In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 67: Heavenly Man is going to create an Immortal Qin where everyone is like a dragon and live

Chapter 67: Heavenly Man is trying to create an Immortal Qin where everyone is as immortal as a dragon! ! !

On Xianyang Palace Square.

Wang Ben looked at Gong Shuqiu's face, which was extremely excited.

The more I thought about it, the more envious I became.

After all, he couldn't restrain the desire in his heart, bowed to the First Emperor, and said respectfully:

"Your Majesty, this general has also shed blood for the empire and has the heart to serve the country. This is a lesson to be learned from heaven and earth!"

"Of course, the general is only a mortal after all. Even if he wants to wipe out the barbarians around the empire alone, he is still unable to do it."

"If Your Majesty also teaches the general, this heavenly treasure called the 'Leverage Principle', once the general develops his divine power, he will surely be able to lead his army to wipe out the barbarians around the empire!"

At this moment, Wang Ben perfectly expressed the pursuit of a military general who was shrouded in horse leather.

He looked like he could throw his life and blood at any time for the sake of the empire.

Of course, if the First Emperor can teach him the 'leverage principle' that can cultivate divine power, then Wang Beneng's role in the empire's society will be greater.

The First Emperor couldn't help but look at Wang Ben blankly. After staring at him for a long time, he glanced at the other civil and military officials.No one in the room showed any strange reaction to Wang Ben's words just now.

Only then did the First Emperor react, because he had just lifted the Nine Dragon Cauldron weighing [-] kilograms, which shocked all the civil and military officials too much!
So much so that they subconsciously ignored that they were borrowing tools.

Or maybe, in their opinion, this large wooden utensil does not add any bonus to strength.

They actually all regard the 'leverage principle' as a treasure that can cultivate divine power.
The First Emperor was silent for a long time, then he smiled strangely and cursed at Wang Ben:

"You idiot! This 'leverage principle' is not a magic technique for self-cultivation at all."

"It's a great avenue discovered by heaven and man between heaven and earth!"

"My own strength is no different from usual."

As soon as the First Emperor said these words, all the civil and military officials in the square were shocked again!
Everyone's eyes widened to their maximum size, with expressions of disbelief on their faces!
Just now, His Majesty directly lifted the Nine Dragon Cauldron, which weighed [-] kilograms, three feet above the ground right in front of their eyes.

But His Majesty said that his own strength was no different from usual? !
For a moment, everyone in the venue fell into deep thought.

They all thought about the mystery of the avenue called the 'Leverage Principle'.

After a while, among the civil and military officials, Li Si and Gong Shuqiu both raised their heads suddenly!Look at the tall wooden instrument standing next to the Nine Dragon Cauldron.

At the beginning, they all thought that His Majesty was concerned about their own image.He felt that pulling up his sleeves and robes and lifting the cauldron like a reckless man would undermine the emperor's majesty.

Only then did he create this tall wooden instrument, with the help of which he could lift the Nine Dragon Cauldron in a more elegant manner.

But according to what His Majesty just said, his own strength has not increased, and being able to lift the Nine Dragon Cauldron depends entirely on the 'leverage principle' of the Great Way of Heaven and Man.

So does this tall instrument contain the great path of heaven and man? !

Li Si immediately pointed to the tall wooden utensil in shock and said excitedly to the First Emperor:

"Your Majesty! Is this tall wooden instrument based on the 'leverage principle'?"

"Could it be that this ordinary instrument can amplify His Majesty's power dozens of times?!"

After Li Si's reminder, all civil and military officials discovered the key to the problem.

It is said that they were looking at the wooden utensil with an extremely ordinary shape.

This is a tool created according to the Dao of Heaven and Man. Does it really have the terrifying effect of amplifying the power of the human body dozens of times?

The First Emperor felt extremely proud when he saw the shocked expressions of the civil and military officials.

Yesterday, when he saw the "Leverage Principle" in the Book of Immortals, he was also shocked.

