Chapter 13
Half a mile past Qunshan Station is the county seat.

The county town is extremely prosperous. The main street is endless and filled with pedestrians.

There is a "Juxiangyuan" restaurant at the entrance of the main street. Li Jianming wants to go in to buy wine and food, so he asks Du Ruoli to go shopping nearby and come find him in an hour.

"Okay, my lord."

Du Ruoli responded, like a bird flying out of an iron cage, hugging her sister and diving into the crowd.

Li Jianming shook his head with a smile and stepped into the restaurant.

Out of Li Jianming's sight, Du Ruoli found a hidden place and sent her sleeping sister into space.

Come out of the space and go straight to the east of the county.

Since ancient times, the east has been rich, the west has been noble, the south has been poor, and the north has been humble. The east side of a city is often home to the richest people.

Only wealthy people can afford to buy good things.

Du Ruoli was carrying a straw basket with winter dates and snow pears in it.

Winter jujubes are yellow with reddish color and are round and plump.

The snow pear is watery, as if it is flowing with honey.

She bought these box by box from the fruit wholesale market to ensure that she eats one kilogram of fruit every day.After traveling through time, I was reluctant to eat it and had to exchange it for money.

With only fifteen copper coins on my body, I really felt insecure.

She raised her voice and shouted along the high wall: "Guoziler, fruit seller, sweet fruit..."

After just a few shouts, a small door opened, and a girl in green clothes walked out, waving to her: "Hey, fruit seller, come here."

Du Ruoli was about to step forward when her sleeve was pulled.A girl with a somewhat cold look asked: "You say sweet is sweet? How do you prove it?"

"It's very simple. Just pick one and taste it and you will know." Du Ruoli said confidently: "Actually, you don't have to choose. They are all sweet. You can choose with your eyes closed."

"Leng Bingbing" didn't believe her words, so he closed his eyes and grabbed a winter date.

The man in green clothes was curious and came over, closed his eyes and touched a winter date.

The two people put the winter dates into their mouths at the same time, and when they bit their teeth, it was a sweet hit.

Now they believed it. The fruit seller had not lied. Every fruit was sweeter than any fruit they had eaten before. It was sweet to the heart.

Du Ruolixin said that the fruits selected and optimized by modern agricultural experts are of course sweet!
"Leng Bingbing" reacted first, pointed at the basket and said, "I want them all."

The man in green clothes held the basket with both hands and said, "No, what I came here first belongs to me."

"I'll give you two taels of silver!"

"I'll give you three taels!"

"I'll give you five taels!"

"I'll give you six taels!"

"I'll give you ten taels!!!"

"I...will also give you ten taels!!!"

Du Ruoli saw that it was almost done, so she decisively stopped: "Let's do it, ten taels of silver in a basket, and you two will share it equally. I will give you two more sweet oranges, which are sweet and can't be sold anywhere else."

As he said this, he actually took out four bright red tangerines from his sleeves and put them in their hands respectively.

Tangerines have a pleasant color, full aroma, and look delicious.You can also put it in the house as a decoration.The two happily accepted it, and happily bought the winter dates and duck pears.I didn't expect to spend a lot more money than originally planned.

Ten pounds of fruit in exchange for ten taels of silver was something Du Ruoli didn't expect.She thought she could exchange it for two or three taels at most.

It seems that she underestimated the purchasing power of ancient people and their desire for high-quality fruits.

The fruits in her space have great potential!
With money, Du Ruoli went to the clothing store.

She needs a good outfit to do bigger business.

There were three ready-to-wear shops next to each other on the main street. Du Ruoli looked outside and chose a smaller one.

In her previous life, she was engaged in sales of luxury goods. She was a peer with the shopkeeper and could quickly judge the business level of her peers.

A friendly female shopkeeper with a round face and round eyes came up to her. It seemed as if she could not see her shabby clothes. She said with a smile: "Girl, please come in. Feel free to try on the clothes you like."

Du Ruoli chose two sets, one in elegant light purple and one in warm orange-red, made of satin fabric with exquisite embroidery.

"The girl has good eyesight and has chosen the most popular style. Please come here and try it on!"

Both sets of clothes fit well. Du Ruoli came out of the fitting room and bought them for eight taels of silver.

After a stick of incense, she dressed up and made up so much that her parents didn't even recognize her, and appeared in the largest jewelry shop in the county.

The jewelry store always recognizes Luo Shang first and then recognizes the person. If you don't have good clothes, you can't get in.

Entering the jewelry shop, she took out two pearls with a diameter of ten millimeters and uniform color, and asked arrogantly: "Can the shopkeeper use these two small beads?"

This is still small?
I’ve never seen such big beads in the county, okay?
The shopkeeper raised his head and looked at the girl in riding attire with flaming red lips: Well, he didn't know.

The one hanging from the girl's ears and hanging from her wrist is indeed much bigger than this one.

Round, smooth, and shiny.

He moved his eyes with difficulty and looked at the one in the girl's hand again: "Girl...what's the price for it?"

Du Ruoli said nonchalantly: "My father received it, but I forgot it was a few hundred taels. If I took it and lost it, I would lose it. You can just give me 100 taels of silver."

The shopkeeper's face was calm, but his heart was filled with joy.

Beads of this size and quality cost 120 taels of silver per pair at the place of production, not including the toll on the road.After wandering here, after processing and packaging, it can be sold for 400 taels of silver.Only a prodigal like this who doesn't know how to count would sell it at a low price.

He reluctantly said: "Okay, in order to prevent the girl from being lost, I will do a good deed and accept the 100 taels of silver. I don't want anything else, I just want the girl to come to the store more in the future. As soon as the girl comes, The store is brighter than usual.”

Tsk, with such eloquence and ability to fool people, it would be a pity to be a shopkeeper in the county town.You can definitely go into finance and angel investment!

How could Du Ruoli not know that pearls were sold cheaply, but her purchase price was even less, only three hundred yuan.Converted to ancient currency, it was three hundred copper plates.

She doesn't want to be a black-hearted businessman, she'd better have 100 taels of silver.

After taking the ten silver ingots, Du Ruoli found an opportunity to send them into space.I fed my sister in the space with milk, took her out and held her upright, and walked briskly back to the restaurant to meet Li Jianming.

Li Jianming was full of wine and food, and the carriage was full. He also left a pancake and a chicken drumstick for Du Ruoli: "Eat it, and go back to the inn."

Du Ruoli knew that he meant well, so she took it generously and ate happily: "Thank you, sir."

The food produced by the restaurant is really good and fragrant.Especially the chicken, which is made from domestically raised free-range chickens. The meat is firm and delicate, and the meat is full of flavor when you take a bite. It tastes many times better than the chickens raised in space.

It's too late this time. She will buy chicken next time.

She is now a person with a huge amount of money.

(End of this chapter)

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