Chapter 77 Is this a heavenly being? ! ! !
After saying this, the First Emperor looked at the Turtle Snake Mountain, which was getting closer and closer.

Thinking that he was about to meet the heavenly beings, the First Emperor couldn't help but wonder how the heavenly beings viewed him.

Should he be trained like an ancient king, or should he be regarded as another Chi You?

After all, in ancient times, Chi You conquered all directions in order to occupy many habitat resources.

And his own Great Qin Empire was only established on the basis of the destruction of the Six Kingdoms.

But in the blink of an eye, the First Emperor quickly dismissed this worry.

In the Book of Celestial Beings, the First Emperor had a vague feeling that the Celestial Beings were not unwilling to see a unified world.

It's just that the human race at that time had just emerged in the world, and it was far from what it is now, having developed to its most prosperous moment.

Moreover, Tianren himself lived in seclusion in Guishen Mountain outside Xianyang City, sitting and watching the Qin Dynasty become stronger and stronger, destroying the six kingdoms step by step, until the current empire was established.

During this journey, heavenly beings had countless opportunities to intervene.

But the heavenly being still showed no trace.

Even after the Qin Empire took control of the world, miraculous places appeared frequently.

He also got the Fairy Book by chance.

In the eyes of the First Emperor, this situation was undoubtedly a sign that heaven and man had acquiesced in him and followed the way of a king!

Thinking of this, the First Emperor couldn't help but hesitated to Li Si:
"Well, Li Si, what do you think about building a palace for heaven and humans?"

"To serve as a place for gods and humans to stay, this palace must be built to exhaust all the luxury in the world!"

"Otherwise, I cannot express my respect for heaven and man!"

After hearing what the First Emperor said, Li Si fell into thinking.

After thinking for a few breaths, Li Si said carefully:

"Your Majesty, with the magical power of heaven and man, no matter how much manpower is exhausted, he will never be able to build a palace more luxurious than the Land of Miracles."

"Think about the Yunding Heavenly Palace on Changbai Mountain and the undersea underground palace on the coast of the Bohai Sea. Which part is not a masterpiece of nature?"

"Those kinds of palaces are truly beyond the reach of ordinary people."

"Furthermore, if you think about it, a person with such a big head would not expect His Majesty to waste so much time and money on his behalf."

"It's enough to see that heavenly beings always live in seclusion in a place outside the world."

"Therefore, in my opinion, if your majesty wants to build a palace for the gods and humans, you can just express your respect. Don't waste too much money on the people, or it will cause the gods and humans to be unhappy."

After hearing what Li Si said, the First Emperor nodded slowly while thinking.

With the magical power of heaven and man, I have never seen such a miraculous temple.

Moreover, the heavenly beings almost watched the human race grow up on this land.

The human race, including the First Emperor, can even be said to be children of heavenly beings.

If it is to build a palace for heavenly beings and waste money and people, I am afraid it will have the opposite effect.

The First Emperor immediately gave up his plan to build a luxurious palace for the gods.

But after riding in the car and driving for a short distance, the First Emperor spoke to Li Si with a troubled expression:

"Hey, Li Si, why don't I just hide my identity and go meet the gods?"

"Although I am the First Emperor of China, my status is no different from that of mortals in front of gods and humans."

"After all, the entire human race has slowly grown to this point under the blessing of heaven and man."

"At best, it can only be regarded as the brightest star in the history of the human race."

"In front of the gods who span the history of the human race, I look really bold in wearing this dragon robe."

Hearing this, Li Si went numb!
There is a sense of chaos in the whole person's head.

Li Si never expected that the usually vigorous First Emperor would be so nervous and apprehensive on the way to meet the gods.

However, what His Majesty the Emperor said does have some truth to it.

After secretly taking a few deep breaths, Li Si thought seriously and said:
"Your Majesty is thoughtful and thoughtful, as you should be."

"Look, Your Majesty, we have arrived at Turtle Snake Mountain."

