In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 72 I am the most proud disciple of Heavenly Man!

Chapter 72 I am the most proud disciple of Heavenly Man!
In an instant, the giant rushed towards the dense forest.

A stream of blood-colored Qi spurted out from all over his body, like a ferocious beast in despair!
At this moment, the giant is three points stronger than before!

The master of the Black Ice Platform was unprepared for a moment, and the sword net was directly torn open by it.

The giant took the opportunity to run for his life and fled deep into the night.

The crazy escaping gesture made Wang Ben on the warship extremely annoyed and called him careless.

The next day, above the court.

Hundreds of civil and military officials lined up on the left and right, and the First Emperor sat on the dragon chair.

Wang Ben’s foreign exchange report:
"Your Majesty, all the Mohist disciples who attacked the Weishui River yesterday have been killed."

"It's just that the leader of the Mohist family was seriously injured and escaped."

"This is a dereliction of duty by the general, please forgive me!"

Upon hearing this, the First Emperor looked at Wang Ben's guilty look and slowly said:

"If you run away, run away. Rats in the dark are naturally good at hiding."

"Could this whole world be the territory of my Great Qin!"

"Where can that mouse escape to?"

"Wang Ben, immediately send orders to all the important roads to arrest the Mohist giant!"

"As long as his figure is found, there is no need to report it, he will be executed on the spot!"

Wang Ben heard this and said respectfully:


At this moment, after possessing many gods, humans and gods, the First Emperor really regarded the Mohist family as a threat.

After being able to mass-produce Shenwu cannons, in the eyes of the First Emperor, even all the schools of thought were united in one place.

Nor is it the enemy of the Great Qin Cavalry!
Now the only things that the First Emperor cares about are the many divine objects of heavenly beings, especially the Immortality Pill that is very likely to still exist in the world!
At this moment, a secret agent from Black Ice Platform appeared.Carrying the news of the undersea underground palace, I just arrived at the court from the coast of the Bohai Sea.


"Your Majesty, on the shores of the Bohai Sea, there are many mysterious celestial and man-made creations in the underground palace under the sea!"

As soon as the secret agent said this, the whole court was shocked!
Especially the First Emperor, a look of joy immediately appeared on his face.

He excitedly said to the secret agent:

"Speak quickly!!! What exactly was discovered in that underwater underground palace!"

Under the sharp eyes of the First Emperor, the spy hurriedly said truthfully:
"There is a copper celestial being, which seems to have magical powers imprinted on it."

"You can use it to spy on scenery thousands of miles away."

As soon as these words came out, all the civil and military officials in the hall took a breath of cold air!
How amazing is it to be able to spy on the gods and gods thousands of miles away?

Especially on the general side, the generals were even more shocked!

Such a magical object that can see thousands of miles away would definitely be a magical weapon if used in marching and fighting!

It is enough to achieve what is said in legend, and to predict the enemy thousands of miles away.

However, the First Emperor thought that such an artifact that could see thousands of miles would be a perfect match for an armored warship!
Above the boundless ocean, it is most difficult to determine the direction.If we could have the help of this magical creature that could see thousands of miles away, the armored warship would be able to sail in the vast ocean without any disadvantages!

Under the urging of the First Emperor's eyes, the spy from Heibingtai continued:
"Deep in the underground palace under the sea, there are statues of gods and twelve disciples."

"In the hands of the statue of the heavenly man, there is a mysterious box and a stone book that records the magical power." "The contents of the stone book directly put Bei Mingzi into a state of enlightenment. But there is nothing that can be done about the mysterious box. Open."

"According to General Meng's speculation, it is very possible that the box contains the Immortality Pill!"

The First Emperor didn't care much about the stone books recording the great roads.

He is still not qualified to understand the various great ways in the books of gods and immortals.

But when he heard that there was most likely a pill of longevity hidden in that box, the First Emperor was very excited!

For the First Emperor, nothing was more precious than the Pill of Immortality!
Suddenly, the eyes of the First Emperor showed a divine light that was three points brighter than the stars.

I just want that box that can't be opened to appear in front of him now.

Just when the First Emperor was about to say something.

The Black Ice Platform secret agent revealed another big secret that appeared in the underground palace!

in the hall.

Facing the gazes of the First Emperor and all the civil and military officials, the spy from Heibingtai reported truthfully:
"Your Majesty, there is also an extremely exquisitely carved mural in the Undersea Palace."

"The mural seems to reveal that the Heavenly Man once lived in seclusion on Turtle Snake Mountain outside Xianyang City in the late Zhou Dynasty."

As soon as this news came out, it was like a shocking thunder exploded above the court!
The First Emperor and all the civil and military officials were still enjoying the various gods, humans and gods in the present world in the underground palace under the sea.I was thinking about how to maximize the role of those heavenly beings and gods.

But the next moment, they heard the traces of the deity himself, which shocked the First Emperor and all the civil and military officials! ! !

The First Emperor's eyes widened with shock, and he murmured:

"The Heavenly Man actually lived in seclusion in Guishen Mountain outside Xianyang City at the end of the Zhou Dynasty."

"Then, I, Da Qin, grew up step by step to become the strongest in the Warring States period under the eyes of heavenly beings?"

"Could it be that the gods also predicted that our country, Great Qin, would definitely unify the world?"

"That's why I chose to live in seclusion on the side of the capital of the Great Qin State, and sit back and watch a few people build the first empire in the history of China!"

Thinking of this, the First Emperor felt that all the blood flowing in the blood vessels in his body was suddenly like a galloping horse!

My whole body from head to toe is full of excitement!
Through the various descriptions in the immortal books, the First Emperor had vaguely known that heavenly beings had the magical power to see into the future at a glance.

It is precisely because the gods have known for a long time that Da Qin will unify the six countries, so they will watch the gradual establishment of the empire from the side of Da Qin's capital.

At this moment, the First Emperor even felt that even the immortal book falling into his hands was intentional!
The Heavenly Man must be outside Xianyang City, silently observing himself.And he led the Qin cavalry to sweep across the six countries and unify the world.With this merit and ability, he won the favor of heaven and man.

In this way of preaching from the heavenly book, accept yourself as a disciple behind closed doors!
In an instant, the excitement on the Emperor's face reached an all-time high.

At the same time, he couldn't help but have a look of pride on his face.

I thought in my mind: 'I think my performance should be enough to satisfy heaven and man. '

'Compared to the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors in ancient times, my qualifications must be much better! '

'Otherwise, how could a heavenly being pass down to himself a fairy book that records the life of a heavenly being? '

'Hmph!It must be like this. The so-called Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors simply occupy the ages.It coincides with the tradition of today's people to admire the past and mock the present, which is why they have such a great reputation. '

'If they are really comparing merit, courage and wisdom, how can they compare with others? '

'I am the most outstanding disciple of Heavenly Man! ! ! '

(End of this chapter)

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