Chapter 8 Red Fruit
Xiao Ruoyu had just eaten milk an hour ago and was not very hungry at this time. He ate for a while and continued to sleep.

The embarrassing scene of crying that Zhou Daya expected did not appear. He gently patted the baby's back and handed it to Du Ruoli after she fell asleep completely.

Du Ruoli took her sister and said nothing or did anything. She just smiled and nodded to her.

At this time, there is no need to say anything or do anything, just appreciate it.

Affection is priceless and can only be exchanged for sincerity.

Continue walking in the afternoon, and half an hour after dinner is free time.

Zhang Xiuhe dug out an oil paper bag from the bottom of the bag. There were more than a dozen red fruits in the paper bag.

Red fruits are not just red fruits, they are cooked with fried malt.Soak it in water and drink a bowl, and the woman will breastfeed immediately.

She took the red fruit and found Zhou Daya's sister-in-law, Du Ruoqiu, who had just turned eight.

Du Ruoqiu held a stone with sharp ends and squatted on the ground, digging.After digging for a long time, a thin grass root was revealed.I picked up the grass roots and put them in the basket when I suddenly heard something coming from behind.

Is it a small animal?Pheasant or hare?
Du Ruoqiu's mouth was drooling, and she hurriedly ran towards the place where the sound came from.Unfortunately, nothing was seen.

When she was dejected, a little red under the leaves attracted her attention.She rushed over and opened the big leaves on it, revealing many bright red dried fruits.

The fruit lies on the withered yellow leaves, looking particularly attractive.

She recognized it as a red fruit, which was found in the mountains of her hometown. It tasted sour and slightly sweet.It’s also a good thing when dried. When my sister-in-law was pregnant, she loved soaking dried red fruits in water and drinking it.She drank it too and felt good about it.

I haven't gotten anything good for many days, and I didn't expect to encounter red fruit today.Du Ruoqiu was so happy that she picked one up and put it to her mouth.After thinking for a while, he put it back into the basket, picked up the red fruits on the ground, put them into the basket, covered them with a leaf, and trotted back to his landing place.

Zhang Xiuhe hid in the dark, watching Du Ruoqiu take away the red fruit and return it to Zhou Daya, who was nursing the baby. Zhou Daya happily took it and hurriedly threw it into the kettle and put it on the fire to cook.

That’s it!She will be the only one in the team with milk tomorrow!

She didn't ask for much, so she gave two buns to one cub, and she fed them twice a day.

Zhang Xiuhe hummed a little tune, walked briskly back to his feet and lay down.

Early the next morning, at dawn, Zhang Xiuhe got up on time and walked a few steps to find a convenient place.On the way back after picking up my pants, I heard someone calling "Aunt Seven."

Recognizing that it was Du Ruoli's voice, she deliberately said coldly and calmly: "Well, Ruoli girl got up early."

"It's getting late." Du Ruoli approached slowly, holding her right hand high, holding a lot of things in it?

Is it food?

Zhang Xiuhe's heart beat faster, wondering what good things were waiting for her and how she should bargain.

Feeling the other party's hot eyes, Du Ruoli smiled slightly, took two steps forward, and stretched out his right hand in front of her.

Zhang Xiuhe looked over uncontrollably. When he saw what it was, his pupils trembled violently and he was frozen in place, unable to move.

Isn't this her red fruit?They look exactly the same, and the numbers are all right.

She watched with her own eyes what was put into the kettle and was about to be put into Zhou Daya's stomach. Why was it in Du Ruoli's hands?

Do they know everything?
Will you report it to the clan leader?
If she harms her fellow tribesmen, will the tribe take her life?
The more Zhang Xiuhe thought about it, the more frightened she became. The blood drained from her face, leaving only a white patch of snow.Her knees softened and she knelt down to Du Ruoli: "Aunt... Aunt... please... please... spare aunt once... aunt never dares to do it again..." Du Ruoli didn't say anything, just looked at her like this. , looking at her momentarily.

Yesterday at noon, Zhou Daya came to feed Xiao Ruoyu. She knew that Zhang Xiuhe would be angry and kept an eye on her secretly.

In the evening, Zhang Xiuhe took action as expected, and "sent" medicine to Zhou Daya's family to restore breast milk, in an attempt to wean off Zhou Daya's breast milk and monopolize the market.

Zhou Daya's family fell into the trap. She went up to explain the situation, took out the medicine, and placed it in front of Zhang Xiuhe.

Du Ruoli has been angry since last night. This person is cheating and has evil intentions.Not only did they not work hard when they were paid, but they also used shady means to squeeze out competitors.

She didn't even think about it, what would happen to her three-month-old daughter if Zhou Daya's milk ran out?Starving to death?
For the sake of a steamed bun, he actually had murderous intentions!There is no one who can be selfish to this extent.

You must not be merciful to such people, otherwise you may not know what they will do next time.

Du Ruoli put away the red fruits, squatted in front of her and said, "It's not impossible to spare you this time, but..."

Zhang Xiuhe grabbed her sleeve tightly and asked eagerly: "Just what? What do you want? I will promise you whatever you want..."

Du Ruoli pulled back her sleeves and said in a calm tone: "I want your belt. If you think of harming others next time, I will say that you are having an affair with someone. I will ruin your reputation and end up in a pig cage." End."

"No, absolutely not, you are trying to kill me." Zhang Xiuhe tightly covered her waist, for fear that Du Ruoli would come up and snatch her belt.


Du Ruoli patted the non-existent dirt on her hands and said slowly: "You have only two choices, either give me the belt, or follow me to see the clan leader."

As he said this, he looked back and saw two men walking out from behind. One was Zhou Daya's father-in-law Du Changgui, and the other was her husband Du Zhixiao.

The two men looked fierce, each holding a piece of rope in their hands.

Seeing that he was about to be tied up, Zhang Xiuhe no longer hesitated and quickly took off his belt and handed it to Du Ruoli: "Auntie, I choose the former. You tell them not to arrest me."

"That's right! What good can you get from meeting the clan leader?" Du Ruoli took the belt and put it in her purse: "Don't worry, as long as you don't think wrongly, I will never take out the belt in my life."

Zhang Xiuhe nodded like a chicken pounding rice: "Yeah, I will never be twisted."

"Okay, you go."

Du Ruoli waved her hand, Zhang Xiuhe held up his pants and ran faster than a rabbit.

When she disappeared, Du Ruoli said to Du Changgui, Du Zhixiao, and Zhou Daya's family who were hiding in the dark: "I'm sorry, it was me who caused you trouble. If it wasn't to share my worries, you wouldn't have been plotted. "

The family all shook their heads, and the head of the family, Du Changgui, said: "Little girl, please don't think so hard. You can't be blamed for this. It's Zhang Xiuhe who has evil intentions. Let's not be influenced by her. We should do whatever we want. "

"I listen to uncle." Du Ruoli nodded and continued to explain: "The reason why she was not pressed to death today is because her actions had no actual consequences. When she was sent to the clan leader, it was just a few words of admonishment. It didn't hurt. It’s not itchy. Instead of doing this, it’s better to take advantage of her nervousness and fear and use her as leverage to stop her from harming others.”

"We all understand. If we don't understand, we won't support you." Du Changgui waved his hand and took his family to receive the meal.

Du Ruoli smiled and followed their footsteps.

This family is really nice.

(End of this chapter)

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