Chapter 83 Is this the Nuwa Stone? ! !
With doubts in his heart, the First Emperor continued to focus on the fairy book in front of him.

[Since I had no experience in recruiting female disciples, I used the same methods I taught Fuxi on Nuwa. 】

[Teach him about the various avenues in the world and explain to him the natural phenomena that appear to be ghosts and gods, but are actually evolved from the avenues of heaven and earth. 】

[After so many years, my state of mind is no longer what it was before. Perhaps it has been too long, and I have forgotten what I was thinking when I first came into this world. 】

[In short, in the process of teaching Nuwa.I gradually realized that something was wrong with the way she looked at me.Always looking at me in a trance inadvertently.Or when something goes wrong, the soul wanders to the sky. 】

[Her appearance made me find a corresponding description in my memory - admiration. 】

[Perhaps it is the inexperience of a girl who is not familiar with the world, but at least I just regard her as a student. 】

[Nu Wa is my chosen smart disciple after all. After she understood my attitude clearly, she took on the role of my disciple with peace of mind. 】

[While I was giving lectures to Fuxi and Nuwa, I found that Nuwa was not very interested in the astronomical knowledge that contained the endless starry sky. 】

[But in my heart, I have great ambitions, and I also have lofty ideals to benefit the world's human race. 】

【Only interest is the biggest help on the road of discovery.I think it’s time to teach by subject.I still impart my vast astronomical knowledge to Fuxi who hopes to gaze at the stars.As for Nuwa, I gave her a stone. 】

[I still remember the expression on Nuwa’s face when she took the stone from my hand.She furrowed her cute brows, just like when she was thinking about why it was raining for the first time and someone wasn't crying in the sky. 】

[Nuwa asked me what great truth is contained in this stone.I told her that the best way to remember the truth is to dig it out yourself.And I have already shown her the way forward.The rest is for her to explore on her own. 】

When the First Emperor saw this, his brows moved!
"The gods gave Nuwa a stone?"

"Is this the later Nuwa Stone?!"

"Did Nuwa use this stone to understand the 'Great Way to Mend the Sky'?"

"Hiss!!! I understand! There must have been a world-destroying disaster in ancient times, which would have caused the entire sky to crack!"

"And in this disaster, Ancestor Nuwa shined brightly and eliminated this disaster with the 'Tian-Mending Avenue'!"

The First Emperor made a fist with his right hand and slapped it hard on the palm of his left hand.

He just felt that he must have figured out the truth!

"Sure enough, she is worthy of being the ancestor of Nuwa, able to stand side by side with heaven and humans to withstand the catastrophe of annihilation!"

The eyes of the First Emperor shone with excitement.

In Zhangtai Palace, the First Emperor, after being excited, concentrated on the fairy book again.

[Although Nuwa does not understand what kind of avenue this stone contains.But he understood what I meant and seriously studied the avenue represented by the stone on his own. 】

[During this period, Nuwa did not work completely behind closed doors. She also asked Fuxi what he thought about this.Apart from the basic knowledge of physics and mathematics, most of the other advanced knowledge I taught Fuxi was at the astronomical level. 】

[Fuxi also gave his understanding, Fuxi told Nuwa.The bright stars floating in the sky are actually huge rocks. 】

[In Fuxi's explanation, as to why the stars in the sky can sparkle, but ordinary stones in the world cannot.The fundamental reason is most likely that there are all kinds of incredible energies above Cangming.It is precisely when the stars absorb that kind of energy that they shine.It is even so powerful that as long as it falls to the earth, it can end the entire level of the ancient era. 】

[Moreover, Fuxi actually deduced my intention based on his own understanding.He told Nuwa that I asked her to study stones to find a way for them to absorb the energy of heaven and earth. 】

[After hearing Fuxi’s speculation, I don’t know how to evaluate it]

[In short, it seems to be a bit of an accident.However, this started Nuwa's research process like a demon. 】

[Nuwa not only carried the stone I gave her all day and night.Stones of all sizes were collected from all over the world.All these stones were piled up by her.From a distance, it looks like a small mountain. 】【Nuwa did not research any methods on a single stone.I actually thought of using various stones to form a pattern with a reasonable structure.I was somewhat relieved to see Nuwa laying out various stress-stable stone pestles. 】

[Her research is very close. She is indeed my smartest disciple. 】

When the First Emperor saw this, his brows knitted together tightly.

From the perspective of the world he knew, he really couldn't figure out what effect Nuwa could have by stacking those stones together.

"Piling rocks into a stable hill can absorb the free energy between heaven and earth???"

"Isn't this a bit too mythical? However, the existence of heavenly beings seems to be a myth in itself."

The First Emperor couldn't figure this out, so he stopped thinking about it.

Understanding these astronomical geography is not his strong point.

"I have inherited the dragon-slaying technique from heaven and man!"

"Some astronomy and geography. If you can't figure it out, just don't figure it out. As long as someone in the court understands these things, it will be fine."

When Meng Tian and others led the elite of Qin Dynasty on their way to encircle and suppress the Mohist giant.

The Mohist giant fled all the way and returned to the Mohist main altar.

The giant immediately summoned all the leaders of the Mohist family to discuss important matters!

This sudden attack on the armored warships in the Wei River area not only seriously injured him, but also exhausted all the Mohist disciples in the Xianyang area and fell into the hands of the violent Qin.

Juzi's whole person looked extremely gloomy.

With a pair of eyes full of ruthless glare, he discussed with the leaders of the Mo family:

"Everyone, our Mo family suffered a big loss due to the hasty preparations for this raid on the Weishui River!"

"This time, I am sorry to the brothers of the Mo family!"

The giant's face was pale, and there was even blood that had not been wiped off at the corners of his mouth.

The leaders of the Mohist clan, seeing the giant in such a miserable state, how could they have the intention to express blame again.

Robber Shi was even more angry and said:
"The Qin Dynasty is ruthless and its troops are extremely insidious!"

"Especially the old thief Gong Shuqiu, he is really a bit hateful."

"After we were both heavenly beings, we actually worked for the violent Qin Dynasty. If he hadn't imitated the divine cannon, the leader would never have suffered such a big loss this time!"

Stealing Stone also had a head-on confrontation with the Great Qin Cavalry. When they faced Wang Jian that time, the Great Qin Army did not have celestial weapons such as Shenwu Cannon, so the four commanders of them had already suffered a big loss!
This time, the giants hurriedly raided the Weishui River and were directly ambushed by Qin's divine cannons.Just thinking about the level of danger at that time makes Pi Shi feel a little frightened.Relatively speaking, it is a blessing that the leader can return smoothly now.

Master Xu frowned, then said after careful consideration:

"Previously, our interception of Yinghuo Star had already made Da Qin jealous."

"Now that the leader is raiding the Weishui River, I'm afraid that Ying Zheng will directly send his army to attack us."

(End of this chapter)

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