Chapter 69 The Immortality Pill appears! ! ! ! !

Guiguzi curiously walked to the stone platform and carefully picked up the copper utensil.

Although he didn't know what the copper utensil was used for.But this is a place of miracles created by heavenly beings, and such exquisite instruments must have been created by heavenly beings.

Guiguzi held an instrument that looked like two copper pipes and looked at it carefully.

When he looked at both ends of the copper tube, he suddenly discovered that the copper tube was actually inlaid with colored glaze! ! !

Guiguzi thought that the mysterious crystals dug out of Bashu could still contain scenes from the past.

With a thought in mind, he held the copper utensil in front of him and looked at the glass in the copper tube with his eyes.I want to try to see if I can see fragments of the past years in this glass.

But when Guiguzi's eyes saw clearly the scene in the glass.All of a sudden!Guiguzi's eyes widened by three points!

Because of the extreme shock in his heart, Guiguzi subconsciously took a deep breath!
He quickly grabbed hold of the two connected copper pipes with both hands and moved them left and right.

Guiguzi's face also kept adjusting as the direction of the copper utensils changed.

Guiguzi's strange movements had already attracted everyone's attention.

Instead of sighing at the huge palace in front of them, several people came to Guiguzi and watched him holding the exquisite copper utensils and playing with them.

Xunzi wondered:

"Hey, you old guy, are you going crazy when you get something wrong?"

"Is there a beautiful woman dancing in these two copper pipes?"

"So much so that your body, which is nearly a hundred years old, has regained its youthfulness."

Gui Guzi ignored Xunzi's teasing. After taking off the copper utensils, everyone discovered that Gui Guzi had an expression on his face as if he had seen a ghost.

Guiguzi's eyes widened, he swallowed subconsciously, displayed the copper utensils in front of him, and exclaimed to everyone:
"This thing can actually spy on scenes thousands of miles away!"

"I just tried it, and I can see every detail of the palace in front of me!"

"Even the legs of a mosquito can be seen clearly."

As soon as Guiguzi said these words, everyone was stunned on the spot as if they were struck by thunder.

Like a gust of wind, Xunzi snatched the exquisite copper utensil from Guiguzi's hand and placed it in front of his eyes.


Objects in the distance can be seen in detail!
Moreover, there is a fine machine expansion at the connection between the two copper pipes.As long as you slightly turn the machine expansion, you can adjust the snooping distance.

After Xunzi took off the delicate copper pipe, he immediately showed a look of extreme horror and said in a loud voice:
"This thing is really like the legendary clairvoyance. It can spy on the scenery very far away!"

"Could it be that the gods imprinted their magical powers on this instrument???"

Such an incredible creation has exceeded everyone's imagination.

After everyone tried it and saw the wonder of this copper utensil, they all sighed repeatedly and became more and more in awe of the magical power of heaven and man.

If a heavenly being can see thousands of miles away, then it is nothing.

But it is terrifying enough for a heavenly being to imprint the magical power of clairvoyance on this copper utensil.

After Meng Tian carefully put away the celestial artifact, everyone began to explore the huge palace ahead with increasing anticipation.
In the huge underground palace, the first half is bloody and mysterious.

A large number of palaces actually appeared in the second half. In this silent space, the towering temples looked even more bizarre.

No matter how exquisite the shapes of these temples are.But as soon as everyone thinks about it, this palace has been buried deep in the endless ocean for tens of millions of years.When you are in this palace, you will always feel a strange feeling for no reason.

With the harvest of the previous 'clairvoyance' creation, no matter how weird the road ahead is.

Everyone also took firm steps and moved forward in the palace.

As the pace of several people quickened, a large open space gradually appeared between the palaces.Moreover, the open space seemed to have more lights, shining stronger light between the temples.

When everyone quickened their pace and resisted the open space.

Sudden!Everyone seemed to be frozen, like trees, frozen in place!
Everyone's eyes were wide-eyed, their energy and blood were spontaneously galloping like a fierce horse, and their heartbeats were speeding up!
In their eyes, a dozen figures appeared in the open space in front of them! ! !
There are actually human figures in this palace that has been buried deep in the abyss for tens of thousands of years!
What kind of person can survive in this mysterious palace for such a long time?
The terror that burst out in an instant made everyone stop subconsciously.

After a long while, Meng Tian slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air and said:

"Everyone, those figures should be stone statues."

"We don't have to be nervous and just move on."

As soon as Meng Tian said these words, the others frowned.

These people were all top-notch people in the world, but they were so shocked that they stood on the spot because of a few stone statues.

If this spreads out, I'm afraid it will bring shame to my family.

But it's no wonder they were so nervous. After all, this underwater underground palace was too weird.

From the moment they entered, there was a sense of tension surrounding them.

Several people came to the center of the open space and looked at the more than a dozen lifelike stone statues, marveling in their hearts.

The carving technique of this stone statue is also exquisite enough. Looking at this stone statue from a distance, it looks like a living person is standing.

"Huh?! This stone statue seems to be carved by my Taoist ancestor."

Bei Mingzi stared at one of the stone statues and said slowly.

As soon as these words came out, several other people hurriedly looked at these dozen stone statues carefully.

really!There are thirteen stone statues in total, twelve of which are in the posture of listening.

And those twelve stone statues, if you look closely, you will see that they are the ancestors of each of the hundreds of schools of thought!

Now that the twelve ancestors are here, the identity of the stone statue in the middle suddenly emerges.


At this moment, everyone cast their respectful eyes on the stone statue of Heaven and Man.

I saw the slender and free-spirited body of the heavenly being, with one hand standing empty and the other hand holding something.

Everyone's eyes widened a third more, and when they looked carefully, the object held in the hands of the heavenly being was an extremely exquisite box.

In an instant, everyone was extremely excited!
Since this box is held by a stone statue of a heavenly being,

Among them, there must be the most precious divine object hidden in this underwater underground palace!
Just a creation on a stone platform can have the function of peering thousands of miles away.

Where is the box that the stone statue was holding that day?

Could it be that there is an elixir of longevity in it? ? ?
Everyone's breathing became faster subconsciously.

Meng Tian carefully walked up to the stone statue of Heavenly Man, and first bowed to the ground.

Although it is a stone statue, it still represents the majesty of heaven and man. If Meng Tian wants to take away the sacred object, he must make a good posture.

Afterwards, Meng Tian took off the exquisite box.

When the box fell into his hands, Meng Tian was extremely nervous.He didn't know whether the heavenly being had stored the immortality pill in this box.

Everyone gathered around Meng Tian, ​​looking expectantly at the exquisite box.That shining gaze seemed to be looking directly through the outside of the box to see clearly what was inside.

(End of this chapter)

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