Chapter 75 The heavenly being must be here! ! !
Wang Ben used the opportunity to meet the gods as bait, and the morale of the elite Qin troops behind him seemed to be aroused again!

To the current Da Qin army, the existence of heavenly beings is no different from the ancient gods.

Who wouldn't be overjoyed to be able to see the true face of a deity this time?

The improvement in morale directly accelerated the progress of the mountain climbing.

Wang Ben touched the sweat on his forehead and gritted his teeth.

I thought in my heart that maybe during the Zhou Dynasty, the thousands of thunders that appeared in the nine heavens were also summoned by heavenly beings.

The purpose was to transform the terrain of Turtle Snake Mountain into an extremely dangerous place so that mortals could not disturb his peaceful secluded life.

Thinking of this, Wang Ben couldn't help but feel a little worried.

"I don't know, this time I am going to the secluded place of the heavenly being."

"Would it cause displeasure to the heavenly beings?"

"Well when the time comes, I'll have to be more respectful."

Under Wang Benhe's elite troops, they worked hard to climb with their heads down.

The extremely steep mountain was finally crossed by them.

When they were about to reach the top of the mountain, everyone, including Wang Ben, seemed to have lost all strength.

But when they completely stepped onto the top of the mountain, they felt that the air around them was extremely fresh, as if they had arrived in another world.

On the vast flat land on the top of the mountain, there is a residence with exquisite shape and elegant style.

The outside of this residence is made entirely of bamboo, and the roof is covered with hay.

Although it is a simple establishment, it gives off a sense of being out of the world, and there is a small bamboo forest surrounding it.

As the breeze blew by, the leaves in the entire bamboo forest made a slight rustling sound.

Being blown by the breeze, Wang Ben and his soldiers felt that all the energy they had just exhausted returned to their bodies.

Even his spirit is no longer as tired as before.

Wang Ben's eyes were so wide that they were about to fall out of their sockets. He carefully looked at the weather around the bamboo hut and said in shock:

"This must be the residence of heavenly beings! Only places where heavenly beings exist can there be such a scene surrounded by immortal energy!"

"I didn't expect that heavenly beings would actually be living in seclusion outside Xianyang City."

Wang Ben took the most cautious steps in his life and slowly approached the hut made of green bamboo.

The soldiers under his command were left behind by him.Wang Ben was afraid that these rough men in the army, with their wild aura, would collide with the immortal aura in the abode of heaven and man.

When I came to the bamboo hut, I came to the bamboo house.

Wang Ben bowed to the bamboo hut with the most respectful attitude and said respectfully:
"Wang Ben, the general of the Great Qin Dynasty in later generations, begs to see the gods face to face!"

After Wang Ben finished shouting, he found that there was no movement in the bamboo hut in front of him.

I can only shout respectfully again:

"The king of the human race in later generations, Ben, will hear the majesty of heaven and man."

"I have worked so hard to come here, just to meet the heavenly beings!"

The only thing that could reply to Wang Ben was the rustling bamboo leaves around him.

Wang Ben carefully looked inside the bamboo tower, thinking that in the past nearly a thousand years, the heavenly beings were no longer here.

Then Wang Ben sighed, stood up and walked into the bamboo hut, wanting to see for himself the secluded place where heavenly beings once lived.

As soon as he opened the door, Wang Ben found that there were all kinds of utensils in the bamboo hut that he couldn't understand.

Wooden tables, bamboo deck chairs, Wang Ben knows all these.

But what is the meaning of the completely transparent cup on the wooden table?
There is also a bowl that is as white as mutton-fat jade on the inside and has a blue and white pattern on the outside.

"Are these cups and bowls?" Wang Ben had a look of confusion on his face and kept looking at the displays in the bamboo hut.


A flash of lightning flashed in Wang Ben's heart!
He discovered something extremely wrong!

The inside of this bamboo hut is actually spotless!
"Hiss! Anyone who can use such exquisite equipment must be a heavenly being."

"Although no traces of heavenly beings have been found in this bamboo hut, the spotless condition obviously does not look like it has been uninhabited for a long time."

"Could it be that the heavenly being is still here?"

In an instant, Wang Ben became excited.

I hurriedly searched for the figures of heavenly beings everywhere on this mountain top.

But even if he searched the entire mountain top, he still couldn't find a single trace of the Celestial Being.

Wang Ben frowned. He didn't know whether it was because the gods were out, or because the gods didn't want to see mortals.

After thinking for a long time, Wang Ben decided to guard this place first.

Then he sent people to bring the news here back to Xianyang City and reported it to the First Emperor, who would decide the matter.

Xianyang, above the court.

The civil and military officials were discussing many important matters of the empire with the First Emperor.

At this time, Gongshu Qiu was reporting to the First Emperor in detail on the progress of the artillery manufacturing:
"Your Majesty, the first batch of Shenwu cannons that were imitated previously. In the land of Weishui River, the effect was amazing after the first use."

"The power of the shell explosion is far beyond what those meager mechanisms of the Mo family can match."

"Thanks to the last on-site use experience, the overall casting progress of the Shenwu Cannon has been accelerated!"

The First Emperor nodded in satisfaction.

In the land of the Wei River, the Mohist giant led his elites to attack the army of Qin Dynasty.

If it were not for the Shenwu Cannon, I am afraid that the soldiers of Great Qin would have suffered a lot of losses.

But that battle was caused by the appearance of twenty divine cannons.Under the full firepower of twenty cannons, the Mohist disciples gathered in one place were directly bombarded into pieces of meat on the ground.

The first appearance of the Shenwu cannon made the First Emperor very satisfied with the power of this heavenly weapon.

"Gongshu Qing, the Shenwu cannon is the sharpest blade in our Qin Dynasty today."

"In the future, when the empire expands its territory, it will have to rely more on this magical weapon."

"After you have completed all the shares of the Shenwu Cannon that you decided on some time ago, just continue to survive!"

"For me, Da Qin, the more sharp weapons like this, the better."

Later, Gong Shuqiu reported some more on the progress of the research on armored warships.

At this moment, the soldiers Wang Ben sent down the mountain had already arrived at the court.

When the First Emperor learned that it was the elite queen who went to Turtle Snake Mountain with Wang Ben to find the secluded place for heavenly beings.

He hurriedly announced the soldier and explained various situations on Turtle Snake Mountain in front of all civil and military officials.

Facing the expectant eyes of the First Emperor and the civil and military officials, the soldier reported truthfully:
"Your Majesty, there is indeed a secluded place for heavenly beings on the Turtle and Snake Mountain!"

As soon as these words came out, it was like a thunder was dropped in the court!
After hearing this, the First Emperor and the civil and military officials all looked extremely excited!

Although there are indeed records in the murals of the Undersea Palace that heavenly beings lived in seclusion outside Xianyang City.

But until the secluded place of the heavenly beings was completely discovered, the expectations in the heart of the First Emperor were finally realized!
The First Emperor's eyes shone with light, his face turned red with excitement, and he spoke to the soldier:

"Since there is a secluded place for heavenly beings on Turtle Snake Mountain, is it possible to see heavenly beings face to face?"

(End of this chapter)

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