In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 62 The Heavenly Man actually lives in seclusion outside Xianyang! ! ! !

Chapter 62 The Heavenly Man actually lives in seclusion outside Xianyang! ! ! !

Although Xunzi was the highest-ranking person among Confucianists, he did not inherit the "confucian and powerful" image of Confucius.

This is all because Xunzi chose a sword that is more vivid.

But in the "Yu", it is clear that the method of body training is regarded as the strongest technique of Confucian martial arts.

But when Xunzi was studying martial arts in the past, he saw that every senior who practiced physical training had a body that was as powerful as a man's.

Xunzi, who first entered Confucianism when he was young, chose to follow the path of swordsmanship in order to maintain his slender and thin appearance. He would rather die than learn physical training.

Because he is now the highest-ranking person in Confucianism, he is not very clear about the gap between swordsmanship and body refining.

Therefore, over the years, Xunzi has never regretted inheriting the swordsmanship in "Luanyu".

Until this moment, Xunzi saw the heavenly beings at his fingertips, and directly used the terrifying power of his body to kill thousands of dragons.

When that big hand grabbed it, even the most powerful fierce dragon was like a dead snake.

As the body swelled, the entire ocean was littered with corpses, turning into a sea of ​​blood.

Xunzi then understood, what is the way of sword?
What's the point of being polite?
Only the path of strength is the foundation for establishing oneself in this world!
In an instant, Xunzi secretly made a decision!
After returning this time, you must find time to pick up the supreme body-training method in "The Whispering" again.

So what if he turns into a giant man ten feet tall?

After all, becoming stronger also comes at a cost.

Moreover, the ancestor Confucius was so "powerful", perhaps because his body training method did not reach the extreme.

Xunzi saw that in this mural, the figures of heavenly beings were also slender and thin, as if they were about to become immortals.

It must be a heavenly being who has mastered the body-refining method to a level that is unfathomable to ordinary people!

Guiguzi and Beimingzi were moved when they heard Xunzi's words.

Looking at Xunzi's face again, with a look of decision, he immediately understood something.

Guiguzi smiled at Xunzi and said:

"Hey! I see you are like this"

"Get ready to pick up your Confucian style again and become a giant man with muscles all over your body!"

"I'm just saying that you of the Confucian lineage are getting better and better at pretending."

"On weekdays, I like to pretend to be polite. Once I get into an argument with someone and my face turns red, I draw my sword faster than the Mo family can turn on their traps."

"You have to be a burly man with a sinister face. Your current appearance of a gentleman is not suitable for you."

Guiguzi thought of the stories of Confucian students fighting with others in the world.

People who come from Confucianism are extremely good at teaching others and like to argue with others.

Moreover, the appearance of a humble gentleman can easily confuse people.

No one could have imagined that a Confucian student who was logical and reasonable one moment would directly draw his sword at him the next moment.

If they are Confucian students, each of them has become the image of a sturdy man like before.

Those people in the world who have conflicts with Confucianism must be more defensive in their hearts.

Determined to never happen again, he was seriously injured by a Confucian student without even showing his weapon.

When Xunzi heard this, he said without taking it seriously:
"Hmph! A tough guy is a tough guy!"

"In ancient times, heavenly beings could easily destroy thousands of ferocious beasts purely by relying on the power of their physical bodies."

"From this point of view, among the many martial arts in the world, only body refining is the true avenue!"

"With power, why should I, a Confucian, be polite?"

"Can Sven be used as food?"

As soon as Xunzi said these words, Guiguzi was choked immediately.

The most important thing is that he can't refute it!
In the mural, the heavenly being was able to kill the dragons into pieces with one punch.

This shows how terrifying the physical power of heavenly beings is.

The most important thing is that in his Guigu lineage's inheritance, there is no body-refining method!This is what makes Guiguzi most uncomfortable.

"Ahem! You two, now is not the time to talk about this."

"Are we still in this weird and dangerous underground palace?"

"No one knows whether there are any ferocious beasts alive deep in this underground palace!"

Bei Mingzi's eyes moved slightly, admonishing Guiguzi and Xunzi.

The strong smell of blood here has never stopped from beginning to end.

Moreover, the way this underwater underground palace appears is also strange enough.

Coupled with the terrifying and huge skeleton outside the door, Bei Mingzi's heart was always surrounded by a sense of tension.

Meng Tian also frowned and said to everyone solemnly:
"Everyone, I don't know if you have noticed it."

"This underwater underground palace is surrounded by evil spirits, and it has been sleeping at the bottom of the sea for tens of millions of years."

"This feeling makes me feel like this underwater underground palace is like a prison!"

"Perhaps, in ancient times, the gods used this underground palace as a prison to imprison the ferocious beasts that caused chaos in the world!"

As soon as Meng Tian said these words, everyone in the room was filled with horror.

After thinking about it according to Meng Tian's thoughts, everyone suddenly realized that this evil city that appeared from the bottom of the sea really looked like a prison!
If it weren't for the sudden appearance of the blood moon in Cangming, and an unknown existence emerging from the bottom of the sea, swallowing up the entire ocean.

This evil city that has been soaked by sea water for tens of millions of years will never appear in the world at all!
In front of the mural, everyone suddenly fell into silence.

All I could think about was what if this underwater underground palace was really a prison.

Are the ferocious beasts imprisoned there still alive?
Although they ask themselves, they are already standing at the pinnacle of martial arts in this world.

But facing the dragon that can move across the ocean, he has no confidence at all!
In such a closed environment, even if a dragon charged out, they would have difficulty resisting it.

"Everyone, we have already entered the underground palace to explore, and it is useless to think about anything else."

"It's better to read all the murals here and then talk about other things."

Xingyue God's eyes flickered and his mouth opened slightly, breaking the tranquility in the room.

Everyone had no choice but to suppress their worries and focus on the mural in front of them.

The content of the subsequent murals is of heaven and man walking between heaven and earth.

It's just that this world is so vast, and with the span of tens of millions of years, no one can tell where exactly the heavenly beings are walking.

Under the baptism of time, the vicissitudes of life are no longer the same as they are now.

Although it is the same sky, it is no longer the same land.

At this moment, Xu Fu's eyes widened and he pointed in horror at the place where the heavenly beings rested on the mural.

He said loudly and extremely shocked:

"Everyone! Look at this place!"

"Is the place where heavenly beings inhabit the Turtle Snake Mountain outside Xianyang City?"

With Xu Fu's loud shout.

Everyone looked in the direction Xu Fu pointed.

Sure enough, I saw the heavenly man building a thatched cottage in a high mountain to live in seclusion.

The lower part of the mountain is like a huge arc-shaped turtle's back, while the upper part is winding and dangerous, like a big snake coiled on the turtle's back.

The Celestial Being's thatched cottage is built among the mountain peaks with extremely dangerous terrain.

Those desperate places have always been inaccessible places.

Meng Tian and Xingyue Shen, the more they looked at the master carving on the mural, the more they felt that it was exactly the same as the Turtle Snake Mountain outside Xianyang City!
In an instant, everyone's faces were filled with shock!

All the expressions are frozen on the face!
Heavenly being, he actually once lived in seclusion outside Xianyang City? !
(End of this chapter)

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