In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 74 Maybe this is the test given to us by heaven!

Chapter 74 Maybe this is the test given to us by heaven!

The First Emperor slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air. This time he saw the truth of history, which shocked him beyond measure.

Quickly focus all your attention on the Book of Immortals and watch the battle that took place in ancient times and affected the pattern of the Chinese human race!

[The root of the barbaric behavior of the Chiyou tribe lies in the greed and desires of the human heart, which were all released.And the Chiyou tribe had Chiyou, a leader who was good at conquering and fighting. Under his leadership, they could gather strong troops to conquer the tribes in all directions. 】

[I don’t want to cause too much killing, so I only send ten pets to help.These pets of mine have experienced great physical changes after taking the elixir of longevity.The body that had stopped growing seemed to have broken through the limitations of genetic shackles. 】

[Gradually, there are some characteristics of transforming into a mythical species.With the help of these ten dinosaurs, the tribes of Huangdi and Yandi would be able to defeat Chi You. 】

[When the battle was about to begin, I took Fuxi with me to watch the battle on the top of the mountain. 】

[Fuxi asked me why the Chiyou tribe went around robbing other human tribes when they clearly had plenty of food.I told him that this is the inherent greed of human nature.Without this greed, the human race would lose their enterprising spirit.Only strict laws can regulate the disasters caused by human greed. 】

[On the earth, the human races from the two camps formed a formation that covered the sky and the sun.Since the birth of the human race, the first war is about to begin. 】

[Though these two boys, Emperor Yan and Emperor Huang, each have excellent qualities, in terms of bravery and skill in fighting, they are still far behind Chi You, a strong young man. 】

[Just looking at the camps put out by both sides is enough to tell.On the Chiyou tribe's side, the military formations were in full formation, each holding a metal weapon.As for Emperor Huang and Emperor Yan, although the soldiers all looked generous and righteous.But the weapons he held were not as sharp as Chi You's. 】

[Chiyou, this kid, looks at the combined forces gathered by Huangdi and Yandi.He even shouted disdainfully for a while, saying that they were all disciples of heavenly beings. If they surrender today, they will be let go. 】

[Huang Emperor and Yan Emperor were not angry either.He also slowly warned Chi You to turn around and resolutely commit suicide. Such atrocities would definitely arouse my anger. 】

[After hesitating for a while, Chi You finally decided to go all the way.The war drums of the Chiyou tribe beat like thunder, and the tribesmen each held copper weapons, carrying crazy ferocious energy.It rushed towards the Yanhuang coalition forces like a tide. 】

[In the Yan-Huang coalition, although some soldiers fought hard, they still held spears and other weapons and stood firm at their posts.Waiting for the moment when the two armies meet, life or death depends on fate. 】

[Seeing the two armies getting closer and closer, Fuxi immediately became anxious.I asked eagerly, why didn’t Emperor Yan and Emperor Huang invite my pets out.I told him that this is the art of war.The trump cards all come out at the right time, and the most powerful trump card can only be regarded as the trump card if it is left at the end. 】

[When the two armies are about to meet, the soldiers on the front line are about to be divided between life and death.Huang Di gave an order and the military formation changed.The immortal dinosaur hidden among the coalition forces was revealed, with its tall and terrifying figure, its ferocious mouth, and its metallic-glossy skin.It all proves that these ferocious beasts are my immortal pets. 】

[Eight giant beasts appeared from the Yan-Huang coalition and attacked Chi You's army.The people of the Chiyou tribe also recognized the identities of these eight giant beasts and knew that they were all my pets.The soldiers of Chiyou tribe only thought that I was helping the Yanhuang coalition.The morale of the entire Chiyou tribe dropped to freezing point in an instant! 】

[Even the gods in their hearts have chosen to side with Yan and Huang.Suddenly, how can they still have the courage to fight against the Yanhuang coalition with my help?The greed in their hearts, or the majesty of Chi You, was far from enough for them to carry out such destructive actions. 】

