In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 64 The origin of human beings is actually related to heaven and humans! ! !

Chapter 64 The origin of human beings is actually related to heaven and humans! ! !

[Looking at the group of savages in front of me, such outstanding creativity.I couldn't help but think about other species in this world, especially my pets. 】

[Even my pets have taken the elixir of immortality and gone through the baptism of time.But when it comes to spiritual intelligence, compared with the ancients before us, there is still a gap as wide as the sky. 】

[I think, maybe this is a 'person'.The most extreme species in the evolutionary chain of species!The unparalleled intelligence makes all other weaknesses of this species disappear. 】

[Faced with the most perfect species derived from nature, I decided not just to bring them fire.Perhaps language and farming can also be taught to them. 】

[It is extremely simple to give them fire.I just demonstrated the process of drilling wood to make fire a few times in front of them.Seeing the burning flames, several smart savages imitated it on the spot. 】

[When the savages successfully used drilled wood to make fire and burned a huge bonfire.I can be regarded as bringing the light of fire to the cold world of the savages. 】

[But teaching them the process of farming and language is extremely troublesome! 】

[After all, farming is not about burying seeds in the soil and them taking root and sprouting immediately.It's like you can't drill wood to make fire, so you can demonstrate the entire process in a short time.All the savages were puzzled by my method of burying the seeds in the soil. 】

[However, I am the god in their hearts.They don't ask me why I do this.They just think, 'God' taught them to do this, so they do this! 】

[Looking at the savages, they carefully buried the seeds into the soil one by one.I think they will find the harvest of this farming after a while. 】

[The process of teaching them language is extremely complicated and boring.Because the belief in me in my heart has reached its peak.Ancient people would follow my pronunciation and slowly imitate it. 】

[When I have learned some common languages, I will leave the savage group. 】

[I think, since they can create the word 'god'.Relying on language, other words will slowly be created. 】

When the First Emperor saw this, his whole heart was already turned upside down, and he was so numb that he didn't know where he was.

In the eyes of the First Emperor, this self-narration of the heavenly man was simply a living myth!
"The savages must be the first human race."

"The human race turned out to be transformed step by step from ancient apes that grew hair and drank blood!"

The First Emperor's eyes were empty. If this was not what the gods themselves said, the First Emperor would not have believed it at all!
Apes are covered in fur. Although they are also extremely intelligent species, compared with humans, they are far behind.

And today, the First Emperor finally knew the deepest secret in human history!
Humans actually evolved step by step from the genus of apes.

Among them, if there were no heavenly beings, would there be humans in this world?
What would the world be like without humans?

The First Emperor did not dare to think about it any more, and his whole body was surrounded by great terror in his heart.

After taking several deep breaths, the First Emperor finally got rid of the heavy feeling in his heart.

"It turns out that it was the gods who created our human race."

After the First Emperor finished savoring this epic record,

With a more respectful expression, he looked at the content at the back of the Celestial Book.

[After the seeds buried in the soil took root and sprouted, the savages finally understood the beauty of farming. 】

[Furthermore, with the threat of torches, their efficiency in hunting beasts has become higher and higher!Coupled with the crops obtained from farming, the entire savage tribe no longer lacked food for a while. 】【In my observation, after solving the most basic needs of food and clothing.The savages began to move towards the most superior life again!Many large mammals have become prey for savages. 】

[Moreover, they actually learned to roast the meat before eating it without any teacher. 】

【In an extremely superior life, the competition begins. 】

[In order to get the biggest piece of meat, the savages often fight with fists and kicks.And he was extremely merciless, either biting or smashing rocks. 】

[At this time, I think it’s time to come forward. 】

[First, I standardized the food distribution system for them.The most elementary distribution according to work appeared. During each hunting process, meat was distributed according to the amount of effort.The fruits obtained from farming and picking are also distributed according to work. 】

[Secondly, I taught them the trading system.The most rudimentary barter system emerged, in which each other could exchange meat for crops that both parties were satisfied with.Or animal skin weapons and other useful things.The only criterion is that both parties must agree. 】

[After the emergence of the two systems of distribution according to work and barter for goods, the order of the entire savage tribe has been completely stabilized. 】

[Because of sufficient food and good order, the number of the entire savage group increased dramatically. 】

[The entire group is so large that this area is no longer enough for them to live in. 】

[The savages spontaneously spread their habitat around the mountain top where I live in seclusion as the center point. 】

[Looking at the savage tribe that has prospered to such an extent, I think it’s time to take that step. 】

[I divided the entire huge savage group into three tribes.In order to facilitate management, I selected the three strongest savages from the three tribes.They became the leaders of their respective tribes and governed their respective tribes. 】

[It was originally a chaotic and huge savage group. After it was organized as a tribe, it developed more and more prosperously under the jurisdiction of the three leaders I selected.They inhabit each other in three areas, and the cohesion of their respective tribes is extremely strong. 】

[At this time, it was already very inconvenient for the prosperous savage tribe to use the barter trading system. 】

[I then established a currency system. The most basic currency is a kind of shell that is extremely rare on the seaside. 】

[After using shells as the only currency, the transaction order of the three savage tribes became many times more efficient. 】

[The entire savage species has developed to this level and its social system is extremely developed. 】

[And I found that they created various symbols based on language. 】

[But except for the initial word 'god', these symbols are not expressive enough.As a result, some savages understand it, while others do not. 】

[Seeing this situation, I decided to help them again.The leaders of the three tribes were called to my side. 】

[I taught them hieroglyphics, using similar lines to outline the characters based on specific representations. 】

[Sure enough, these three leaders are still much smarter than other savages. 】

[After they understand the principles of hieroglyphics, I will stop teaching them.After the three of them returned to the tribe, they would naturally create a complete set of hieroglyphics on their own. 】

(End of this chapter)

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