Chapter 9 Du Ruozhen

Zhang Xiuhe returned to the place where he stayed, and when his family wasn't paying attention, he found a new belt and tied it on, then sat on the ground and gasped for air.

It was so dangerous, so dangerous, I was almost sent to the clan leader.

Fortunately, she saw the opportunity quickly and exchanged a belt for her life.

As long as she is safe and sound in the future, this matter will be over.

Du Ruoli no longer paid attention to Zhang Xiuhe. With the belt in hand, she didn't dare to mess around.

Wu Yueniang took matters into her own hands and quietly gave the remaining ten eggs to Zhou Daya yesterday, asking her to eat more and produce more milk.Zhou Daya ate two, and Du Ruoli gave her two more at night.After four eggs, the milk was indeed richer this morning, making Xiao Ruoyu full.

Hey, they are all good people!
Du Ruoli racked her brains, thinking how to subsidize them?

She has a whole space of supplies, so it would be pointless to just eat it by herself.People still need to have some friends who are sincere and sincere.

After breakfast, continue your trek.

In the morning, after the sky was bright, Du Ruoli saw that Du Zhizhong's right arm not far ahead was a little stiff and he couldn't swing it when he was walking. He guessed that he had fallen.

After getting behind him, I sniffed hard with my nose and smelled a faint smell of medicine.

Sure enough, a well-informed and selfish person like him cherished his life very much and hid medicine and life-saving things on his body.

Thinking of the old people who were injured in the fall yesterday morning, unable to walk during the day, unable to sleep at night, and groaning in pain in the middle of the night, Du Ruoli rolled her eyes, revealed the dagger hidden in her sleeve, and slashed at his furoshiki.

With one slash of the knife, the furoshiki made of coarse cloth split into a big hole, and the wound medicine inside would naturally be exposed. You had to give it up even if you didn't want to.

What Du Ruoli didn't expect was that someone would ruin her plan.

A girl of the same age as her in the tribe, named Du Ruozhen, suddenly covered her mouth and exclaimed: "Cousin Juren, are you injured? Is it serious? Does it matter?"

The voice attracted many looks, and Du Zhizhong waved his hands uncomfortably: "It's a small injury, cousin, don't make a fuss."

Du Ruoli was so frightened that her hands shook, she hurriedly took back the dagger and acted according to the opportunity.

Du Ruozhen in front raised Du Zhizhong's right arm fiercely and asked with great concern: "The scholar's right arm is very precious, how can it be said to be a minor injury? Let my cousin take a look at it..."

Du Zhizhong was lifted by her, which irritated the wound and made him break out in cold sweat.I never expected that his Du family would have such a wild and unrestrained woman. Don’t you understand that men and women do not interact with each other?Don’t you understand, Zhen Jing Xian Shu?
What a lack of education!

Du Ruozhen didn't give him a chance to speak, and said loudly again: "Oh, it turns out that he has already been given medicine. He is indeed the smartest and most promising person in the Du family, and he did not forget to bring the medicine with him when he was exiled. I'm sorry, I was worrying so much. "

Du Zhizhong wanted to cover her mouth to stop her from yelling.

But who is Du Ruozhen?The most wild girl in the clan, she runs outside every day and is as tanned as black coal. She can climb trees and fish for fish. It is not easy to escape from a weak scholar who is not diligent about his body and mind.

Du Ruozhen's words were like water dripping into hot oil, causing the pot to explode.

Du Zhizhong had medicine, but he refused to give it to the injured tribesmen!

Implicated by him, the tribesmen traveled three thousand miles away from their homeland to settle down in the war-torn borderlands. People kept dying on the way.Du Zhizhong didn't even have to die to apologize, but he actually hid the life-saving medicine. Is there any justice or humanity left? "Hand over the medicine!"

First, the seriously injured people and their families came forward to surround Du Zhizhong.

Later, the slightly injured people and their families came forward to surround Du Zhizhong.

Those who were not injured all came forward to surround Du Zhizhong.

In the hustle and bustle, Du Ruoli emerged from the crowd.Looking up, Du Ruozhen had also come out and was watching the fun with great interest.

She was sure that Du Ruozhen did it deliberately, just to force Du Zhizhong to hand over the medicine in the bag.

She admired this 15-year-old girl very much for her meticulous observation, courage and resourcefulness, and she single-handedly saved the old man who had fallen down a life.

Du Ruoli thought that in her two lifetimes, she was not as courageous as this little girl and did not dare to confront others head-on.

In front, Du Zhizhong's father and brother tried their best to protect him. The family was tightly surrounded. The guards did not stop them when they saw it. Instead, they stopped and sat on the roadside to rest.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Du Zhizhong quickly said loudly: "I'll give the medicine, I'll give the medicine, I'll give the medicine right now, don't panic, just say it if you have anything to say."

"Tell me a fart!"

Someone impatiently reached out and snatched his baggage, and when he opened it, he saw that it was all good stuff: medicine in a porcelain bottle, fragrant bacon, yellow millet, appetizing white flour cake, two ingots of white silver, which were more expensive than skin. And smooth satins and muslins... everything they mud-legged people have never had.

They screamed: "You Du Zhizhong, who goes around crying about poverty every day, has hidden all these good things and made fools of us all. I won't do it. These things must be handed over to the public and shared by the clan members."

The eyes of the tribesmen who didn't touch anything were all wide-eyed, and they shouted: "Give it to the public, it must be handed over to the father, and it should be handed over to the clan leader, and the whole clan will share it together."

Du Zhizhong looked at the patriarch Du Changyi longingly, hoping that he would be fair to him and hand over only part of the medicine and leave the rest to him.

He is weak and cannot eat black buns or wear coarse clothes. Without these, he will die.

Du Changyi felt indescribable disappointment in his heart when he looked at this nephew who had gathered the strength of the entire clan to surrender.

He turned his face away and acquiesced to the actions of his clansmen.

There was nothing he could do if he didn't acquiesce. If he spoke out to stop him, the tribesmen would tear him alive.

The clan leader did not say anything, and the clan members became more and more bold. They not only robbed his package, but also robbed his family's package, and found two ingots of silver and some food and medicine.

Du Zhizhong's family cried as if their parents had died. Du Ruoli and Du Ruozhen, who were standing outside, felt very comfortable watching.

Du Ruoli took one look at the smiling, healthy and sunny girl, and wanted to go up and make friends with her.

But she turned her face away and ignored her, looking down on her very much.

Du Ruoli touched her nose angrily, no longer asking for trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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