What shocked the First Emperor even more was that this 'leverage principle' was already the simplest one among the great ways recorded by heaven and man.

For the rest, such as the 'mass-energy equation', 'wave-particle duality of light', and the 'Yang-Mills equation', the First Emperor couldn't even understand them. He almost thought that compared with the ancient apes, he was only fifty-fifty. .

At this moment, seeing all the civil and military officials waiting for him to preach, the First Emperor finally regained his lost confidence!
The joy in his heart spread to his whole body, as if every trace of flesh and blood had a numbing feeling.It's like drinking a bowl of ice water on a hot summer day!
The First Emperor tried his best to keep his face calm, and slowly explained to everyone:
"This seemingly simple wooden utensil was made by borrowing the 'leverage principle' of the Great Way of Heaven!" "I really borrowed this wooden utensil to increase my own strength dozens of times, so that I can lift it." The one who built this Nine Dragon Cauldron."

"But there is one thing you are wrong about."

Having said this, the First Emperor's eyes burst out with two sharp rays of light, sweeping across the ministers.

"How can a tool created with the path of heaven and man be more than capable of increasing a person's strength dozens of times?"

"If you have the right tools, you can increase your strength ten thousand times or one hundred thousand times!"

"Even! With a mortal body, you can move the world here!"

As soon as the First Emperor said these words, all the civil and military officials fell into silence.

His eyes were full of shock.

Unconsciously, I looked at the heaven and earth, imagining what it would be like to move the heaven and earth with a mortal body.
The next moment, all the civil and military officials couldn't help but shout in shock!

Is the great road between heaven and man so magical? !

This is to teach all human beings in the world that everyone can become a saint!

All the civil and military officials were extremely excited, their faces turned red.

It can make everyone in China become a saint. What a vast avenue this is!

Are heavenly beings really so mysterious and mysterious that they cannot be fathomed? ! !
Li Si immediately suggested:
"Your Majesty, this avenue of heaven and man can be used to build the Great Wall!"

"This kind of equipment that can increase human physical strength can definitely reduce the construction period by half."

"The number of corvees required will definitely be much less. In this way, the people of the world will be able to have more people to plant the crops left by the gods."

Hearing this, the First Emperor nodded slowly.

He wanted Gongshu Qiu to go to Zhangtai Palace and tell him about the Great Way of Heaven and Man, which meant that he would let the other party cast utensils in batches.

Although the First Emperor had already intended to destroy the barbarians in the north.

But the Great Wall is not only used to defend against foreign enemies.

It is also a convenient thoroughfare for transporting grain and grass!

If we want to destroy the barbarians, the army must not lack food and grass.

The existence of the Great Wall can connect the granaries across Daqin, and is extremely efficient in transporting grain and grass!
Moreover, the Great Wall is also a symbol of civilization for the Chinese people. Is there any reason why it should not be repaired half way through?
The First Emperor looked at Gong Shuqiu and said:

"Gongshu Qing, the great road between heaven and man is extremely mysterious."

"When you arrive at Zhangtai Palace later, I will explain this 'leverage principle' to you in detail."

"After you understand this great path, you will be responsible for the casting of tools."

After Gong Shuqiu understood the mystery of the 'leverage principle', he was already extremely excited.

At this moment, hearing what the First Emperor said, he quickly said respectfully:
"Wei Chen, you must study hard all night long and understand all the 'Leverage Principle'!"

Now Gong Shuqiu is excited about accepting the teachings of the First Emperor on the Way of Heaven and Man.

At the same time, a sense of tension arose.

After all, the ultimate point of the 'leverage principle' can move the world!
This kind of heavenly road must be extremely complicated.

Even though Gong Shuqiu was proficient in all the tricks of the world, he felt a pressure in his heart for a while.

He was afraid that he would not be able to appreciate the Great Way of Heaven and Man in a short period of time, and would thereby disappoint the First Emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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