Chapter 73 The truth behind the battle! ! !
Just when the First Emperor was still thinking about it, Li Si came out and spoke carefully:
"Your Majesty, the last years of the Zhou Dynasty were not that long ago from the present world."

"The terrain of Guishen Mountain is so dangerous that ordinary people cannot set foot above the mountainside."

"It is very possible that the heavenly being is still living in seclusion on the Turtle Snake Mountain at this moment."

"Should we."

Having said this, Li Si raised his head and secretly looked at the First Emperor.There was a moment of doubt in my heart, wondering why Your Majesty suddenly appeared so energetic.To make a bold guess, Li Si even felt that His Majesty at this time was somewhat proud of the common people.

Li Si's words brought the First Emperor back from his reverie.

The First Emperor immediately suppressed all the pride in his heart, and a look of majesty appeared on his face.

Wang Ben looked at the row of generals and said loudly:

"Wang Ben, lead your elite troops to the Ghost Snake Mountain outside Xianyang City immediately."

"Look carefully on the mountain to see if there are any traces of heavenly beings."

"One thing in particular must be remembered! The attitude must be respectful!"

"Once you find that the heavenly being is still on the turtle and snake, report it to me immediately!"

Wang Ben heard the words and respectfully accepted the order:


After retiring from the court, the First Emperor returned to Zhangtai Palace immediately.

Immediately afterwards, he couldn't wait to read the book of gods and immortals.

Trying to find out the corresponding traces of the life of heaven and humans from inside.

[After stipulating a distribution system according to work and detailed monetary policies for tribal groups.Under the leadership of their respective leaders, the three tribes developed extremely rapidly. 】

[The savages at this time, after having a detailed order, have completely stood at the top of the biological chain of this era. 】

[As long as my immortal pets don’t take action, the human race will have no natural enemies in this world. 】

[Without the threat of natural enemies, coupled with hunting and farming, there is sufficient food.The number of savages once again ushered in an explosive growth. 】

[I live in seclusion around the mountains and forests, which is far from meeting their habitat needs.Under the call of their respective tribal leaders, they once again expanded their territories further into the land. 】

[I warned them that the human race is already at the top of this world.It is necessary to set up some detailed laws to restrain everyone's behavior. 】

[Among them, thieves and plunderers will be severely punished.Those who wantonly take away the lives of others can be attacked by everyone in the tribe!Anyone who belongs to the human race must not over-consume the resources of this world and must proceed slowly.And there should be no competition between them.If there is something that cannot be discussed, the highly respected members of each tribe can gather to discuss it. 】

[Under the constraints of my various rules, they chose to expand their territory.All new habitats are developed along the water source.Basically, it takes the Yellow River Basin as the boundary and spreads out evenly on all sides. 】

[And the mountain forest where I am has become the place of faith in their hearts.And Fuxi's talent makes me very satisfied. 】

[After having a certain foundation in mathematics and physics, Fuxi was actually able to understand the sequence of calculus.I decided to completely open the door to advanced mathematics to Fuxi!And, teach him some relevant knowledge of quantum mechanics.As for what achievements Fuxi will achieve in the future, it all depends on his own destiny. 】

[I took Fuxi with me and began a life of teaching in seclusion all the year round]

When the First Emperor saw this, his eyes showed an extremely shocked look!

The mathematical and physical knowledge left by the heavenly beings has a special page set aside for recording.

The First Emperor also tried to understand those profound avenues.

But even the First Emperor boasted that his qualifications were no less than those of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, and even compared with the twelve ancestors of hundreds of schools of thought, he was not inferior.

But to really understand the profound mathematics and physics, I don’t know how much basic knowledge I need to delve into.

"This Fuxi is actually qualified to study advanced mathematics and quantum mechanics???"

"Compared to other ancient emperors, he is a bit more alert." "However, your qualifications are still not as good as those of others!"

"Otherwise, the gods will directly teach you the art of slaying dragons!"

The First Emperor felt complacent for a moment, and then continued to read the contents of the Book of Heaven.

[This retreat lasted for 50 years.The most difficult thing was not letting Fuxi understand advanced mathematics. 】

[Although mathematical knowledge is complicated, Fuxi is smart and can already use various formulas flexibly even after only a few months. 】

[Troublesome, let’s tell him about the microscopic world of quantum mechanics.Due to the lack of corresponding instruments for observing the microscopic world, I could only describe various microscopic quantum structures to Fuxi through sketches.Especially when it is all about quantum entanglement, it is very laborious. 】

[But the entire knowledge transfer time was only three years.The rest of the time was devoted to Fuxi's own research on the microscopic world.As well as various connections from micro to macro, as well as traceability. 】

[Just because I once told Fuxi that if we could grasp all the movement trajectories of microscopic quantum particles, we could deduce the development of the macroscopic world based on it.Even the generation of every thought we have is a collision between microscopic quanta. 】

[Because of my words, Fuxi became possessed and began to crazily use his brain to simulate microscopic quantum operations.Try to analyze it and predict the future. 】

[The entire process, taken together, made the entire retreat last 50 years. 】

[What interrupted the retreat process was not Fuxi’s breakthrough in microscopic quantum research. 】

[But, something big happened to the tribe! 】

[On this day, a bunch of tribesmen knelt down and prayed under the mountain forest where I lived in seclusion. 】

[I came out of the retreat.They immediately complained that the Chiyou tribe was often very powerful and had many metal weapons.Use their powerful fighting power to arbitrarily seize other tribes' hunting areas.What's even more outrageous is that they use tribal warriors to rob other tribes of fertile land. 】

[Because of the domineering behavior of the Chiyou tribe, it is extremely difficult for people from other tribes to live.The smaller tribes were all driven away by the Chiyou tribe. 】

[Among the entire human race, only the Huangdi tribe and the Yandi tribe can strongly resist the invasion of the Chiyou tribe. 】

[But the people in the Chiyou tribe are brave and cruel, and their metal weapons are sharp.It was only a matter of time before the Huangdi tribe and the Yandi tribe were completely defeated. 】

[The entire human race is also affected by the domineering behavior of the Chiyou tribe.It has caused a loss of life, and all human races are in fear all day long. 】

[I was a little unhappy after hearing these messages.The human race is still like this after all. In the absence of external pressure, internal friction occurs. 】

[This land is so vast that even the Yellow River Basin is not completely occupied by the human race.Under such circumstances, Chi You was so impatient to set off on the road of conquest. I was very unhappy! 】

[I don’t hate Chi You for taking the domineering path, but I hate him for breaking the rules! 】

[If there are humans living in every corner of this world, I won’t mind if I choose a human race leader. 】

[But at this moment, after all, the human race has not yet reached its peak.Chi You's behavior is tantamount to slowing down the overall development of the human race. 】

[I feel that something must be done about Chi You’s transgressive behavior. 】

[Remembering that Chi You was trained by me after all, I won’t take action myself, so as not to kill him again and bleed him into a river of blood.I leave this task of punishment to the pets who have gained immortality. 】

When the First Emperor saw this, his eyes were filled with shock.

This myth-like epic unfolded before him.The weight of history deeply shocked the First Emperor.

"Is this the legendary battle for deer?"

"When I studied the ancient books earlier, I found that there were many incredible things in the various descriptions of the battle for deer."

"This was originally a war between ancient humans, so why are there so many traces of ferocious beasts? It even makes me feel like I'm just observing a myth imagined by the ancients."

"Now that I think about it, all those incredible places were created by heavenly beings in secret."

(End of this chapter)

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