Chapter 71 The power of divine objects! ! !

After the First Emperor finished speaking, the secret agent from Heibingtai immediately said respectfully and loudly:


Afterwards, he walked out like a night owl.

As if the First Emperor had arranged a trivial matter, he continued to focus on the ancient books in front of him.

The avenues recorded in the Book of Immortals were too mysterious and unpredictable for the First Emperor.

Except for the 'Pythagorean Theorem' and the 'Leverage Principle', the First Emperor never broke through to the next piece of knowledge because of his poor basic knowledge.

For this reason, he deliberately found some ancient books on arithmetic in an attempt to make up for his weak foundation.

In the land of Weishui River, Mohist disciples prepared the corresponding mechanisms.

A cloud-penetrating arrow with fireworks shot straight into the night sky.


Under the illumination of fireworks, most of the entire Qin Army camp in the land of Weishui River was illuminated.

The giant slowly walked out of the darkness, with a cold look on his face and a sword as black as ink in his hand.

It is the Mohist magic weapon——Mo Mei!
This sword has no edge, looks like both a sword and a ruler, which coincides with the Mohist idea of ​​non-attack!
The giant's dark eyebrows pointed sideways at the Qin army camp.

The next moment!Countless flaming arrows in the dense forest burst out from the machine and shot towards the Daqin military camp illuminated by fireworks!

The giant's face was full of indifference, and his eyes were full of sharp light.

This time he raided the Qin army's camp in the Wei River. Although he did not bring the Mohist sacred beast with him in his haste, he was prepared for some expansion of the crossbow machine.

At this moment, the rain of fire from the sky hit the Daqin military camp.

When the flaming arrows touch the tent, a continuous fire dragon will be born!

As for the Daqin military camp, as early as the fireworks appeared in the night sky, they had already sounded the desolate horn.

Juzi looked at all the Da Qin soldiers who were mobilized and walked faster and faster!

Like a black line, running towards the Qin army.Afterwards, many disciples of the Mohist family appeared one after another.

"Everyone in the world is white, but I am the only one who is black. If you don't attack Momen, you can love your whole life."

"Today, I will use my non-offensive sword to kill you, the Dragon Fate of the Qin Dynasty!"

The giant's true energy surged all over his body, like an ink dragon, rushing into the Qin army's formation.

The black eyebrow in his hand was swung out. Although it was a sword without an edge, it was still heavy on Yu Shanfeng.

The armor of the Da Qin warriors gathered by Mo Mei, along with their muscles and bones, were all shattered by this heavy sword!

The giant's every move was carried with unparalleled power. No matter how brave the Da Qin soldiers around him were, no one could get close to him for a while.

With the chaos created by the giant leader, the Mohist disciples were like a dark tide, spreading towards the Daqin military camp.

When the fire was about to strangle the soldiers of Great Qin together.



A shocking explosion sounded, and the earth shook!

A cannonball exploded among the Mohist disciples, and dozens of Mohist disciples were shattered into pieces of flesh and blood.

Such a shocking scene immediately stunned the giant!
"Hehe!!! You guys from the Mo family, your grandpa Wang Ben has been waiting here for a long time!"

"This time, I'll let you see the power of the divine cannon!"

Juzi looked in the direction where the shout came from.

On the armored warship between them, Wang Ben's tall figure appeared, with a ferocious murderous intent on his face, which made the giant's heart sink!
What's even more terrifying is that on one side of the armored warship, there are actually twenty divine cannons!

Moreover, at this moment, the twenty divine cannons have all been ignited.

The old guy Gong Shuqiu was also looking at him with a smile on the armored battleship.

not good! ! !

There is an ambush! ! !
In an instant, great terror arose in the giant's heart!

Just when he was about to give the order for all the Mohist disciples to retreat. “Bang~~~Bang~~~Bang~~~Bang~~~Bang~~~Bang~~~”

Like thousands of thunders, exploding together!
A feeling of earth dragon turning over spreads throughout the entire land!
The sky tilts to the northwest and the earth sinks to the southeast!

