In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 86: Gods and holy objects, gods and Buddhas retreat! ! !

Chapter 86: Gods and holy objects, gods and Buddhas retreat! ! !
Meng Tian made a routine announcement, after uttering words of persuasion to surrender.

Seeing that the Mo family wanted to fight to the end, they did not hesitate and immediately issued an order to attack the city.

Under the waving of the command flag, the entire army of [-] people began to change their formation.

The heavy armored soldiers held long shields in front, and the light soldiers guarded the left and right wings.

The Chinese army is the most elite archer in the Qin Dynasty. In the past, the Qin Dynasty used the power of bows and arrows to forcefully break through the defenses of the six countries.

The bows and arrows of the Six Kingdoms could not shoot as far as the Great Qin.Its strength is not even on the same level.

Facing this behemoth-like Mohist machine city, Meng Tian still wanted to use the sharpest bows and arrows of the Qin army to test it first.




Under the loud shouts, the elite archers of Great Qin lined up their arrows one after another!

The next moment, a black rainstorm composed of sharp arrows attacked the Mo family's organ city.

The deadly arrow that once destroyed the Six Kingdoms once again showed its ferocious edge.


Countless sounds of breaking through the sky, connected in a series, formed the most deadly sound that represented the era of cold weapons.

When the great Qin army was about to launch arrows, the Mohist giant had already led the Mohist leaders into the interior of the city.

“Ding ding ding~~~~~~~~”

The black rain of arrows baptized the Mo family's organ city, making a continuous sound.

In an instant, after the rain of arrows, the entire city was filled with arrows.

It looks even more ferocious!
Meng Tian raised his hand and stopped the army from firing a second round of arrows.

That round of arrow rain just now looked so mammoth that it definitely represented the pinnacle of bow and arrow volleys in this era.

But after all, there is nothing that can be done about the strong government city of the Mo family.

The power of the arrows alone does not damage the solid appearance of the machine city.

At this time, the Mohist giant appeared again, facing the elites of the Qin Dynasty, and said unruly:

"Hmph! Meng Tian!"

"If you, the violent Qin Dynasty, want to destroy our Mohist clan, you'd better stop using these arrows, lest you make the magistrate laugh!"

"My head is right here! If you have the ability, you can bring one hundred thousand elites into my city. I'll wait for you to get it!"

At this moment, the giant's face was full of pride.

The government city under his feet is the Mo family's biggest trump card.Even if Great Qin’s army could sweep across Liuhe.But as long as they enter this organ city, no matter how many elite soldiers there are, they are no different from ordinary people.He could only face the endless sharpness of the machine and lose his life abruptly.

When Meng Tian heard these provocative words, he didn't show any anger at all.Giving the order to shoot arrows is just a kind of temptation in itself.

Under Meng Tian's command, the army command flag changed again.

The elite archers of the Chinese army all put away their bows and merged into the light pawns defending the enemy on both sides.

Da Qin's newly established Shenji Camp showed up again.

A hundred divine cannons were slowly pushed to the front.

At this moment, the heavy armored soldiers holding shields at the front of the military formation were all divided into two dragons and scattered to the left and right sides of the military formation.


When hundreds of divine cannons were pushed to the front.

The giant, who had a proud and proud face before, suddenly widened his eyes and his face turned pale!

There was a hasty attack on the Weishui River a few days ago. During the melee, he failed to see clearly how many divine cannons were listed on the armored warship.

But there is absolutely no way that there are hundreds of doors in front of you!
The power of the Shenwu cannon's volley killed all the Mohist disciples near Xianyang on the banks of the Weishui River in just one shot.

Seeing this divine cannon again, the giant seemed to feel that the minced meat and blood all over the ground were close to his eyes.Can the Mo family's machine city really be able to stop such a large number of divine cannons?

Juzi doesn't know the answer.

But at this moment, the warning sign in his heart had reached its peak!
"Activate the biggest defense of the machine city!"

"Quick! Raise all the armor!"

In an instant, the giant entered the organ city and issued orders quickly.

The leaders of the Mo family, seeing the giant's eagerness, roughly understood that the cannon launched by the Qin army must be the most deadly weapon.

The entire machine city seemed to be activated under the operation of countless machine expansions.

From the outside looking in, large shields made of iron armor rose up on the outside of the machine city.

It was like a huge mechanical beast that suddenly had scales all over its body.

Hundreds of divine cannons were lined up in a row, driven by the soldiers of the Divine Machine Battalion.

One shell after another has been stuffed into the dark barrel.

The newly formed Great Qin Shenji Battalion showed its complete organization for the first time in this world.Meng Tian also looked expectantly at the Shenwu cannon that had begun to ignite the line of fire!

The Shenji Camp was created by the First Emperor specifically for the use of heavenly and human weapons.

Although it had just been established not long ago, Meng Tian knew deeply how much expectations the First Emperor had for this newly built military unit.Even in the words, there is a meaning of conquering the world with it.

When the outside of the Mohist government city was covered with iron armor.

The line of fire of the hundreds of divine cannons has also been completely burned to the end.

The next moment, the cannonball that was stuffed into the barrel roared out of the barrel and blasted towards the armored machine city!

“Bang bang bang~~~~~~~~~~~”

How terrifying is the power of a volley of hundreds of divine cannons?
Nearly the entire land trembled for several breaths.Even these soldiers of the Great Qin Army were temporarily deafened by the bombardment of hundreds of Shenwu cannons.

This is because they stuffed cotton into their ears in advance.

Even the coach Meng Tian's eyes widened at this moment!
Looking at it in disbelief, the barrel was still emitting white smoke.He never expected that the power of a volley of hundreds of divine weapons could make such a big noise.

It's like a hurricane roaring like a tsunami.

The target of the Shenwu artillery bombardment, the fully armored machine city, was now filled with a billowing billow of thick smoke.

After a gust of breeze blew, the white smoke was slowly blown away.

The armor surrounding the entire organ city was already in ruins.Although the organ city has not completely collapsed, the iron armor covering the entire city has been dented.

And inside the organ city, it was even more miserable!
Although the strong outer body of the machine city was not completely penetrated by the shells.But how can they resist the shock caused by the powerful impact?

The Mohist disciples in the entire city were like grass after a heavy rain, swaying this way and that, and they all collapsed on the ground.

There were even many people with blood coming out of their ears, looking like they had ruptured eardrums.

When the giant saw such a scene, his flaws were about to burst!
Master Ban was even more frightened and said:

"Chief! We can no longer defend the city!"

"If this intensity of attack is repeated a few more times, even if the machine city is not completely destroyed, we will be shocked to death here!"

Robber Shi also had a look of determination on his face and said coldly:
"Why don't I wait, go straight out, and have a real fight with them!"

"The Shenwu cannon must be fired at intervals."

"I'm waiting for this short interval to have a melee with them."

"Then Meng Tian wouldn't use the divine cannon to blast his own people!"

Gao Jianli also showed his long sword at this time and said loudly:
"Chief, come out of the city and fight to the death!"

"If we continue to rely on the defense of the machine city, we will only be beaten passively!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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