In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 61: Heaven and man use their lifelong learning to save the world! ! !

Chapter 61: Heaven and man use their lifelong learning to save the world! ! !

Meng Tian and others were all brought into that tense atmosphere by Xu Fu's description.

Even in the daylight, looking at the palace surrounded by evil spirits, and then thinking about the huge mouth of the abyss under the sea that can swallow sea water.

Everyone felt their scalps tighten for a while.

Meng Tian silently took a few deep breaths and said:

"No wonder. I just feel that the exposed flat land here seems to have been soaked by sea water all year round."

"It turns out that this piece of flat land has been soaked in sea water for countless years."

Speaking of this, Meng Tian looked at Xu Fu again and said:
"According to your opinion, the only time left for me to explore this underwater underground palace is these fifteen days?"

Facing Meng Tian's gaze, Xu Fu nodded heavily.

Thinking that time was running out, Meng Tian immediately ordered his black soldiers to block the entire Bohai Sea.

As for Meng Tian himself, he led a team of elites, including Xu Fu, Xing Yueshen, Bei Mingzi, Gui Guzi, and Xunzi, to board the warship and explore the underground palace under the sea.

The moment Meng Tian and the others stepped from the ship onto the underground palace.

I just felt a fishy smell coming towards my face.

Not the fishy smell of the sea, but the fishy smell of blood!
For a moment, everyone looked solemn as they explained.

On the left and right sides of the underground palace, there are huge pillars erected. Those pale pillars make people afraid to look directly.

Bei Mingzi looked at the pale pillars and frowned.

"The smell of blood is so strong here!"

"Everyone, we still need to be careful. This place gives me an extremely weird feeling."

After hearing Bei Mingzi's words, everyone became even more vigilant.

Enduring the smell of blood wafting around him, he stepped on the moss-covered ground and slowly walked towards the entrance of the underground palace.

Until he came to the gate and looked at the closed stone gate, Bei Mingzi's pupils suddenly shrank into needles!
A look of extreme horror appeared on his face!

He discovered where that strange feeling came from!
Bei Mingzi suddenly looked at the ground.

really!The ground is not made of stone bricks!
In an instant, Bei Mingzi felt as if he had been struck by the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder. After a tremor all over his body, a chill spread throughout his body.

He opened his lips slightly and slowly said to everyone:

"Everyone, it seems that what we are stepping on is not stone bricks."

As soon as Bei Mingzi said these words, Meng Tian frowned slightly.

I wondered in my heart: Does it matter whether it is stone bricks?
Even if you are walking on a gravel road, it has nothing to do with exploring the underwater underground palace.

Meng Tian was just about to say something.

Xu Fu said in horror:
"Is this the spine of a ferocious beast?"

As soon as Xu Fu said these words, everyone looked at the ground suddenly!
Sure enough, through the thin moss, the exposed ground was pale.

Moreover, the ups and downs at intervals are like the joints of the spine.

But, is there such a spine that is three feet wide in this world?
Everyone raised their heads numbly, and now looked at the pale pillars standing on both sides of the surrounding area.

Everyone immediately knew what this pale pillar was.
It turned out to be ribs that spread out to both sides from the spine they were stepping on! ! !
In an instant, even great masters like Xingyue Shen felt a great sense of fear in their hearts!
Everyone was stunned in front of the stone gate. Their ambition to open the stone gate and explore just now cooled down in an instant.
The few people in front of this stone gate are all top-notch experts in the world.

But before he could explore the underground palace at this moment, he was shocked by the path laid out by the skeleton of this giant beast.


Xunzi took several deep breaths and remembered the spirit of 'just do it if you don't accept it' in the Confucian classic "Luanyu"!

He gritted his teeth and said loudly:

"We are all here, so what if there are indeed living ferocious beasts in this underground palace?"

"If I hear the truth in the morning, I will die in the evening! No matter how dangerous the road ahead is, I can't lose the face of Confucianism!"

After saying this, Xunzi took the lead and strode forward.Afterwards, Meng Tian and others also got rid of the great fear in their hearts and followed one after another.

But Guiguzi frowned and said:

"Well, you were in the court that day."

"It seems to have explained the meaning of 'Heard the Tao in the morning and died in the evening.'"

"Using this classic saying here seems to be a bit unclear."

Everyone thought of the weird true meaning of the Confucian "Wang Yu", and for a moment all the fear in their hearts was dispelled by laughter.

Xunzi couldn't help but turn around and said expressionlessly:
"I also know where you Guiguzi lives!"

After this episode, several people worked together to slowly push open the door of the underground palace.

The door had just revealed a gap.


A smelly wind, like a ghost crying, came out of the crack in the door.

Everyone frowned subconsciously.

The smell of blood inside this underground palace is several times stronger than outside!
As soon as they stepped into the underground palace, they felt as if they were surrounded by blood.

Moreover, the action of pushing open the stone door seemed to have triggered a certain mechanism.

The oil lamps on the walls inside the underground palace were lit one after another.

What fell in front of everyone's eyes was a huge stone wall!

Many murals are carved on the stone walls with exquisite techniques.

When everyone walked in and took a look, they saw heavenly beings walking in the wind, standing in the void!
Underfoot is an endless abyss, surrounded by ferocious dragons that cannot be seen at a glance!
Led by a peerless ferocious dragon, those dragons surrounded the heavenly beings, as if ten thousand dragons would devour the sky in the next moment.

The next picture is directly of the heavenly being grabbing the neck of the fierce dragon with one hand and slaughtering the surrounding dragons with the other hand.

So in the end, the entire ocean abyss was filled with corpses of dragons.

"Hiss~~~This is the scene of heavenly beings slaying evil dragons and saving the common people!"

Xu Fu's eyes flashed, and he pointed at the mural and said loudly.

At this moment, the rest of the people were no longer in the mood to reply to Xu Fuzhi's words.

All of them were shocked by the contents of this mural.

The sight of heavenly beings slaughtering dragons with one hand only shocked their minds to the point of being overwhelmed!
In the underground palace under the sea.

As soon as Meng Tian and others opened the stone door, they saw such a shocking mural.

For a moment, everyone was a little shocked by the scenes depicted on the murals!

You must know that the ferocious beasts carved on the murals are all dragons that emerge from the abyss of the sea and can carry the wind for a short time.

In their opinion, this type of dragon is already a monster with magical powers!
Among them was the leader of a ferocious dragon with two horns, which had begun to take on the appearance of a real dragon.

You, a lineup that is enough to cause a world-ending disaster, were defused by heavenly beings using such brutal means.

How high was the human level that day? !

For a moment, everyone who saw the content of this mural was a little shocked.

Xunzi's eyes widened and he looked carefully at the scene on the mural where the heavenly being shattered several dragons with one punch.

He couldn't help but sigh and said:
"I finally understand why the most profound method of killing in "The Whisperer" is to torture one's own body."

"Ancestor Confucius would rather train his body to become a strong man nearly one foot tall."

"Don't choose the swordsmanship that best suits the style of a Confucian scholar."

"It turns out that in ancient times, gods used their fists to smash the dragons that were causing chaos in the world!"

(End of this chapter)

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