In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 58: Compared with the heavenly beings, I am still kind! ! !

Chapter 58: Compared with heaven and earth, I am still kinder! ! !
【Time is like water, years are like a shuttle.The Cretaceous period finally ended, and when I opened my eyes again, it was already the Paleogene period. 】

[After all, the gears of fate will never turn back. When the last disaster of the Cretaceous Period struck, the old era ended.]

[However, my many preparations still had a certain effect, and my pets still survived a lot. 】

[Of course, only the species has been preserved.The army of dinosaurs following me now are all descendants of the Cretaceous group. 】

[I am also full of interest in exploring the new era. 】

[Stepping onto the same land, I feel how unplastic nature is in different eras. 】

[Because the air composition has changed, the vegetation in the Late Archaic Period is far less developed than in the Cretaceous Period. 】

[At least, from a physical point of view, that’s the case. 】

[Because the vegetation is no longer as tall as before, the herbivores of the new era have become smaller. 】

[A body like Diplodocus, which is as big as a hill, would not have existed in the recent past. 】

[Because the grassroots vegetation of the food chain has changed, the food chain of the entire planet has undergone drastic changes! 】

[In the recent ancient times, mammals have completely stepped onto the stage, and reptiles have become the overlords of this planet. 】

[As far as the eye can see, all the beasts running rampant on the ground are beasts running on all fours! 】

[There are saber-toothed tigers with fangs as sharp as sword blades, and mammoths as big as mountain valleys. 】

[In the forest, the diversity of species is even more exaggerated. 】

[I actually saw a devil frog that was taller than a human! 】

[It’s so ugly, it’s so ugly that I feel chills in my heart.It’s like a toad, magnified a thousand times, still jumping around in front of you]

[I was so angry that I slapped it, and the super giant toad was turned into blood mist by the wind of my palm. 】

[Sure enough, this era is the peak period of reptilian species. 】

[Ancient centipedes are thicker than my thighs.The ferocious look made me think it was the primary form of an alien. 】

[Hey, I want to keep some reptiles as pets in this era.But whenever I see such a ferocious face, I can't help but want to slap it into powder! 】

[While walking in the forest, I suddenly discovered a swimming 'stream'. When I got closer and took a closer look, I realized that it was actually a snake! ! ! 】

【Good guy!In this era, the only snake that can grow to such a size is the legendary Titanoboa! 】

[Looking at the waistline as thick as a water tank, the ferocious head that is almost half the height of a person, and the body that can’t be seen from the head, winding straight into the depths of the jungle. 】

[My collecting addiction has returned. I treat a Titanoboa of this size as a pet. Although it is a bit strange, it is definitely domineering enough. 】

[Looking at Titanoboa showing its malicious vertical pupils at me, I decided to act according to the old rules and slapped Titanoboa’s ferocious head. 】

[The figure of Titanoboa flying upside down directly crushed a tree.When I was smiling, I was ready to teach this giant python the rules of being a pet. 】

[I didn’t expect that this guy, even half-dazed by my slap, would dare to turn around and bite me. 】

[A bloody storm swept through the forest, and I directly reincarnated this titan python. I hope it can learn how to be a pet in its next life. 】

[I walked around in the primeval forest again and found the equally huge Titanoboa.But without exception, even if I suppress it with an iron fist, this giant python still remains untamed!Perhaps because of being cold-blooded animals, pythons simply cannot accept instructions. 】

[Looking at Titanoboa’s appearance that snakes will never be slaves, I decided to let them be food. 】

[After trying various ways to cook various parts of Titanoboa.I suddenly discovered that the snake gallbladder of Titanoboa actually has great medicinal power! 】

[After I roasted some large snake gallbladders and ate them, even with my current physical condition, I felt energetic and energetic! 】

[The terrifying medicinal power of Titanoboa snake bile suddenly gave me an idea. 】

[With a little processing of this snake gallbladder, I'm afraid I can refine the elixir of longevity. 】

[Although I don’t have any use for that stuff, it’s a good choice for my pets to take. 】

The First Emperor only saw the three words 'Eternal Life Pill', and his breathing suddenly became a little rapid.Especially when you see a heavenly being, you want to feed the immortality elixir to your pet.

