In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 60 There must be an elixir of immortality in the evil city under the sea! ! !

Chapter 60: There must be an immortality pill in the evil city under the sea! ! !

The First Emperor could not imagine it.

Anyway, after reading the immortal book for so long, he has never found any opponent that cannot be defeated by a single punch from the heavenly being.

"This haloed gentian must be considered an inner elixir."

"The immortality elixir made by the gods using the inner elixir of the dragon! I don't know how effective it is."

"Furthermore, with so many immortality pills, will people leave a few of them in the world on that day?"

Thinking along this line of thought, the First Emperor suddenly became full of hope again!
He hurriedly continued to read the book of immortals, wanting to see how the immortals dealt with this new batch of immortality pills.

But the First Emperor discovered that Tianren did not mention this matter again in his subsequent self-report.

Suddenly, the First Emperor felt a heart-wrenching feeling.

It's like when you were young, you met a stunning beauty, and in the blink of an eye, the beauty disappeared.

Even though the First Emperor's character was the best in the world, it was also fluctuating at this moment.

Since there is no trace of the Immortality Pill, I can only imagine in my heart how good the effect of the Immortality Pill can be.

"The elixir of longevity refined from the ferocious dragon inner elixir above the ocean should be enough to reshape a person."


Suddenly, the First Emperor's expression changed slightly.

Faintly, he seemed to have thought of some extremely important information!

Under the flickering candlelight, the First Emperor's eyes flickered uncertainly, and his face was full of thinking.

When he linked the heavenly beings on the ocean, killing the dragon and taking out the dragon beads, with the underwater underground palace that emerged on the shores of the Bohai Sea.

Suddenly, it was like a bolt of lightning struck in my mind!
In an instant, the First Emperor suddenly stood up, feeling like he was looking for him thousands of times among the crowd, but when he looked back, the man was in the dim light. 'The feeling spread throughout the whole heart of the First Emperor!
"The heavenly beings slaughtered many dragons overseas, and even tore apart ferocious dragons with their own hands!"

"Could it be that the sea area where heavenly beings caused massacres in ancient times is the same area on the coast of the Bohai Sea today?"

"Then in that underground palace that emerges from the bottom of the sea, what will the gods leave behind?"

"If the gods still have unused immortality pills, they will definitely leave some there."

In an instant, the First Emperor's eyes were as bright as bright stars!

The First Emperor's coveting of the elixir of immortality made him more and more determined in his views!
"As Taiyi God said before, it is recorded in the ancient books of the Yin Yang family that overseas divine dragons are pregnant with dragon beads."

"Presumably the so-called divine dragon is the descendant of the fierce dragon that the gods slaughtered in ancient times!"

"I have been longing for the Immortality Pill made from the Dragon's Inner Pill for a long time!"

The next moment, a sharp light appeared in the eyes of the First Emperor, and he said solemnly behind him:

"Zhang Han! Go to the coast of the Bohai Sea immediately!"

"Xiang Mengtian and others stated that there is a high possibility of an immortality pill in the underground palace under the sea!"

"If there is any trace of the Immortality Pill in the underground palace."

"Even if there is still a living fierce dragon stationed in the underground palace, I still have to bring the longevity pill back to Xianyang for me!"

At this moment, the First Emperor was determined to obtain the Immortality Pill!
No one can stop him from getting the treasure he has been craving for his whole life!
In the shadows, a figure of Zhang Han appeared kneeling on one knee and respectfully said to the First Emperor:
"Follow my emperor's orders!"

The coast of Bohai Sea.

Meng Tian, ​​Bei Mingzi, Xunzi, Guiguzi, Xingyue Shen and others arrived here.

Behind him were a hundred thousand black-armored soldiers in full formation.

When they arrived here, they were immediately shocked by the underwater underground palace that occupied their field of vision.I saw an extremely majestic palace standing in the sea, as if there was a giant hand supporting the palace under the vast sea.

Countless ferocious beasts are carved around the palace. On the top eaves, there is a ferocious dragon with black blood eyes, dominating the endless sea.

Because the carved dragon was so lifelike, everyone looked at it in surprise, as if the dragon was forcibly sealed in the underground palace.

The mouth opened to its maximum extent, like a faint scream of despair.

The entire underground palace, just from the outside, makes people feel like an evil spirit is rushing straight into their hearts.

Even the surrounding sea water is subconsciously avoiding this underground palace.

Such a miraculous craftsmanship, but the palace was filled with evil spirits, only a few people were shocked for a long time, and they didn't come back to their senses.

"General Meng, you are finally here."

"I'm here, I've been waiting for reinforcements for a long time."

Just as a few people were digesting the shock in their hearts, Xu Fu came over with someone.

The ship used by Xu Fu to go to sea is now docked on the shore.

As soon as Xu Fu saw a few people around Meng Tian, ​​his face became more excited!
The arrival of the Xingyue God of the Yin Yang Family was within Xu Fu's expectation.

But the existence of the three great sages Bei Mingzi, Guiguzi, and Xunzi was completely beyond Xu Fu's expectation!
You know, the underground palace that emerged from the bottom of the sea is now on the sea.

Even if the First Emperor sent an army of [-] to support, there would not be enough ships for the soldiers to conquer the underwater palace together.

The only advantage of the army is that it can seal off this area and prevent others from approaching the underwater underground palace.

If you really want to explore the underground palace under the sea, you have to be someone with strong martial arts skills.

As for Bei Mingzi, Guiguzi, and Xunzi, which one of them is not the strongest in their respective sects?
With these three strong supports, the certainty of exploring the underwater underground palace will be much greater.

Meng Tian and others came to their senses after hearing Xu Fu's words.

Dang even asked Xu Fu about the specific situation of this underwater underground palace.

Xu Fuyao looked at the palace not far away surrounded by sea water, showing a hint of fear, and said slowly:

"This underground palace that emerged from the bottom of the sea is not only menacing, but also extremely weird."

As soon as these words came out, they immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the room.

Meng Tian said doubtfully:
"Weird? What's so weird about this underwater underground palace?"

Xu Fu slowly exhaled a breath, faced everyone's eyes, and said:

"I previously thought that this palace was dragged to the surface from the bottom of the sea by some force."

"But it wasn't until I got ashore that I discovered it!"

"It's not that the palace floated out of the sea, but that a large area of ​​the sea was swallowed up!"

"Because the sea level dropped, this underwater underground palace appeared."

Having said this, Xu Fu pointed at the sea ahead with extremely horrified eyes, and said with a slight hint of panic:
"It's as if there is a huge mouth of the abyss under the sea, swallowing up all the endless sea water."

"Moreover, the swallowed sea water will be spit out again every fifteen days!"

"In another seven days, that giant mouth will swallow the sea water again!"

"Whenever the sea water is swallowed up, the seabed will erupt with a roar like a prehistoric beast."

"That kind of terrifying sound is enough to make people afraid to sleep."

(End of this chapter)

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