Chapter 7
After a silent night, Du Ruoli was woken up by the alarm clock at three o'clock in the morning.This time she learned the lesson and fed the baby two hours in advance, so that she had the next meal at five o'clock.

Feed well and know that the baby will fall asleep soon.Du Ruoli took the time to catch up on another hour and a half of sleep and got up at 04:30.

After getting up, I changed diapers and washed diapers non-stop.I ate a bowl of rice rolls, a portion of braised pig's trotters, a banana, and a bottle of milk.

Learn from yesterday’s lesson, you must eat big fish and meat in the morning, otherwise you will be so hungry and dizzy in the middle of the morning.

After eating, I took my sister out of the room. It was still three minutes before five o'clock, and the clan members had just gotten up.

She bundled up the bedding that smelled like urine and went over to get the meal early.

Clothes can be washed every day, but bedding cannot be washed. It is reasonable to have some smell.

When she came back from receiving the meal, Zhang Xiuhe was already there, staring at the black steamed bun in her hand, wishing she could stretch out a hook from her throat and quickly snatch the steamed bun away.

Du Ruoli looked disgusted and quickly handed the bun over: "Here, you can eat it."

The other party finished the meal with a big gulp and then took the milk from Du Ruoyu.

Du Ruoli saw that she was not the same as before, and was ready to pinch Ruoyu's nose to cut off her ration at any time, thinking that what she said yesterday had worked.

Before she could get happy, Ruoyu started to hum, and her little mouth made a squeaking sound when she pulled it out. She couldn't pull out the juice, and she cried loudly in anxiety.

Zhang Xiuhe spread his hands: "It's not that I don't want to feed her, it's just that I have no milk! I walk fifty miles every day, and if I don't eat enough and sleep well, my milk will naturally gradually decrease. There's nothing we can do about it!"

Huh, the little girl wants to fight with her, she's a little too young.Doesn't she know to let her boy finish sucking the milk before feeding her?

If you want to eat well, there is no way!She can't even eat enough, so why should she feed the little girl?
Not happy?Don’t beg her if you’re unhappy!

There were only two breastfeeders along the way. Zhou Daya's milk was not good, so she could only feed her once. Without her, the little girl would starve to death sooner or later.

Du Ruoli laughed at her shamelessness: "There is no milk, right? If there is no milk, we won't have to use it in the future. I will soak the steamed buns until soft and feed them to my sister. I don't believe it anymore. Food can't feed people."

"Ha, is this a black bun that makes your throat irritate? If you eat this little girl, you will definitely vomit out your intestines. Don't beg me then!"

Asking for another price.

Zhang Xiuhe snorted coldly from his nose, swung his butt and left.

Du Ruoli looked angry at her back, and suddenly there were two eggs in her hand.Wu Yueniang stood beside her and whispered: "Ah Li, give Daya the wild eggs to eat, so that Daya can produce more milk to feed Xiao Ruoyu. Zhang Xiuhe is right, babies can't eat black steamed buns, nor eggs, so it's best Still milk.”

"Thank you, third aunt, I know how to do it. You can keep the eggs for yourself, I have them." Du Ruoli didn't take the eggs, tied her sister in her arms, and carried the luggage roll on her back.

Wu Yueniang stuffed the eggs into her sleeves, sighed, and went back to carry her luggage.

Du Ruoli covered her sister from the top of her head with an old piece of clothing, used her mind to take out a bottle containing milk from the space, and fed it into her mouth.

The food was imported and my sister's crying finally stopped.

Babies cannot speak, and they can only express themselves by crying when they are hungry or uncomfortable.Du Ruoli tried to understand, and after two days, she already accepted it.At a quarter past five, the team set off again.Du Ruoli sent her sister into space and went into battle lightly.

It continues to go downhill today.

Because it was dark and invisible, there were more people wrestling than yesterday.From time to time, I heard a muffled sound, as well as countless ouch, cry, curse and roar.

Du Ruoying and Wu Yueniang also fell down respectively. Fortunately, Du Ruoli reached out and pulled them, preventing them from actually falling to the ground and getting hurt.

When daylight dawned, they finally descended to the ground.At a quick glance, it turned out that less than half of the people were injured.

The most serious fall was caused by several elderly people who could no longer walk and had to be carried by their descendants.

Du Ruoli thought about the medicine in the space and stretched out her hand several times, but in the end did nothing.

She couldn't take out Shichu Wuming, she had to live well first.

Reason is reason, but my mood is affected after all.

Looking at Du Zhizhong who was intact, he felt even worse.

Why doesn't he die!
They walked in silence all the way until a quarter past noon, when the team stopped for repairs.Du Ruoli took her sister out of the space and sat on the ground to eat lunch.

Just after eating, Zhou Daya came over and said with a blushing face: "I knew that Xiao Yu'er hadn't had enough to eat this morning, so I wanted to feed her, but there wasn't even a drop. Now that I have a little, let's feed her first. Don’t be hungry.”

She ate two eggs last night, but her milk supply didn't increase at all. She couldn't share her worries. She was really shameless.

The woman, who was as thin as a flash of lightning, stood there helplessly. Du Ruoli's mood suddenly improved.

Why should I be desperate? I have only been here for two short days and I have already met several people who are worthy of close friendship. The days will definitely get better and better.

Smiling, he handed over his infant sister: "Thank you very much, sister-in-law."

"I can't thank my sister, so I can only give her a sip." Zhou Daya carefully carried Ruoyu over, opened the hem of her clothes, wiped the pacifier clean with a wet handkerchief, and then put it into her mouth.

Ruoyu was sleeping, and when he touched the grain bag, he subconsciously held it with his little hands and sucked it in big mouths.

Du Ruoli's face was so cute that she held her chin up and smiled while watching her sister suck milk.

Not far away, Zhang Xiuhe saw this scene and was so angry that he gritted his teeth: "Zhou Daya, this shameless bitch, clearly agreed that he would only be fed one meal at night. Isn't it just for the sake of being courteous? Steal the steamed buns from my hands?"

"You dare to worry about my things. Believe it or not, I will kill you!"

She looked gloomily in the direction of Zhou Daya and Du Ruoli, and she quickly made up her mind.

(End of this chapter)

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