The First Emperor wished he could be the pet of a heavenly being!
Although the First Emperor insisted on practicing the magic of immortality every day, it was only to the extent of extending his life. There was still a long way to go before he could reach the realm of true immortality.

And if the heavenly beings can successfully refine the snake gall of the Titan python into an elixir of immortality.

It is very likely that there is an elixir of immortality somewhere in the miraculous place in the world!

In an instant, a bright light burst out from the eyes of the First Emperor, and he focused all his attention on the Book of Immortals.

I want to find out from it the location of the elixir of longevity.

In front of the desk in Zhangtai Palace, the First Emperor's eyes were shining brightly.

Staring at the book of gods and beings in front of him.

[To refine the elixir of immortality, the courage of the Titan Python alone is not enough.I thought about it, since the snake gallbladder of Titanoboa can have such terrifying medicinal power.Then the materials on some other ancient giant beasts must have the same effect! 】

[In this way, in order to gather the materials for refining the Immortality Pill, I started the process of pushing all the way]

[Animals like devil frogs and giant centipedes are too ugly and are not worthy of providing materials for immortality pills. Shoot them to death! 】

【Um? !A spider bigger than a boar?You lose your appetite just by looking at it. It is definitely not suitable for refining the Immortality Pill. Shoot it to death! 】

[Hiss~ A flying insect as big as a pterosaur? !It doesn't look like it can produce honey. Can an inedible animal be used to refine the elixir of longevity?Must be shot to death! 】

[During my medicinal collection, almost all the animals in the primeval forest were killed! Apart from running into a few Titanoboa and taking out a few large lumps of snake gall, the amount of medicinal materials collected was completely insufficient. .]

[When I came to the river, I discovered an ancient salamander!Good guy, this size is almost as big as that of a mammoth!It looks appetizing, so it must be a good material for refining immortality elixirs! 】

[In addition to ancient salamanders, I also found prehistoric giant crocodiles in places with water sources! 】

[Recalling the taste of crocodile meat, I immediately felt that the prehistoric giant crocodile was definitely qualified to provide materials for refining the elixir of immortality! 】

[After collecting information on Titanoboa, ancient salamanders, and prehistoric crocodiles, I turned my attention to the animals I wanted to eat the most. 】

[Mammoth tusks, woolly rhinoceros horns, saber-toothed tiger bones, I didn’t leave behind any of these precious materials. 】

[Just like this, while collecting materials and eating meat with the spirit of not wasting it, I almost killed myself all the way through this land. 】

[Under my invincible attitude, all the prehistoric beasts across the land began their great migration. 】

[They are all running towards the ocean. It looks like they want to imitate the Bucky Whale.When he couldn't roll anymore on the road, he went to the sea to beg for food. 】

[Especially Titanoboa, its winding and crawling speed is so fast. It’s a pity, the python meat is delicious, and the snake’s gallbladder is still a good supplement.]

[In order to prevent these prehistoric creatures from being completely extinct, I let them go and let them go to the sea to make a living. 】

Seeing this, the First Emperor's eyes widened in disbelief!
Only the word "cruel" can describe the methods of heavenly beings.

These prehistoric creatures, with the exception of Titanoboa, have not been described too much in terms of body shape.

But as soon as the First Emperor thought of it, the Titanoboa was as thick as a water tank and its head was as tall as a person.

That length is probably about thirty feet away.

A giant python of this size is almost turning into a dragon!
If the Great Qin Empire wanted to contend with such ferocious beasts, it would have to recruit nearly [-] elite soldiers!
Even in the First Emperor's mind, Great Qin's bows and arrows might not be able to penetrate the scales of this titan python.

Only by dispatching elite cavalry and charging with thousands of horses can we defeat such a terrifying giant python.

As for the heavenly beings, just by strolling in the courtyard, they frightened the prehistoric ferocious beasts across the entire continent and caused them to migrate.

With such invincible courage, the First Emperor can only be said to be worthy of the power of heaven and man!
"Compared to heavenly beings, human beings are still kinder."

"In the territory of Great Qin, I at least gave the remnants of the Six Kingdoms a chance to survive."

"But the heavenly beings killed all the ferocious beasts that roamed the land and ran them into the sea."

(End of this chapter)

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