In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 87 Formation is in the east, Qinglong listens to orders! ! !

Chapter 87 Formation is in the east, Qinglong listens to orders! ! !
Hearing the calls for battle from several commanders around him, the giant was in a state of confusion.

He never expected that he would be in such a predicament right after the war started.The government city that he regarded as his greatest reliance had now turned into a prison where they were passively beaten!
The giant slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air, a sharp light appeared in his eyes, and he gritted his teeth and said coldly:

"Release the White Tiger, Qinglong, and Xuanwu, the three sacred beasts of the mechanism!"

"In order to disrupt the opponent's battle formation, we will take advantage of the Qin army's chaos to attack with our entire clan!"

As soon as Juzi finished speaking, the Mohist leaders around him all became determined to defend themselves against the enemy.

Fighting in close combat, there is no way back, either you die or I die!
No one knows whether this war can still exist in the world!
But now that they have made their choice, they will not hesitate again!
After another round of shelling, the Mo family's machine city already had a crumbling smell.

But then, all the gates of the Mo family's organ city were opened.

Numerous humanoid figures emerged from it, all holding sharp weapons and charging towards the Qin army.

Among the densely packed figures, there are also three tall machine beasts!
After seeing the dense crowd of figures, Gong Shuqiu's eyes showed incomparable horror, and he said in shock:
"Human puppet!!!"

"The Mo family actually developed a human puppet!"

Hearing Gongshu's words, Meng Tian became alarmed and hurriedly asked:

"What is a human puppet?"

"How difficult is this thing?"

Gongshu Qiuyu could not express his inner surprise and said solemnly:

"The human puppet was originally an idea proposed by our ancestor Lu Ban. It imitated the method of operating the sacred beast and reduced the size of the puppet to a human form."

"The driving structure is somewhat similar to the public loser's wooden stream cow and horse. But unlike the wooden stream cow and horse's auxiliary function, the human puppet is a complete battlefield killing weapon!"

"The things hidden in its body are all sharp weapons. The ancestors of Lu Ban were also afraid that it would violate the harmony of nature, so they stopped studying it."

"But now it seems that this human puppet has been successfully developed by the Mo family. Moreover, it has reached the stage of mass production!"

"General Meng, remember to fight with caution."

There is no need to talk about losing grudges, Meng Tian has already tried a test shot with a bow and arrow.Even if the head of the human puppet was shot directly, the human puppet still staggered towards the Great Qin army.

That posture was just like the legendary living corpse who was fearless and fearless of death.

Meng Tian has already understood the difficulty of human puppets. While commanding the Shenji Battalion, he made full use of the power of the Shenwu cannon to eliminate these human puppets.

Only by blasting the human puppets into pieces will these human puppets, who are not afraid of pain, completely stop functioning.

Mohist organization under the city.

The whole land was shaking continuously, although the target of the Shenwu cannon was no longer the machine city.

But driven by this shocking force, the entire machine city was still on the verge of collapse.

In the open space in front of the machine city, there is already a large piece of wooden machine fragments, all of which are human puppets that have been smashed to pieces.

The Mohist giant endured the severe pain in his heart and stared at the battlefield with his eyes, waiting for the opportunity to kill.

These human puppets that were blasted to pieces are the accumulation of the Moh family over thousands of years.How could the great master not feel his heart ache if he lost all his secrets in one day?

However, if human puppets are not used to withstand the firepower of the Shenwu cannon, the lives of Mohist disciples will be sacrificed!

After two considerations, the giant had no choice but to bear the pain and use the Mo family's thousand-year foundation to consume the firepower of the Shenwu cannon.

When the human puppet troops rushed to the Great Qin army's formation, they were only twenty feet away.

Meng Tian had already ordered the soldiers of the Shenji Battalion to put away all the Shenwu cannons.

At this moment, the three tall organ sacred beasts of the Mo family were already approaching the Great Qin army formation.

In such a close encounter, the Shenwu artillery is likely to accidentally injure one's own troops.There is even a risk of being damaged by the enemy.

Therefore, even though the Shenwu cannons stole the show, Meng Tian still ordered all the Shenwu cannons to be put away.

"All Da Qin soldiers, form an array!" "Don't let anyone from the Mo family go!"

Under Meng Tian's roar, the heavy armored soldiers once again stepped forward with shields, advancing towards the Mohists like a moving iron wall.

From the gap in each shield, a shining sharp spear protruded.

With the human puppets of the Mo family almost dead, the disciples of the Mo family left the city one after another with weapons in hand.

Several commanders were all filled with murderous intent.

The machine sacred beast Xuanwu, like a tall chariot, rushed towards the heavy armored soldiers at the front of the Great Qin army formation.

"Clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang!!!!!!!"

There was a constant sound of gold and iron clashing, and the basalt beast covered in iron collided with tall shields.

A dozen of Great Qin's heavy armored soldiers were directly knocked into the sky.

White Tiger was still shooting out sharp blades from all over his body.The sharp blades burst out, leaving a splash of blood.

Although the holy beast Qinglong does not have the direct impact ability of Xuanwu, it also does not have the sharp shooting function of White Tiger.

But in comparison, Qinglong is even more difficult to deal with!
The green dragon belongs to wood, and the sacred beast representing the blue dragon is full of venom that can seal its throat when it sees blood!
Entering the battlefield this time, all the venom in the holy beast Qinglong was stimulated into poisonous smoke, constantly harvesting the lives of the surrounding soldiers!

Meng Tian glanced at Gongshuqiu, and Gongshuqiu immediately understood the meaning.

All the domineering machine beasts carried by the Gongshu family appeared on the battlefield.

Although his father-in-law does not have endless human puppets, he does not have any domineering machine beasts that can compete with the machine holy beasts!

With the same technology, Gongshu also created the domineering beasts Qilin, Kui Niu and Jiu Ying!
These three overbearing beasts appeared on the battlefield and immediately fought with the Mo family's sacred beasts.

The driving principles of the machine beasts on both sides are all imitating the monster beasts that came from ancient times.

In an instant, the battlefield seemed to have reappeared the scene from ancient times, with those terrifying machine monsters fighting in one place.

Without the benefit of the institution.

Meng Tian's eyes flashed with blood, Fang Tian pointed his halberd at the Mohist disciples who rushed out, and roared:

"Kill me!!!"




The armored soldiers belonging to Da Qin mobilized all their fighting energy, holding long soldiers in their hands, and rushed towards the Mohist disciples.

Like two tides, completely converging in one place!
Both sides are equally brave and fearless of death.

In an instant, the entire battlefield was already surrounded by a strong smell of blood.

The roars, screams, and the sound of sharp blades piercing bones and breaking flesh are endless.

Meng Tian took the lead, and Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand frequently collided with the black eyebrow in the giant's hand.

Xingyue Shen led the masters of the Yin and Yang family to fight with the leaders of the Mo family.

The Mohist giant was already seriously injured, so how could he resist Meng Tian now?
At this time, although Meng Tian was not as good as Wang Jian in terms of military merit.But Meng Tian is at the peak of his life, and his martial arts skills honed through life and death on the battlefield are even better than Wang Jian!

The euphorbia shines with cold light and dances like a magic dragon!

That incomparable power, every time it hit Mo Mei, made the giant feel as if his internal organs were about to be shattered.

(End of this chapter)

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