Chapter 85: Soldiers target the Mo family!

After hearing that Gong Shuqiu was so afraid of Tianren staying in the Mo family, Meng Tian couldn't help but ask:
"Master Gongshu, this time our elite troops from Great Qin are dispatched, and the divine cannons they are equipped with are enough to shock the world!"

"Is the Mo family's organ city really that powerful?"

"Can it withstand the continuous bombardment of the Shenwu cannon?"

After Meng Tian asked this question, when he thought of the number of Shenwu cannons carried in this army, Gong Shuqiu seemed to be inspired with confidence in an instant.

He slowly analyzed:
"The most powerful organ creation of the Mohist family is actually not the four sacred beasts of the organ, but the main altar of the Mohist family itself!"

As soon as Gong Shuqiu said these words, Meng Tian and Xingyue Shen both felt trembling in their hearts and hurriedly asked Gong Shuqiu to continue talking.

"Among the four sacred beasts of the mechanism, except Suzaku, which was directly inherited from heaven and man, the other three sacred beasts of mechanism were all developed by Mozi under the guidance of heaven and man."

"The Suzaku, the sacred machine beast, was once used as a traveling tool for heavenly beings. Its sophistication is naturally unparalleled in the world. However, the mystery of this machine creation lies in its movement, not its proficiency in killing. Therefore, on the battlefield, we do not need to worry about the machine saint. Beast Suzaku.”

"As for the other three Mechanism Sacred Beasts, White Tiger, Qinglong, and Xuanwu, in terms of power, they are only a hair's breadth away from the domineering Mechanism Beasts of our Gongshu family. There is no need for General Meng to take these three Mechanism Sacred Beasts to heart. "

"The troublesome thing is the Mo family's organ city! This organ city was built by the ancestors Lu Ban and Mozi. Later, it was continuously improved by successive leaders of the Mohist family, and it became the great thing it is today!"

"The entire organ city is not only the main altar of the Mohist family, but also the most powerful killing weapon of the Mohist family. In fact, the entire organ city of the Mohist family is a behemoth of an organ! It is known as the 'outer world of demons'! If the army falls into it , will face murderous intentions everywhere in the sky and on the earth!"

Gong Shuqiu's description of the Mohist government city made Meng Tian frown!
If you want to defeat the Mo family, you must destroy this organ city.

If we attack with manpower, no matter how elite the soldiers of Great Qin are, how can they face the murderous intentions everywhere in the sky and on the earth?
In the past, if Meng Tian led an army to attack the Mohists, he would have been prepared to die on the battlefield, but now
After Meng Tian thought for a moment, he spoke to Gong Shuqiu:

"The Mo family's machine city is really terrifying, but why do we, the elite of Great Qin, want to attack it?"

"Can't we just surround the city with heavy troops and force them to come out?"

"Master Gongshu. You still don't understand the art of war. There's no need to be so nervous."

When Gongshu Chou heard Meng Tian's words, he quickly said:

"General Meng doesn't know what. The Mohist government city has been managed by the giants of the past dynasties, and it's unknown how vast the underground world has been dug out."

"The food and grass hidden in it will definitely be enough to keep the Mo family running for a long time. We will feel uncomfortable for a while if we use each other up."

Hearing Gong Shuqiu's words, Meng Tian almost couldn't help laughing, and couldn't help but say:

"If I set up all the Shenwu artillery directly outside the Mohist government city and continuously bombard the Mohist government city, how should the Mohist family respond?"

"Even if the Mo family's machine city is made of gold and iron, the people inside will be shocked to death under the continuous bombardment of Cathay by artillery."

Hearing Meng Tian's words, Gong Shuqiu was immediately stunned!

After thinking about it carefully, he found that it was indeed the case!

No matter how powerful the Mo family's organ city is, only by entering it will you face the sharp edges everywhere!

But now, Da Qin has mass-produced so many Shenwu cannons.Directly from outside the organ city, you can suppress it with terrifying firepower, making it impossible for the Mohist organ city to display any of its magic.

Even the Mohists were huddled in the city.That will lead to the end of the entire city being bombarded into rubble.

If the Mo family dares to come out and fight, hum!The elite soldiers of Great Qin will also teach them how to be obedient citizens!
In an instant, Gongshu Qiu's face was filled with a look of relief. It was because of his inherent image that he thought too highly of the Mo family's government city.So much so that I forgot that today’s era has already changed.In the face of the most intuitive firepower of the Shenwu cannon, the Mohist machine city is indeed nothing.

Of course, as long as the world-destroying artifact once sealed by Heavenly Man is not buried under the machine city.

The Mohist government city not far away must be destroyed today!
As the army marched like a long dragon, the Mohist government city was already in sight.

Outside the entire Mohist government building, there was silence and an aura of murder.Not a single disciple of the Mo family stayed outside, but the entire city was like a giant beast lying quietly on the earth, ready to open its ferocious mouth at any time!
Meng Tian raised his right hand, and the entire army stopped in place like an arm.

On the Mohist government city, the Mohist giant led a group of commanders and appeared.

Ju Zi turned to Meng Tian and laughed:

"General Meng, who has led so many elite soldiers to come to the main altar of our Mo family, really thinks highly of our Mo family."

When Meng Tian heard this, two sharp lights appeared in his eyes, and he said coldly:
"Today, I am here on the emperor's order!"

"The Mohist family has only two ways to go, surrender or be destroyed!"

"You guys, there's no need to say more, just say whether to surrender or not?"

As soon as Meng Tian finished speaking, one hundred thousand elite soldiers behind him raised their soldiers high and shouted in unison:
"Is it going to drop or not?"

"Is it going to drop or not?"

"Is it going to drop or not?"

Its sound was so loud that it reached the sky!

There is a vague atmosphere of asking questions on behalf of heaven!

When the Mohist leaders saw the Qin army's momentum, they all sighed, no wonder the armies of the Six Kingdoms were defeated by the Qin army.
From this serious military formation, it can be seen that the combat effectiveness of the Qin army is far beyond what the armies of the Six Kingdoms can compare with.

The giant also frowned, with a few ferocious looks on his face, and said fiercely:
"The violent Qin Dynasty has committed such an irresponsible act. Anyone with lofty ideals in the world can attack it!"

"How can I, a member of the Mo family, be like the Gongshu family, begging for mercy from the violent Qin?"

"Today, my Mo family will not surrender!"

"We must use this blood to learn from Xuanyuan! Awaken the people of the world to resist the violent Qin!"

Hearing the words of the Mohist giant, Meng Tian had no reaction, but Gong Shuqiu became the first to become unable to sit still.

He cursed angrily:
"Shameless people like you from the Mo family, don't talk about benevolence and righteousness!"

"My father-in-law, loser, joined the Great Qin Dynasty just to comply with the will of heaven and man, and you, the Mo family, did such a treasonous act out of naked selfishness!"

"Today, your Mo family must be overthrown here, so as not to be a disgusting person in this world!"

Hearing Gong Shuqiu's dirty words, the giant could only tremble with anger!
His eyes were as wide as those of a leopard, and he said sternly:
"It's useless to talk more. If you have the ability, come and attack our Mo family's prison city!"

(End of this chapter)

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