Chapter 82 Heaven bestows a name, Nuwa! ! !
above the hall.

After Gong Shuqiu took the mysterious box from the servant.

Carefully place it in front of your eyes and carefully examine the external structure of the box.When he first took it into his hands, Gongshu Qiu felt that the box was extremely warm and moist.It looks like wood and carved from jade.

The various patterns on it are extremely exquisite, but they are also extremely complex.

More importantly, this box was brought out from the underground palace under the sea.Not even a trace of structural features can be seen except for a thin line encircling the box in the upper half.

Even if Gongshuqiu asks himself, he is one of the best in the world.But I still have no idea how to open this box.

Gong Shuqiu frowned, his eyes full of embarrassment.

After being unable to think of a way to break the box, Gongshu Qiu could only tell the truth to the First Emperor:

"Your Majesty, this thing is the handiwork of heaven and man. If you try to crack it through strange methods, I'm afraid you won't be able to open it."

"If you want to open the box, you can only do it according to the method prescribed by heaven."

When the First Emperor heard this, he looked extremely disappointed!

If there was a way to open the box given by heavenly beings next to this box, why would he be in such a dilemma?
The First Emperor's face looked extremely gloomy for a moment. Is it necessary to just look at such holy objects in front of him and not be able to hold them in his hands?
When he thought of the longevity pill inside, the First Emperor clenched his hands into fists.

He wanted to crack the box directly with force, but he was also afraid of damaging the Immortality Pill.

Just when the First Emperor was hesitant.

Suddenly, there was an urgent call from outside the court.


"In the red apricot forest in Wutai County, traces of the Mohist giant were found. This animal is escaping deep into the forest!"

This sound just fell.

The First Emperor's mind suddenly moved, and a look of thought appeared in his eyes.

The news about the Mohist giant reminded the First Emperor of something!
These are the seven boxes that the gods gave to King Wen of Zhou at the end of the Shang Dynasty!
During the Warring States Period, the seven boxes were passed down from generation to generation in the Seven Kingdoms.And the First Emperor swept across Liuhe and gathered six of the boxes.

Only the last one was taken away by the former prince of the Yan Kingdom and now the Mohist giant.

The First Emperor pondered:

'Those seven boxes, and the box brought out from the underground palace under the sea, were also made by heavenly beings. '

'Perhaps, by putting the seven boxes into one, we can find a way to open the box in front of us! '

Thinking of this, the First Emperor no longer struggled to forcefully break the box brought out from the underground palace under the sea.

Then he turned his attention to the box that was taken away by the Mohist giant.

The Mohist giant was already in the deep mountains of Wutai County, only dozens of miles away from the main altar of the Mohist family.

If you want to capture the Mohist giant at this time, it will probably be in vain.

But so what?
Even if the Mohist giant fled back to the Mohist main forum, would the Mohist family dare not give him what Ying Zheng wanted?
The next moment, the First Emperor suddenly burst out with an imperial aura!
His sharp eyes fell on Meng Tian and he said majestically:
"Meng Tian! I ordered you to lead an army of [-] to attack the Mohist giant!"

"Gongshu Qiu, you lead the Gongshu family's agency experts and go together!"

"If the Mo family doesn't surrender, they will be destroyed!"

As soon as these words were spoken, Meng Tian and Gong Shuqiu immediately respectfully accepted the order.

Meng Tian had no other intentions. As the First Emperor pointed out, even if the mythical Buddhist kingdom comes, the Qin cavalry will surely be destroyed!

Gong Shuqiu, on the other hand, tried his best to suppress his inner excitement. He had waited too long for this day!

Last time on the Weishui River, a cannon massacred the Mohist children, which made Gong Shuqiu extremely happy.

At this time, I no longer want to think about winning or losing with the Mo family in the agency.And with the Qin Empire so supportive, wouldn't it be more exciting to use the power of the fearful Qin cavalry to crush the Mo family head-on?
At the same time, the First Emperor wrote another secret edict to Meng Tian on the desk.

The general idea is to ask Meng Tian to pay attention to the box inherited from the Mo family, as well as some other heavenly treasures.

In the court hall, Xingyue Shen heard the order from the First Emperor to attack the Mohists.

With his eyes moving slightly, he also stepped out of the queue and said:

"Your Majesty, the Mohist family has a long heritage and has many masters."

"I, the Yin Yang Family, have been displeased with these rebellious people from hundreds of schools of thought for a long time."

"For this crusade, the Star and Moon God is willing to ask for permission to go with us!"

Under the hazy veil of the Star and Moon God, the corner of his mouth pursed slightly.

A while ago, Taiyi God once said that the Phantom Sound Box, a once-lost treasure of the Yin-Yang family, would most likely fall into the hands of the Mo family.

Moreover, because of the past of the predecessors, there was a deep secret buried in the Yin Yang family, which was also intercepted by the Mo family.

This time, Xingyue God asked to go, not only to find the secrets left by the Yin-Yang family, but also to find the Yin-Yang family's once-lost treasure, the Phantom Sound Box!

Upon hearing this, the First Emperor agreed to the Star and Moon God's request for a battle.

There are many masters of the Mo family, and with the presence of Xingyue God, the masters of the Mo family can be prevented from slipping away to a greater extent.

After retiring from the court, the First Emperor returned to Zhangtai Palace.

Because he did not open the treasure box brought out of the underground palace under the sea, the First Emperor immediately took out the book of immortals and immortals, trying to find some records about the treasure box from the past of heaven and humans.

[With my secret instructions, Emperor Huang and Emperor Yan spared Chi You's life. 】

[After Chi You was defeated, he knew that I didn’t like his behavior, so he became a lot more honest.He was also worried that Emperor Huang and Emperor Yan would take the opportunity to retaliate against him, so he directly led the tribe members to escape. 】

[The entire Chiyou tribe also moved further afield.In that endless barbaric land, open up a habitat again. 】

[Without Chi You’s cruelty, Emperor Huang and Emperor Yan led their humans to continue to recuperate.Recovering the wounds previously torn open by the Chi You tribe. 】

[After experiencing this incident, Emperor Huang and Emperor Yan respected me even more.I will implement the various policies I left behind meticulously. 】

[Everything seems to have returned to a peaceful era again]

[The human race is still the one standing at the top of the food chain. Wen Min’s reproduction gear continues to turn slowly]

[During this period of time, I discovered another outstanding person among the human race.I accepted her as a disciple, and she was also my only female disciple.I give her a name - Nuwa! 】

Seeing this, the First Emperor suddenly raised his head from the fairy book!

A pair of eyes were filled with shock!

When the name "Nu Wa" appeared, the First Emperor felt as if he was struck by a divine thunder from the sky.

My whole body was engulfed in a numb tremor!
Unlike several other sages of the human race, Nuwa has an irreplaceable position in the entire Chinese civilization!
The First Emperor may consider himself to be superior to several other sages of the human race, but only for Nuwa, even the First Emperor did not dare to have the slightest blasphemy.

'Nu Wa refines stones to mend the cracks in the sky', 'Nu Wa kneads earth to create humans', all kinds of legends about the great goddess Nu Wa are known to almost everyone in this era since childhood.

Ever since I learned about the past of Heavenly Beings in the Immortal Book of Heavenly Beings.The First Emperor already knew that the human race evolved purely step by step from ancient apes.

'Nu Wa made human beings out of clay' became a mere myth, but the First Emperor's respect for the sage Nu Wa remained unchanged.

"Since the human race can't be created by Nuwa"

"What about Nuwa refining stones to mend the cracks in the sky?"

(End of this chapter)

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