Just when the First Emperor's thoughts were extremely complicated, Turtle Snake Mountain was already in sight.Hearing Li Si's words, the First Emperor looked forward.Sure enough, they had arrived at their destination.

And Wang Ben's tall body was waiting at the foot of Turtle Snake Mountain from a distance.

After the First Emperor got off the carriage, he frowned and said to Wang Ben:

"If you're not waiting for the gods at the top of Guishen Mountain, why are you here?"

"Isn't it possible that I still can't get to the top of Turtle Snake Mountain?"

When Wang Ben heard the words of the First Emperor, a drop of sweat broke out on his forehead.

The First Emperor did not want to go to see the gods with great fanfare, so naturally he had no choice but to let the First Emperor ascend to the top of the mountain step by step as a human emperor.

But Wang Ben knows the dangers of the mountain road!
Even the hundreds of soldiers under his command were as tired as dead dogs when they climbed to the precipitous part of Turtle Snake Mountain.

The First Emperor, with his body of ten thousand gold, went to climb such dangerous places.
Wang Ben didn't dare to imagine what that scene would be like, but he at least wanted to ensure that the First Emperor would never have an accident while climbing.

Otherwise, the Great Qin Empire will be finished.

Wang Ben collected all his thoughts and said respectfully:

"Your Majesty, with the supernatural powers of heaven and man, if you return to your residence, you will definitely know that we have visited you."

"If the gods are willing to see us, they will definitely wait for us in their secluded place."

"And the terrain of Turtle Snake Mountain is extremely dangerous. I, my general, will go out of my way to guide your majesty."

When the First Emperor heard this, he frowned and looked at the mist-shrouded Turtle and Snake Mountain.

"So what if the terrain is steep?"

"How can you stop me from meeting the gods and humans?"

"Besides, after inheriting the immortality treasure from the gods, and practicing day and night, my body has become much better than before."

"These are just dangerous places, but they can't stop me."

After that, the First Emperor strode forward, taking Wang Ben and Li Si to climb the mountain together!
More than half an hour later, the First Emperor was still in high spirits, while Wang Ben was effortless. Only Li Si had sweat on his forehead.

Two hours later, the three of them had reached half of Turtle Snake Mountain.The First Emperor's eyes were full of self-doubt, and sweat poured down his face.

Wang Ben was also sweating heavily all over his body.As for Li Si, his face was already pale, and veins were about to pop out on his forehead.

Three hours later, this was the second time the three of them took a break.

After recovering their physical strength, the three of them continued climbing.

Four hours later, the sun was about to set.

The First Emperor finally reached the top of Guishen Mountain. At this moment, the First Emperor felt that there was no part of his body that was not aching.

As for Wang Ben, although he was also extremely tired, he felt fine.After all, this isn't the first time.

As for Li Si, Li Si only felt that this body could no longer be regarded as his own.

Relying solely on the "Thirteen Tai Chi Postures" practiced on daily basis, I can hold on to my last breath of vitality.

When the First Emperor climbed the mountain, he was about to take a deep breath.Suddenly I was blown by the spiritual energy from the top of the mountain, and I felt a numbness all over my body.

The exhausted body slowly regained its strength.

There was an extremely surprised look in the eyes of the First Emperor, and he said loudly:
"It is indeed a hermitage for heavenly beings. Only with such abundant immortal energy can it be worthy of being lived by heavenly beings!"

Although this is the second time Wang Ben has experienced this feeling.

But I still feel that it is so magical that I open my arms to welcome the fairy energy to nourish myself.

And Li Si was just panting heavily.Like a fish that has been exposed to the sun for a long time on the shore and is still alive, it jumps into the cool stream again.

Just when the First Emperor was wondering whether he should go to the bamboo hut and wait for the heavenly being to return.

Suddenly, under the gaze of the three people, the door of the bamboo hut was opened from the inside!

An old man with white hair, dressed in plain clothes and with a thin body walked out of it.

Just one glance at this old man makes people feel that he is immortal.

It makes people vaguely feel that this person will become an immortal at any time and ride the wind back!
(End of this chapter)

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