Chapter 10 Broken Temple (1)

After grabbing things, the tribesmen were busy applying medicine to the injured.Du Ruozhen also crowded over to the clan leader to see the supplies harvested today.

Du Ruoli avoided everyone's sight and entered the space.

The baby in the space holds his little fist and sleeps in a W shape.Du Ruoli let her fall asleep first, went to the kitchen to get a buttery meat floss bread, and went out to look at the crops while chewing it.

Four days have passed in the world, and twelve days have passed in space.All the fruit tree saplings have survived, and each one is growing strong.Several large seedlings bloomed with beautiful flowers, filling the space with fragrance.

The rice and wheat have sprouted and are green.

The radish seedlings and cabbage seedlings are already half a finger long and are ready to be eaten.

Things can be planted under the fruit tree saplings for the time being. Du Ruoli sprinkled strawberry seeds, broccoli seeds, cucumber seeds, and tomato seeds in there.

After finishing this, I went back to the house, drank a glass of milk, and ate a plate of beef with soy sauce.Seeing that there wasn't much left over from the sauced beef I had made before, I took another three kilograms of beef tendon and stewed it in the electric pressure cooker.

It had been almost two hours since the baby last drank milk. She woke her up by changing her diaper and fed her milk.

Outside, eight officers escorting more than 300 members of the Du family sat together and talked.

The man with a full beard and a sinister expression said: "Boss, these 40 taels of silver and some other things, let's..."

The leader of the police force is a smart and capable middle-aged man named Ji Tong.Hearing this, he waved his hands and said, "No way, these poor guys only have this little money, and they will fight against us if they lose it. We can't afford to risk it for 40 taels of silver."

"Wouldn't that give them an advantage? Brother, I have sent prisoners for so many years, and this is the first time I have seen such poor people. If you don't take it now, you will really have nothing. Boss, are you willing?"

"What do you know! There are rich ways to do things, and there are ways to have no money if you don't have money. Put your heart in your stomach, as long as you keep these people alive, Ji will definitely make you rich. Walk six thousand miles back and forth, and raise your brain If there is no benefit to the waistband, who will do it?”

Zhang Da has followed him for many years and has always been convinced by him.I got a guarantee and said no more.

Others, including Li Jianming, who was participating in the escort mission for the first time, did not say anything about this matter, and turned to talk about other things.

Du Ruoli came out of the space, but the team had no sign of starting yet.

He stayed for two quarters of an hour before starting his trek.

When we set off again, the mental state of the team became different. They were no longer lifeless and seemed to have some hope.

The speed on my feet increased, and I reached my destination at the same time as usual.

The clan leader said that we would use the found things for dinner at night, so why don’t we go faster?

Arriving at the resting place, in an abandoned temple, the tribesmen were fetching water, collecting firewood, and lighting fires.

The women became the absolute main force, dancing with kitchen knives vigorously, cutting the bacon into small slices as thin as cicada wings, and frying it in the iron pot until the fat was released, and the aroma spread five miles away.

Wu Yueniang's knife skills were average and she was not given the job of chopping vegetables, so she was assigned to wash and cook rice.Du Ruoli tied her sister behind her back, went over to watch the fun, and quietly added three kilograms of millet into the wooden basin.

It wasn't that she couldn't bear to add more, but it was because there were only five kilograms of millet in the first place and it would be easy to wear out if she added too much.

Wu Yueniang didn't notice her little move, so she picked up a bucket of water and poured it into the wooden basin. She squatted down and scratched her nose and said, "Are you greedy? You'll have something to eat later. Leave your sister to Ruoqiu and take her with her." Stay. Go outside with Sister Aying and Sister-in-law Daya to see if you can find some more food to bring back."

"Okay." Du Ruoli stood up and went to look for Du Ruoqiu where the luggage was placed.

Du Ruoqiu lives in the wing next to the main hall. This wing is not big and can barely squeeze in the Du Ruoli sisters, Du Ruoying and her daughter, and the female family members of Du Ruoqiu's family and their baby, a total of eight people.

Du Ruoqiu was young and was frightened by what happened with Hongguo last night, so she was arranged to watch her niece in the house.

At this time, the little niece fell asleep on the floor, and she sat beside her and played with her straw sandals.Children from poor families are not eligible to rest.

Du Ruoli came in, she stood up and took Xiao Ruoyu, swayed gently, and said in a breathy voice: "Sister Ah Li, don't worry about finding something. I'll keep an eye on Xiao Yu'er, everything will be fine."

Du Ruoli touched the top of her head, turned around and went out, catching up with Du Ruoying and Zhou Daya who had not gone far.

Their goal is the back mountain, where there are already many people.Du Ruoli stood on her tiptoes, looked around, pointed to the backyard of the temple and said, "Let's go there and have a look."

The two people opposite looked puzzled, and Du Ruoli explained: "Didn't you hear what the guards said? This temple was very prosperous in the past. It is impossible for a prosperous temple not to have a cellar to hide things. I have searched in the front yard, and there is none. Then, Right in the backyard.”

"I see!"

"What are you waiting for?"

The two of them turned around and strode towards the backyard.

"Wait for me!" Du Ruoli hurriedly followed.

The backyard was overgrown and dilapidated, and looked particularly eerie under the shroud of darkness.Du Ruoying and Zhou Daya were so frightened that their legs weakened and they did not dare to take a step forward.

Du Ruoli picked up a few stones on the ground and threw them into the yard from different directions.The stone fell to the ground and no animals were disturbed. There was no danger in the yard.

Du Ruoli held the torch and walked towards the middle of the yard: "You two wait outside, I'll go in and take a look."

"We can't let you go alone, the three of us are together." Zhou Daya pulled up Du Ruoying, who was shaking with fear, and hurriedly followed.

Du Ruoli held her forehead.We have all followed, how can we still smuggle things?

But what was more touching was that these two people were obviously scared to death, but they had no intention of leaving her alone.

It was too late to find the cellar. Du Ruoli squatted on the ground, quickly brought out a pile of food, and exclaimed in a low voice: "Come quickly, there is food here."

The two of them trotted over and their eyes widened when they saw what was on the ground.

The fragrant ham meat was so delicious that it had one layer of fat and one layer of red, lean meat. The fat was two fingers thick and so oily that I wanted to take another bite. Three pieces were placed in a square shape.

A bag of golden and shiny millet weighs about seven or eight pounds.

The wheat noodles exudes the aroma of wheat, without any wheat bran, and there is a whole bag.

There are nine round pancakes in total covered with sesame seeds and baked until browned.

Plus a small bag of sesame seeds, a small bag of walnut kernels, and a small bag of brown sugar.

"Quickly, pick it up in the basket. Whatever is thrown casually in the yard, no one wants it. It's okay if we take it." Du Ruoli reminded them.

Zhou Daya pulled her eyes out of the food with difficulty and shook her head vigorously: "You discovered this thing, and it should be yours. I don't want it."

Du Ruoying didn't dare to speak, fearing that the bag of drool wrapped in her mouth would flow out, so she shook her head no.

The familiar plot came again. Du Ruoli didn't want to talk nonsense, so she divided the things into three and put one portion in each basket for them: "I don't want to break the rules. We will share them together as promised."

As he spoke, he held a torch in one hand and a basket in the other, and stood up and looked out.

The two idiots behind were stunned for a while, then they stood up and followed.

(End of this chapter)

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