Chapter 11 Broken Temple (2)

Zhou Daya thought to herself, that's all, even if she borrowed these things from Sister Ruoli, she would definitely return them to her twice as much when she settled down.As a big family, they couldn't take advantage of an orphan girl.

Du Ruoying thought to herself that even if she didn't want it, Ah Li would find a way to put it in her mouth. Instead of coyly, she might as well accept it.I will repay you in the future, my life is so long, I have to repay you.

The two looked at each other and saw the same meaning in each other's eyes. They quickly quickened their pace and caught up with Du Ruoli.

Du Ruoli was outside the window of the wing, tearing off the broken window paper, and motioned to Du Ruoqiu, who was working with a torch, to take the basket.

Later, Zhou Daya and Du Ruoying followed the same method and sent things in.Then go to the yard to eat empty-handed.

There are two large iron pots in the courtyard, with bacon and millet porridge being cooked in them respectively.

There was a lot of soup and a little food. When it was given to everyone, it was only a piece of meat and a clear number of rice.

But everyone was happy, standing around the firewood and laughing loudly.

Du Ruoli was infected by them and looked forward to this meal.

Finally, the patriarch ordered the meal to be served.

The aunts in charge of the dishes, in order, give each person a bowl of thin millet porridge, and then a bowl of broth with a piece of meat floating on it.

The person who got the meal did not go back to the house or eat first, but just smiled stupidly while holding the hot bowl.

Du Ruoli came early and it was her turn soon.

She was standing next to the meat pot, using the cover of her sleeves to secretly pour corn oil into the steaming pot.

She actually wanted to add meat, but her knife skills were not good and she couldn't cut the meat out of the paper.

Corn oil is also very good and can add some fat to the tribe.

After more than half of the five kilograms of oil were gone, the rice was ready. Du Ruoli took back the oil bucket, took the rice and left.

She saw Du Ruoqiu lining up in the crowd with her little niece tied behind her and holding Du Ruoyu in her arms.Du Ruoli hurried over to pick up her sister, and like everyone else, she held a bowl and waited for others to prepare food.

After everyone has eaten, everyone tears their assigned black buns into porridge bowls, takes a sip of porridge, then a sip of broth, and smacks their lips. This is what people eat!

Infected by this strong emotion, Du Ruoli also tasted sweetness, which was unprecedentedly sweet.

After eating and returning to the side room, Zhou Daya and Du Ruoying showed the harvest in the baskets to their family members, and received exclamations of exclamation again.

Zhou Daya fed Xiao Ruoyu well, Du Ruoli held her in his arms and fell asleep.

This was the first time she took her sister to bed.The baby was small and her bones were not strong enough. She didn't sleep well all night, and she couldn't help but worry that she would crush the little person to death.

At night, her sister began to moan softly, and she woke up immediately, wrapping her up tightly and hugging her out.

It was a cold autumn night with no stars or moon. Du Ruoli took out a bottle of milk from the space and poured it into her sister's mouth in the dark.

My sister ate happily, and she leaned against the wall and fell asleep.

Suddenly, a suppressed cry came from the ruined temple.

I didn't want to pay attention to it. Crying in these difficult years is normal for my wife, just like eating and drinking.Without the existence of space, she would cry at least three times a day.

But the next second, she heard Du Zhizhong's voice.

Du Zhizhong cried sincerely, knelt in front of the patriarch Du Changxing and said: "Uncle, please believe me, I am not greedy for ink, I was wronged. I have read poetry and books since I was a child, and I know my shame. I will never do this. It’s something that is harmful to nature.” The patriarch stopped drinking tea, put down the cup in his hand and asked, “What exactly is going on? Can you tell me?”

Du Zhizhong leaned into the clan leader's ear and said a long string of words.

The patriarch's eyes became brighter and brighter, and finally he slapped his thigh suddenly: "So, our Du clan will soon be rehabilitated and return to our homeland?"

Du Zhizhong nodded heavily: "Exactly."

"God bless you!" The patriarch clasped his hands together, feeling relieved.

Du Zhizhong moved his mouth a few times, and the clan leader seemed to have guessed what he meant. He returned the 40 taels of silver that he had taken away during the day to his hand, and said guiltily: "The medicine and food are gone, only this money is left." . Take the money back and buy some things at the next inn. As for those for food and use..."

"No, no, no matter what the clan members say, it's all because of my suffering, so those things should be offset." Du Zhizhong took the money and said: "I'm going back first. Uncle clan chief, please rest early."

The patriarch waved his hand at his back: "Hey, you should rest early."

Hearing the sound of Du Zhizhong going out, Du Ruoli quickly stepped back from the window.Unexpectedly, there was another person behind him.

"Shh, run!" The man picked her up and ran along the bottom of the wall.

Du Ruoli recognized Du Ruozhen's voice and followed without hesitation.

The two of them ran to hide in a hiding place and leaned closely together. They heard Du Zhizhong start talking quietly after returning to the house.

Du Ruozhen said: "Do you believe what Du Juren said?"

Du Ruoli shook his head: "I didn't listen to everything, so I didn't dare to make a judgment. However, I don't think he is a person with a bottom line and sense of proportion, and he doesn't know etiquette, justice and shame."

"You think the same as me." Du Ruozhen said: "He has no one in his eyes but himself. Such a person will do things without caring... I didn't expect that you usually stay silent and have a brain. Well!"

Du Ruoli: "..."

I thank you!
Du Ruoli changed the subject: "Aren't you afraid of offending him when you did that during the day? He is a villain and will hate you and take revenge on you."

"What can be done? My grandmother fell hard and almost can't bear it anymore." Du Ruozhen looked at the crescent moon in the sky, with a tiny light shining in his eyes: "If you have a grudge, just bear it. I'm not a vegetarian either."

"Really? Let's have some vegetarian food, then?" Du Ruoli took out two carrots from her arms like a magic trick, bit one herself, and handed one to Du Ruozhen.

Du Ruozhen was a little in disbelief: "Are you sure you want to eat it for me?"

Food is in short supply right now. If you eat less than you need, you won’t have anything to eat at home, and you won’t have anything to give away.

"Sure." Du Ruoli put the carrot into her hand: "Eat it, it's sweet and delicious."

Then he took another bite, and it tasted delicious.

Du Ruozhen was not a coy character. After confirming that the other party was really giving it, he took a bite generously: "Yeah, it's delicious! It tastes better than the ones grown in the sand at home. It would be great if there are seeds. I'll settle in the west. Plant a piece. In winter, sit around the fire, roast it warm, and eat a sweet carrot. It’s so beautiful..."

Du Ruoli listened to her with a smile and fell in love with this girl more and more.

She has a vitality that is rare for women of this era, and she is so brilliant that people can't take their eyes away.

The two of them each finished eating a carrot, then went their separate ways and went back to their houses to sleep.In the second half of the night, Du Ruoli no longer woke up and slept extremely peacefully.

(End of this chapter)

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