Chapter 63: Heaven made words!

Bei Mingzi immediately loudly confirmed to Meng Tian:
"General Meng, can you confirm?"

"Is this deep mountain where heavenly beings live in seclusion really just outside Xianyang City?"

After Beimingzi asked these words, Guiguzi and Xunzi also looked at Mengtian.

After all, the three of them have never lived in Xianyang City.He was far less familiar with the landforms around Xianyang City than Meng Tian.

Meng Tian still had a feeling of extreme horror in his eyes at this moment. After being silent for a long time, he made a shocking discovery to everyone!
"The mountain where the Heavenly Man lives in seclusion is indeed the Ghost Snake Mountain outside Xianyang City!"

"Moreover, I even know the approximate time when the heavenly beings live in seclusion."

As soon as Meng Tian's words came out, everyone felt shocked.

Guiguzi said in shock and confusion:

"What?! Does General Meng really mean what he said?"

"How did you infer from this mural the approximate time when the heavenly beings lived in seclusion?"

Facing everyone's doubtful glances, Meng Tian slowly said:

"I have determined since I was a child to follow my emperor and conquer the world."

"Therefore, Meng Tian has been familiar with all the mountains and terrains in the territory of Daqin since he was a child, just to prepare for future marches."

"The Ghost Snake Mountain outside Xianyang City was not like this during the Zhou Dynasty."

"According to ancient records, at the end of the Zhou Dynasty, divine thunder descended from the sky and struck the Turtle Snake Mountain."

"The power of the thunder was so powerful that it almost destroyed half of the Turtle Snake Mountain, leaving the upper part of the mountain to be the precipitous terrain it is today!"

After Meng Tian said these words, everyone's lips opened slightly, their pupils shrank, and they were extremely shocked.

The steep terrain of Guishen Mountain was actually formed at the end of the Zhou Dynasty.

Doesn’t that prove that heavenly beings lived in seclusion in Turtle Snake Mountain at least after the end of the Zhou Dynasty?
The end of the Zhou Dynasty was not that far away from today.
Everyone once again fell into a long state of silence in front of the mural.

At this moment, even though the smell of blood around them was still strong, they were in no mood to pay attention to it anymore.

All the contents taken from the murals shocked the mind.

At this time, Xu Fu said softly to everyone in an extremely nervous tone:
"Everyone, have you ever thought about something?"

"Is it possible that heavenly beings are still living in seclusion on Turtle Snake Mountain?"

As soon as Xu Fu said these words, it was like a thunder struck in the field where the needle could be heard!
Everyone’s eyes immediately widened to the maximum extent!

Tianren has been living in seclusion in Guishen Mountain outside Xianyang City? !
Watching the ups and downs of the world.

Watching the First Emperor kill all the way and unify this land of China.

Watching the new Qin Empire discover his miracles all over the world.

In an instant, the shock in everyone's hearts has reached its peak!
As long as they thought about this possibility, everyone even felt that it was not a terrible thing for a living beast to crawl in front of them from the depths of the underground palace.

Xianyang City, Zhangtai Palace.

The First Emperor held the fairy book and continued to watch the heavenly beings narrate their past.

[The Immortality Pill refined from the Dragon Dragon Pill is indeed powerful!After my pets ate these immortality pills, they all became powerful and fierce, vowing to cause chaos in the world. 】

[However, no matter how strong they are, they are still as well-behaved and sensible as puppies in front of me.I do keep them like puppies. 】

[In front of me, he is extremely well-behaved, but in nature, he is completely at the top of the food chain. 】【I gave them some education again, telling them not to kill too much when hunting, so as not to directly destroy the ecological balance. 】

[I don’t really want to create a race of immortal species.After the first batch of dinosaur babies were given immortality by me, their descendants would not have such opportunities. 】

【In this way, I spent a long time accompanied by many pets.】

[Until one day, I discovered a species that I had never seen before - ancient ape! 】

[The size of these ancient apes is completely incomparable to other ancient creatures.There are neither sharp claws nor thick canine teeth.He couldn't even walk upright. When he was running for his life, he was completely on all fours. 】

[Such a creature is completely at the bottom of the food chain in this era.]

[Seeing the ancient apes living such a difficult life, I still chose to take action.First, I decided to teach them to walk upright. 】

[Seeing that I killed dozens of saber-toothed tigers with one punch, these ancient apes were extremely afraid of me, fearing that I was a more powerful predator. 】

[Although they didn't know the language, they still saw from their friendly faces that I had no ill intentions. 】

[In front of them, I carefully demonstrated how to walk upright on two feet, and several smart apes quickly imitated my movements. 】

[I grabbed a stone and broke a tree in front of them again.He picked up a branch from the broken tree and smashed a large stone with this branch. 】

[The ancient apes that had just imitated my walking state also imitated my movements of using tools. 】

[It’s just that their power is not of the same dimension as mine.But at the very least, it gives them the concept of using tools. 】

[After teaching these smart apes the concepts of walking and using tools, I continued to live my life lying flat. 】

[The evolutionary path of ancient apes ultimately depends on themselves.If I interfere too much at this stage, maybe they will never evolve into human form. 】

[However, after learning to walk upright and use tools, the life of ancient apes has been greatly improved. 】

[Under the teachings of those smart ancient apes, all the ancient apes of a group began to walk upright.And when I go hunting, I either hold rocks or sticks! 】

[The most important thing is that they actually understood group hunting on their own! 】

[Good guy, except for species such as ancient giant crocodiles and mammoths that they can't break through.Even the saber-toothed tiger was chased and beaten by groups of ancient apes! 】

[Under my instruction, my dinosaur pets never hunted the ancient apes.Moreover, they would also hunt the largest ancient creatures around the ancient apes. 】

[With my help, the ancient ape has been promoted from the bottom of the food chain to the middle and upper levels.And outside the mountain forest where I lay down, there would often be ancient apes worshiping me. 】

[This kind of day will probably pass nearly a million years later.When I walked out of the forest again to check out those ancient apes.As expected, their once thick body hair has disappeared. 】

[The current 'ancient apes' can no longer be called 'apes'.Rather, they should be called 'savages'! 】

[After losing their hair, the savages still know how to wrap their bodies with leaves and animal skins to keep warm.But when the cold snow fell, they could only hug each other and shiver. 】

[I think it’s time to teach them how to make a fire! 】

[When they saw that I was coming out of the mountain forest where they worshiped day and night, they immediately knelt down in front of me in groups in surprise. 】

[The savage leader among them even took out a slate and handed it to me respectfully.I took a curious look and saw a figure carved with simple curves on it with hands slightly hanging.Next to that figure, a worshiping figure is outlined with simple curves. 】

[As I looked at the pictures on the stone slab, a word suddenly came to my mind—God! 】

[This group of savages has actually begun the most basic creation of words. 】

[Because I pronounced the word 'god', the leading savage also stumbled and imitated the pronunciation of the word. 】

[Not long after, the entire group of savages knelt in front of me and loudly praised: God! 】

(End of this chapter)

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