[The entire army of the Chiyou tribe was retreating steadily under the attack of the eight giant beasts and the Yanhuang coalition. 】

[The two boys, Emperor Yan and Emperor, took advantage of the chaos on the battlefield.One person rides a pterosaur and kills Chi You who is desperately commanding the military formation! 】

[Two thick pterosaurs, like two small dark clouds, descended on Chi You's carriage.Under the attack of their sharp claws, the entire frame of the carriage Chi You was riding on collapsed.This kid, Chi You, is a real guy.Under the dragon's claws, which were like gold and iron, he only suffered some serious injuries. 】

[Even if my whole body is smashed into the dirt, I still want to stand up and fight again.But when he turned over, Emperor Yan and Emperor Huang had already put their swords on his neck. 】

[This is the first war among the human race.It ends with Chi You being captured alive on the battlefield. 】

The First Emperor raised his head, with a look of sadness on his face.

He could think of what would happen if heavenly beings did not intervene in this war.Presumably, the Chinese people will be killed until rivers of blood flow and corpses are strewn in the fields before they stop.

At such a critical moment in the development of the human race, the loss of so many people will most likely cause the human race to fall from the top of the food chain again.

And the tactics mentioned by Heavenly Man are extremely simple and crude!
When the two armies are fighting, it is not possible to win by sending out all the forces of one's side.

For example, if the Yan-Huang coalition revealed ten giant beasts from the beginning, Chi You would probably avoid the battle.Use other methods to wear down the power of the Yan-Huang coalition before they act domineeringly.

And it was Emperor Yan and Emperor Huang who showed their trump card at the critical moment.Only then can he accomplish all his feats with one blow and capture Chi You alive on the battlefield.The war was eliminated with minimal losses.

That night, the First Emperor not only saw the truth of the battle.

From it, he learned the art of war in a simple way.

Outside Xianyang City.

Wang Ben has led his elite troops to the foot of Turtle Snake Mountain.

Looking at the Turtle Snake Mountain in front of him, which he could often see, Wang Ben had a completely different feeling at this time.

The lower part of Guishen Mountain looks like a giant turtle lying on the earth. It is said that the upper part experienced the baptism of nine days of thunder during the Zhou Dynasty.

This resulted in such a jagged and extremely dangerous terrain.

When Wang Ben went in and out of Xianyang City on weekdays, he had looked at the Ghost Snake Mountain shrouded in clouds and mist countless times.

Also marvel at the wonder of its terrain.

But now, after learning that the Heavenly Man once lived in seclusion in the mountains shrouded in clouds and mist, Wang Ben would be surprised to think.

When he gazed at the clouds and mists of Guishen Mountain, were the heavenly beings among the peaks and mountains also observing him?
For a moment, Wang Ben couldn't help but feel a sense of awe when he looked at the dangerous terrain on the top of the mountain again.

The purpose of climbing to the top this time is to look for traces of heavenly beings.

Far from what it was like last time I went to Bashu.

On the top of the Ghost Snake Mountain, it is very possible that the heavenly being is still living in seclusion!

With a wave of Wang Ben's hand, the elite soldiers under his command began to slowly move towards the top of Guishen Mountain.

In the first half, the terrain is gentle, no different from other mountains.

This mountain road is naturally not a strenuous task for Wang Ben and the elite Qin troops under his command.

Da Qin's daily training events are a test of endurance and physical fitness.

Climbing the first half of the mountain at this time was just a matter of exerting all the physical strength from daily training.

But when Wang Ben led his men to the upper part of the dangerous terrain, the climbing process suddenly slowed down.

Looking at the mountain that was dancing like a snake, Wang Ben gritted his teeth and said loudly:

"My fellow soldiers, we are here to meet the gods!"

"No matter how difficult and dangerous the road ahead is, we must face the difficulties!"

"This may be the test given to us by heaven!"

(End of this chapter)

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