Even though the giant was the pinnacle of martial arts in the world, he still felt like the world was spinning and he was confused as to where he was.

After biting the tip of his tongue for a moment, Juzi came back to his senses and looked at the children of the Mo family.

All he saw was that the Mohist disciples who had just rushed out of the woods were plunged into smoke and dust.

When the night wind blows away the smoke, how can there be a Mohist disciple left?
There is only a piece of land filled with flesh and blood, with broken limbs and broken arms, and pieces of meat and intestines.

White and red mixed together everywhere, and the strong smell of blood constantly stimulated the giant's mind.

Under the salvo of twenty divine cannons, not a single one of the Mohist disciples who rushed out of the woods was left?
The giant slowly turned around, his eyes were already blood red!
A ghost-like voice emerged from deep in his throat:
"You! Damn it! You all deserve to die!!!"

After the giant screamed those words full of murderous intent, all the energy in his body exploded.

The surrounding Da Qin soldiers were completely destroyed by him!

At this time, the giants and the soldiers were fighting, and it was inconvenient for Wang Ben to use the Shenwu cannon again.

Wang Ben looked at the smoking barrel and sighed at Gong Shuqiu:

"Damn it, the power of this volley of heavenly beings and gods is really terrifying!"

"These twenty cannons fired together and directly wiped out those Mohist disciples."

"Hmph, let's see how those barbarians will deal with our Great Qin cavalry in the future!"

Gong Shuqiu looked at the giant who was already in a state of madness, and said with a smile:

"After all, it is a weapon of heaven, how can mortals compete with it!"

"Why, won't General Wang go down in person to capture the giant alive?"

Hearing the words of Gongshu Qiu, Wang Ben pouted and said:

"You public losers have enough hatred for the Mohist family."

"Don't worry, that old guy can't escape. Your Majesty has arranged for the experts from Black Ice Platform to be by your side."

"When this old guy consumes some energy, he will be trapped in a dragnet!"

Wang Ben had just finished speaking.

Sure enough, in the middle of the field, the Da Qin soldiers slowly retreated, forming a huge encirclement.

A team of elite Black Ice Platform spies, with a strong chilling aura, fell in front of the crazy giant like night owls!

Even though they were facing the giant in an explosive state, the people on the Black Ice Platform were still exuding cold murderous aura.

The next moment, "Cang Langlang~~~~"

There was a sound of a sword being unsheathed.Many masters from the Black Ice Platform showed their Qingfeng and charged towards the giant.

In an instant, sword energy was everywhere in the sky and on the ground!
The masters of the Black Ice Platform were practicing the same techniques and the same tricks with each other, and now they used their killing moves together.

It was as if a large net composed of sword energy had been laid out, covering the giant.


The giant's anger soared into the sky, and his dark eyebrows danced wildly, like a mad beast.

The edgeless heavy sword was constantly clashing with the subtle sword edges around it.

Although like a rock in the ocean tide, it remains standing.But all over his body, there were bloodstains cut by the sword energy that was everywhere.

Awakened by the pain of the skin being cut, Juzi realized that he had fallen into a death circle surrounded by madness.

Looking at Gong Shuqiu and Wang Ben on the armored warship, it was like watching a monkey show.

The Great Qin army was surrounded by formations, and black ice platform masters were strangled beside him.

The Mohist giant knew that from the moment Wang Ben showed up with the Shenwu Cannon, he had already lost completely.

At present, the Mo family disciples are suffering heavy casualties. If a giant like him falls here again, the entire Mo family will be doomed!
The giant's whole body was filled with real energy, and he almost had to bite all his teeth into pieces.

He desperately squeezed out every ounce of energy in his body, and his dark eyebrows actually showed a trace of blood.

(End of this chapter)

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