In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 78 This place is indeed the residence of heaven and man! ! !

Chapter 78 This place is indeed the residence of heaven and man! ! !
The First Emperor, Li Si, and Wang Ben climbed up to the top of the Turtle Snake Mountain with great difficulty.

Just seeing the old man's unearthly temperament, the other person's identity popped up in his mind - a heavenly being!
In an instant, the First Emperor felt that his difficult mountain climbing journey had paid off!

A feeling of relief after suffering lingered in the heart of the First Emperor.

Not to mention that in the process of climbing Guishen Mountain, I exhausted all my strength and shed countless sweats.

But as long as you can see the gods face to face, what does it mean?
A look of great joy appeared on the face of the First Emperor. He suddenly stood up from the ground and walked quickly towards the old man who had emerged from the dust.

Seeing this, Wang Ben and Li Si hurriedly followed the First Emperor.Even though Li Si felt like there was not an inch of flesh and blood in his body that was not aching at this moment, he did not dare to fall behind.

When the First Emperor walked more than ten steps away from the old man, he subconsciously looked at his clothes.Because when meeting heavenly beings consciously, if you wear the dragon robe that symbolizes the authority of the emperor, you will be somewhat disrespectful to heavenly beings.

Therefore, on the way to Ghost Snake Mountain, the First Emperor changed his dragon robe into casual clothes for the convenience of riding in the car.

After all, I felt a little embarrassed during this mountaineering trip.In a hurry, the First Emperor tidied his messy hair and patted the dust off his clothes.

He walked up to the old man Chuchen in small steps, clasped his hands in his fists, bent down to the end, and bowed respectfully:

"The disciple accidentally learned that heavenly beings live in seclusion here, so he suddenly visited here."

"Now, I can see heaven and man face to face, disciple. Disciple truly feels that I have been lucky for the rest of my life!!!"

In the eyes of the First Emperor, having obtained the Immortal Book of Heavenly Beings, he could be regarded as a close disciple of Heavenly Beings.

Therefore, as soon as he opens his mouth, he calls himself a disciple.

Behind the First Emperor, Wang Ben and Li Si also saluted the old man together with the First Emperor, and said respectfully:

"People in future generations will see the heavenly beings!!!"

The old man who came out of the world, although judging from his pale hair, was already at the extreme age of this world.

But his face is rosy, his eyes are clear, and he has a vague childlike appearance.

I was surprised to see these three people who were tired of life on the top of Gui She Mountain. Their eyes were full of doubts.

Because the First Emperor did not wear a dragon robe, the old man did not know the identity of the First Emperor.

But the three of them were able to come to such an inaccessible place, and to "see the heavenly beings", which obviously meant they knew some of the past events of the heavenly beings.

In response to the respectful efforts of the three people, the old man quickly moved away and spoke to several people:
"How do you know about the affairs of heaven and man?"

"However, I am a little disappointed. The old man is not a celestial being."

As soon as these words came out, the disappointment in the Emperor's heart spread through his whole body.

It was like being poured a splash of cold water on me. I thought that after overcoming countless obstacles, I would finally be able to see the god who had existed since ancient times.But he didn't expect that although this old man had the aura to become an immortal, he was not a celestial being.
Suddenly, the First Emperor recalled Wang Ben's report, saying that the residence of the Heavenly Man was spotless, as if someone was cleaning it all the time.

The First Emperor immediately guessed that this old man must be one of those people who had guarded the place of heaven, man, and miracles in ancient times, like the Yunding Celestial Palace on the top of Changbai Mountain.

Although there was some disappointment on his face, the First Emperor still asked politely:

"Old man, do you clean this residence of heavenly beings from time to time?"

"Then from which era did you come here?"

Hearing this, the old man nodded slightly and said:

"My lineage has a long life span. I stay here all the time, just to wait for the day when I can welcome heaven and humans to the world again."

"I can't remember the exact year, but it's probably more than 200 years ago."

As soon as the old man said this, the First Emperor, Wang Ben, and Li Si were shocked!
In this era, under constant wars, as long as a mortal can live to be 50 years old, he is considered to have a long life.

Although the years of wars disappeared after the Qin Empire unified the world, this number of lifespans will definitely not increase much.But the old man in front of him has been waiting here for more than 200 years!

This terrifying Shou Yuan was enough to shock the three of them!
The First Emperor's eyes shone brightly, and he said in shock to the old man:

"With such a long life, I can be said to have achieved immortality in this era."

"I also accidentally obtained the 'Thirteen Postures of Tai Chi' left by heaven and man."

"I wonder if this immortality magic can allow me to spend such a long time in this world like my father-in-law."

Hearing the words of the First Emperor, the old man's face immediately brightened.

The three people in front of them can be regarded as having a predestined relationship with the gods if they know where the gods live in seclusion.But he can actually inherit the magic of immortality from heaven and man, which is enough to show that this fate and cause and effect are quite deep.

Come to think of it, could it be the queen of other heavenly beings?

For a moment, the old man also felt a little more close to the three people in front of him, the First Emperor.

He spoke to the First Emperor:
"'Thirteen Postures of Tai Chi'?! I heard from my ancestors that heavenly beings often used this technique to train themselves."

"He also left a message from heaven. Although this technique is simple, it encompasses the origin of health preservation!"

"It's a pity that my lineage didn't inherit this precious skill from heavenly beings."

"But the gods highly praise this method and practice it all the time. It must be that the lifespan has crossed the hundred-year mark, which is not a difficult thing."

When the First Emperor heard this, the excitement in his heart could not be expressed in words!

century!As long as we can be given another 50 years, we can use the weapons of heaven and humans as our vanguard and the armored warships as our chariots.

Da Qin's territory can be expanded ten times!hundred times!
After calming down some of his inner excitement, the First Emperor began to ponder the origins of the father-in-law in front of him.

The heavenly beings left behind many inheritances, and the people they taught were all the brightest stars in the history of the human race.

The old man who emerged from the dust in front of him may also have a surprising origin.

Therefore, the First Emperor asked:
"My father-in-law, which ancestor in Chinese history does your lineage come from?"

After hearing this, the old man raised his eyes and looked towards the sky, which was stained red by the setting sun.

There was a look of reminiscence in his eyes, and he slowly told the First Emperor:
"My lineage comes from the ancient sage of the human race - Fuxi."

As soon as these words came out, the First Emperor's eyes widened immediately.

He looked at the old man in front of him with incredible eyes!

The name of this human sage has appeared very frequently in the past events recounted by heavenly beings recently.

The heavenly beings also spoke highly of Fuxi.

It seems that in those ancient times, among all the heroes of the race, only Fuxi had enough qualifications to accept the various perceptions of heaven and earth from heaven and man.

Although heavenly beings have detailed records of those extremely complicated avenues in fairy books.

But the First Emperor could only understand those at the lowest level.

The goal is to glimpse the future through the movement of microscopic particles in quantum mechanics.The First Emperor simply couldn't figure out this magical power that was so complex that it was connected to the heaven and earth.

With my own qualifications, I still cannot understand the profound path.The First Emperor could already imagine how amazing and talented Fuxi was back then.

After the First Emperor was shocked by the old man's origin, he quickly held his breath and listened to his story about the past of the human race's sage Fuxi.

(End of this chapter)

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