In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 68 A secret treasure is discovered in the Undersea City! ! !

Chapter 68 A secret treasure is discovered in the Undersea City! ! !
On the coast of the Bohai Sea, in the underground palace under the sea.

Meng Tian and others continued to observe the various contents related to heaven and humans on the murals.

Since it was discovered that at the end of the Zhou Dynasty, Tianren was still living in seclusion outside Xianyang City.

Meng Tian and others fell into a state of extreme excitement!
It is very possible that heavenly beings are still in the human world. This discovery is really encouraging to them.

Just when a few people were carefully studying every content related to heaven and humans on the murals.

Suddenly, Zhang Han led the elite of Black Ice Platform and entered the underground palace.

Meng Tian and others turned around when they heard the footsteps coming from behind.

Seeing that it was Zhang Han who was here, Meng Tian asked seriously:

"Zhang Han, why are you here suddenly?"

"Has your Majesty brought us any instructions?"

When Zhang Han entered the underwater underground palace for the first time, he was also struck with discomfort by the strong smell of blood around him.

Hearing Meng Tian's words, Zhang Han said seriously:

"Urgent news!"

"Your Majesty found in the Immortal Book of Heavenly Beings that Heavenly Beings killed many dragons in this sea area in ancient times!"

"Remove the gentian from the dragon's body and use magical powers to refine it into an elixir of immortality!"

"And there is most likely an elixir of immortality in this underwater underground palace that suddenly appeared."

As soon as Zhang Han said these words, it was like a nine-day divine thunder, hitting Meng Tian and others hard!

They had just seen the scene of heavenly beings slaying thousands of dragons on the mural.But they never expected that the heavenly being would actually take the gentian and refine the immortality pill! ! !

That many dragons are enough to refine countless immortality pills.

The dragon was originally killed here. If the heavenly beings still had unused immortality pills, they would most likely be buried deep in this underground palace!

In an instant, his mind was shaken, and his whole breathing became a little messy.

Who can be calm in the face of the legend that the First Emperor has longed for the Immortality Pill for half his life?
At this moment, whether it was Xu Fu, Xingyue Shen, Gui Guzi, Beimingzi, or Xunzi, there were some inexplicable colors in their eyes.

Under the excitement of his mind, even the true energy in his body began to circulate quickly on its own.

Zhang Han narrowed his eyes slightly when he saw the subtle changes in the people in front of him.

After Meng Tian was shocked, he also noticed something strange about the people around him.

Meng Tian's eyes suddenly widened, and two rays of fierce light that seemed to be real emerged from his eyes. In an instant, his whole body was filled with energy and blood, like a roaring river!

With a sudden burst of fighting spirit, Meng Tian jumped out and looked fiercely at Xu Fu, Xingyue Shen, Bei Mingzi, Guiguzi, and Xunzi.

Surprised and shouted:

"You guys, how dare you show such covetous looks?"

"The Immortality Pill! It is something that my emperor must obtain!!!"

"You guys, do you want to fight with my emperor?"

As Meng Tian thundered and roared, the muscles under the armor were as tight as rocks, and the big tendons were as winding as earthworms.

The long hair was aroused by the fighting spirit all over his body, and his face was full of solid murderous aura, like a demon god, looking at the expressions of several people.

As long as these five people in front of them show even the slightest thought they shouldn't have.Meng Tian would be like a fierce tiger, tearing apart the people in front of him!

Even if there are three among the five of them who are at the top of a hundred schools of thought, it is impossible for them to compete against the Qin Empire with one hundred thousand elites here!
Xu Fu, Xing Yueshen, Bei Mingzi, Gui Guzi, and Xu Fu were struck by Meng Tian's fierce aura.

He looked at Meng Tian, ​​who was like a demon in front of him, and Zhang Han, who looked extremely vigilant.

The five of them were all shocked and quickly put away all the thoughts they shouldn't have.

Today, who doesn't know how far the First Emperor's desire for the Pill of Immortality has reached?
If they were really greedy for the Immortality Pill, they would probably perish on the spot.Meng Tian and Zhang Han in front of them were the most ferocious in the world in terms of frontal fighting skills.

In addition to the [-] Great Qin armors outside the underground palace, even if they really grabbed the longevity pill, would they be able to get out?

In an instant, all five people showed bitterness.

Xu Fu said quickly:

"General Meng, our Yin Yang family has been tied to Da Qin for a long time."

"How can you be greedy at all for the Immortality Pill?"

Bei Mingzi, Xunzi, and Guiguzi also spoke one after another:

"Since we have chosen to serve Great Qin, we will naturally not be greedy for the Immortality Pill."

"Previously, I just suddenly heard such a sacred object, and my mind was agitated, so my breath was a little unsteady."

"We, as a few, would never dare to compete with His Majesty."

Meng Tian carefully looked at the expressions of several people and saw that there was no longer any trace of covetousness in their eyes.

He nodded slowly and said:
"That's good, if we can really find the elixir of immortality in the underground palace."

"Your Majesty will naturally not be stingy with other rewards."

"Besides, the underground palace here is both mysterious and secretive. There may be other magical powers left by heavenly beings in it."

When everyone heard this, there was a hint of expectation on their faces.

At the very front of this underwater underground palace are murals that record many secret deeds of heavenly beings.

In the depths of the underground palace, there may be magical powers and techniques left behind by heavenly beings.

Like the Palace of Heaven, Man and Earth at the Imperial Mausoleum on Lishan Mountain. Aren't Heaven and Man there, leaving behind the magic of immortality?
Naturally, they have no share in the immortality pill in the underground palace under the sea.But that magical power can be understood.

For a time, after Meng Tian joined the team, everyone began to explore the depths of the underwater underground palace with great expectations.

But the further they walked deeper into the underground palace, the more everyone discovered that the surrounding terrain was extremely strange!

The surroundings were full of stalagmites growing suddenly, and combined with the strong smell of blood around them, several people even felt as if they were walking in the mouth of a giant beast.

The towering stalagmites around it are the ferocious interlaced teeth of the giant beast.

Because of the strange surrounding environment, everyone felt nervous again.


Several people held their breath, and all they heard in their ears was the sound of their own footsteps.

Fortunately, there were still stoves around, so that the entire underground palace would not be completely dark.

But it is the various shadows reflected in this dimness that make the entire underground palace look even more weird.

After walking through the narrow stalagmite zone, the space suddenly became wider.

Everyone subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

They all scanned the huge palace area in front of them with curious eyes.

At this moment, Guiguzi found a stone platform next to him.

On the stone platform, there was also an instrument that seemed to be made of copper.

This device is like two polished round tubes, connected parallel to each other.

"Huh?! This creation is quite exquisite."

(End of this chapter)

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