is asking for orders to go with him at this moment.

Regardless of whether there are monsters remaining in the deep sea and underground palace, or there are other inheritances from heaven and humans.

It has a huge attraction for the remaining sects after these heavenly beings!

When the First Emperor heard this, he immediately approved it.There are masters from Tianzong, Confucianism, Strategist, and Yinyang families accompanying them.

Presumably, the group in the Deep Sea Underground Palace will be much safer.

Furthermore, they also know many secrets of heaven and man, which are also of great help in exploring the deep sea and underground palaces.

A dangerous undersea city appears on the shores of the Bohai Sea, so the matter is too serious.

Under the emperor's order, Meng Tian immediately mobilized [-] black-armored soldiers from around Xianyang and rushed to Bohai.

The momentum created by such a large army was extremely huge!
The various forces entrenched in Xianyang became suspicious when they saw the Qin Empire making such a big move.

They were afraid that the First Emperor's deployment of troops on such a large scale was because he wanted to take action against them.

Especially the people of the Mo family, under the order of the giant, countless spies were constantly rising and falling in the shadow of Xianyang.

Trying to find out why the First Emperor mobilized troops on such a large scale.

Although many spies didn't figure out what exactly Meng Tian wanted to do with his army, they at least figured out the destination of Da Qin's army.

The coast of Bohai Sea!

It was also discovered that Bei Mingzi, Guiguzi, and Xunzi, three great sages among the hundreds of scholars, also followed Meng Tian's army to the coast of the Bohai Sea this time.

At the end, when the information was gathered into the hands of the Mohist giant.

As soon as Juzi saw the content clearly, he was instantly furious and gritted his teeth and said:

"Damn it! Bei Mingzi, Guiguzi, and Xunzi are three old men!"

"You actually chose to work for the violent Qin Dynasty! Have you forgotten that your family is from heaven?"

When he saw Bei Mingzi, Guiguzi, and Xunzi, they also followed Meng Tian to the coast of the Bohai Sea.

Juzi immediately realized that these three people were probably just like Gongshu Qiu, and they all chose to join forces with Qin!

At this moment, the giant felt that thunder, anger, and lightning filled his chest, and even his hair and hair were bulging because of his sudden change of mood!

Under the gloomy clouds on his face, Juzi spent a lot of effort to suppress the anger in his heart.

He looked up and stared at Xianyang City, the center of power of the Qin Empire.

The giant's eyes were as cold as iron, and he said solemnly:

"You Tianzong, Confucianists and politicians are willing to be driven by Yingzheng for the sake of the gods and gods in his hands!"

"Then I, the Mo family, will come under the cauldron to draw out the salary!"

"Take away all the gods, humans and gods from Ying Zheng's hands, so that you can deeply feel the pain of betrayal!"

"Celestial beings and divine objects should belong to us, the Queen of Celestial Beings!"

"Ying Zheng is so virtuous and capable that he dares to blaspheme the gods and gods!"

The Mohist tycoon knew that the heavens, humans and gods were in the hands of the Qin Dynasty, and the First Emperor would definitely be able to use them as bait to attract people from hundreds of schools to join the Qin Dynasty.

Feeling the current situation, the giant decided to take a dangerous move and directly steal the heavenly and human artifacts owned by Da Qin.

Only by seizing all the heavenly beings, gods and objects can the current rigid situation be broken in one fell swoop.

The next moment, the Mohist giant issued a secret order to secretly contact the Mohist disciples lurking in Xianyang City.

He also summoned many leaders of the Mo family to come to Xianyang City together to carry out this dangerous move!
Zhangtai Palace.

A sinister city floated up from the bottom of the sea, which finally made the First Emperor feel uneasy.

However, Meng Tian was simply asked to lead his army there, and three great sages were there to help him.

The First Emperor thought about it, even if there were still ferocious beasts in the underground palace floating on the seabed.

With the strength of Great Qin's troops on the coast of the Bohai Sea, it seems that it can protect itself.

As long as we can find out clearly, the details of the underground palace under the sea.

After the heavenly weapons were mass-produced.

The combat effectiveness of the entire Great Qin Empire will be greatly improved to a new level!
By then, even in that underwater underground palace, there will still be ferocious beasts alive.

Under the volley of hundreds of divine cannons, the dragons were also killed by the Qin soldiers!

But what the First Emperor was most worried about was not whether there were alive ferocious beasts in the underwater underground palace.

What he was worried about was that this floating underwater underground palace was just a sign of a catastrophic disaster.

If disasters from heaven and earth come to the world before heaven and man come into the world, the Qin Dynasty will never be able to protect the people of the world.
Thinking of this, the First Emperor took out the Book of Celestial Beings again, trying to find some traces in it.

(End of this chapter)

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