Chapter 12 Sink
In another wing room, Du Zhizhong crept into the room.

The old father woke up with a start and asked vaguely: "Where has my son gone? But the black buns have heartburn after eating them. They need to be evacuated."

"Well..." Du Zhizhong touched the silver ingot in his arms, lifted the quilt and lay down: "It's okay, dad, please go to sleep."

"My son has been wronged." The old father muttered and fell asleep.

Du Zhizhong also closed his eyes.

In the darkness, Du Zhizhong's youngest brother, Du Zhiqiang, suddenly opened his eyes and looked towards the roof, wondering what he was thinking.

After a night of silence, I woke up and continued on my way.

On the way, the patriarch's care for Du Zhizhong was quite obvious.

Although the tribesmen don't know the reason, they have always believed in the tribe leader and no longer alienate him. They will help whenever they can.

Du Zhizhong's life is getting better.

Du Ruoli and Du Ruozhen looked at each other distantly and shook their heads helplessly.

They neither knew what Du Zhizhong said to the patriarch, nor what the patriarch thought, nor could they shake the patriarch's authority, so they could only passively accept this reality.

At the beginning of Shenshi (four o'clock in the afternoon), the exile team arrived at Qunshan Station.

Entering the inn, the first thing you see is a group of twenty prisoners.The prisoner was tied up with a chain and stood at the door waiting to be taken in.

They came from Cangzhou Fucheng, and like the Du family, they were sentenced to exile in the frontier.Because there were few people, Ji and others were detained together.

These people are not implicated, they are real criminals.What he committed was slightly less serious than the crime of beheading.

Du Ruoli looked at them one by one.

He is indeed a very vicious person.His temperament and expression are filled with resentment and rebelliousness.

Looking at it, he suddenly met a pair of deep pool-like eyes.Those eyes looked at her quietly, as if they wanted to look into her heart and reveal all her dark thoughts.

Du Ruoli was so frightened that her heart trembled and she turned away.

The man turned his face as if nothing had happened.

Ji Tong wanted to stay to handle the handover and let Li Jianming settle down the Du family.

Even though we were settling in, we were just living in stables and barns, which were smelly and cold.

Li Jianming pointed at Du Ruoli and Du Ruoying's mother and daughter and said, "You live in the small room on the east side. Remember, no fire, no open flames of any kind."

"Thank you! We remembered!"

When Du Ruoli and the other three came to the house and took a look, they were instantly satisfied.

Because there is no stench in the house, it is not a place for keeping animals, but a place for feeding.Some of the feed was used up, and a small space was left, barely enough for three people.

Du Ruoli put down her luggage, sat on the luggage roll and smiled bitterly.

Just now, she was so happy for a thatched house with drafts and cold air from all sides?Has her quality of life declined to this point?

Don't say it, it's true.

Secretly shedding two lines of lasagna tears, Du Ruoli hugged her sister and went out.

After five good days of eating and sleeping, my sister gained half a kilogram in weight and had a faint pink color on her face. This was the only good news.

The other people in the tribe were divided into four stables according to men and women.Zhou Daya and Zhang Xiuhe were assigned to a room next to the feed room.

Du Ruozhen was in another room, next to Zhou Daya and the others.Men live in the two rooms outside.

The new prisoners had no room to live in and were leaning under the eaves of the livestock shed.

Du Ruoli didn't dare to look at them anymore and went straight to Li Jianming.Li Jianming prepared the carriage and was about to go out to buy something.

The inn will prepare dry food for them to eat on the way, but it will be ordinary food, but they will not die of hunger.If you want to eat well, you have to buy it yourself.

As for where the money comes from, it depends on their abilities along the way.They always turn a blind eye.

The Du family is so poor that they have yet to make any money.What they eat now is still their own money.

Li Jianming didn't care about this.He made this trip to gain experience and accumulate capital, not for money.

The other seven guards are different, they all come here to make a fortune.I don’t know what kind of methods will be used.

I hope Miss Du Ruoli won't suffer too much.

Talk about Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrives.Thinking of Du Ruoli, Du Ruoli is here.

Du Ruoli asked Li Jianming: "Sir, can I follow you to Qunshan County for a walk?"

Li Jianming didn't answer but asked: "Are you rich?"

Can a rich father throw himself to death just for a bite to eat?Can a rich mother bleed to death?If you have money, can you starve to death?

He can guarantee that she will never have more than ten copper coins on her.

Du Ruoli shook his head: "I don't have money, I just want to see it. I have never seen what the county looks like, and I want to see it."

Li Jianming relented. He was very fond of this girl and didn't want to let her down: "Get in the car and don't run around in the city. I won't care if you are treated as a refugee."

Du Ruoli climbed onto the carriage, patted her chest and promised, "I will definitely not run around."

It's not like she hasn't thought about escaping from the exile team and finding a remote place to live alone.

But first, without household registration, it is easy to be arrested as a refugee and beaten to death or forced to do hard labor.

The second is damn Ji Tong, who implements the continuous sitting system in the exile team.There are ten prisoners in each group, and the group members supervise each other. If one of them escapes, all the other nine will be killed.

She didn't want to, and didn't dare to bear the consequences of involving nine people.Moreover, among the nine people there was Du Ruoying and her daughter who were close to the original family and took good care of her.

She could only bite the bullet and finish the road to exile.

While talking, Du Zhizhong arrived.Bowed to Li Jianming to the end: "Please, Master Li, please bring one of the criminals. The criminals need to buy some medicines for the unexpected needs of the clan members on the road. Master Li is kind and generous, and he certainly doesn't want to see the person he is escorting die, right?"

Du Ruoli blushed for him.

Who doesn’t know about medicines?

When asking for help, you should have the attitude of asking for help, and do it in a high-sounding way for who to see?If you still want to kidnap me morally, bah, who do you think you are?
Li Jianming changed his previous friendly attitude and said with a straight face: "No! Just make a list of what you want and I will bring it back for you."

Please ask the servants to help you. If tofu can bring out the price of meat, how many people can afford it?Du Zhizhong pointed at Du Ruoli and said, "Why can she do it? Could it be that Mr. Li..."

Li Jianming suddenly swung the whip over and hit Du Zhizhong's shoulder. The clothes on his shoulders suddenly broke open, revealing the blood stains inside: "Stop talking nonsense. If you want to buy it, buy it, if you don't buy it, get out..."

"I'll buy it, I'll buy it!" Du Zhizhong handed the list he had written long ago to Li Jianming's hand: "Look at how much it costs."

"Twenty taels of silver!" Li Jianming glanced at the list and quoted the price.

Du Zhizhong trembled and offered the silver.

Li Jianming accepted the money and whipped his horse to drive.

Du Ruoli didn't say a word the whole time, she just held her sister tightly in her arms.

The little baby opened its big black and bright eyes and spit a bubble at her.

It seems to be saying, sister, no matter how dark the world is and how cold life is, I will always be by your side.

(End of this chapter)

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