Chapter 6 Wild Eggs

After three consecutive hours of hurried walking, Du Ruoli was afraid of choking in her trachea and did not dare to eat.As the sun set, I was tired, hungry, and feeling like I was reaching my limit.

Xiao Ruoyu in the space had a fast metabolism and woke up once from hunger. She really didn't find a chance to go in and feed him, so she cried herself to sleep again.

The team finally stopped on a flat ground halfway up the mountain.Du Ruoli once again grabbed a place to stay against the rocks and slumped on the luggage roll, not wanting to move.

It's so hard. The life of exiled prisoners in ancient times was even harder than Coptis chinensis.

Du Ruoli allowed herself to be paralyzed for three minutes, then got up and found a remote place for "convenience".

In the space, Xiao Ruoyu woke up again. He held his thumb and chewed it loudly. When he gnawed, he found that his thumb could not fill his stomach, and he cried in grievance.

The cry was heartbreaking, and Du Ruoli went into the kitchen to get her milk.Thanks to the freshness-preserving function of the space, the milk is exactly the same as when it was poured out in the morning, so you can take it directly.

While getting the milk, I also got myself two thin-skinned meat buns with large fillings.One hand was holding the bottle to feed Ruoyu, and the other hand was holding the bun to fill his stomach. After that, he ate an apple and drank a cup of yogurt, and he was finally alive.

Du Ruoli took off her sister's diaper and threw it into the trash can. She changed the sleeping bag into old clothes and carried her out of the space.

The trash cans in the space are automatically cleaned once a day, so there is no need to take care of them.

Outside the space, half of the steamed buns served by the servants had been distributed.Du Ruoli went over in line and received a black steamed bun.This time I didn't dare to delay any longer. After I finished, I quickly returned to my base, carrying the basket and looking for food along the hillside with Du Ruoying.

How could there be food on the hillside?
This is an era of serious food shortage. Anyone who can eat it has been plundered. Where can they get their turn?

Du Ruoli searched around with her eyes wide open, and finally she found a hidden pheasant nest.There wasn't even a hair in the chicken coop, so she ran over and quietly put 24 eggs in while Du Ruoying wasn't paying attention.

A pheasant has a clutch of twelve to thirty eggs, so there is nothing wrong with laying 24 eggs.

The eggs are farmed eggs bought from Zhou Mengjin's house. They cost three for one yuan. There are [-] eggs stored in the space, so you can eat them openly.

She put the eggs into the basket and covered them with withered grass.He ran to Du Ruoying and said excitedly: "Yingzi, let's eat eggs tonight."

As he spoke, he lifted up some dead grass and revealed the brown eggs inside.Du Ruoying's eyes widened when she saw it, and she kept swallowing saliva in her throat: "This... this... this... you are so lucky, you found a big nest of wild eggs..."

As for this non-breeding season, why are there feral eggs?Why do wild eggs look similar to domestic eggs?It's not a question she would think about.

Du Ruoli secretly sighed that it was so worry-free to have such a big-hearted companion!There is no need to be too constrained in what she wants to do.

The two of them walked forward for a certain distance but found nothing to eat. They headed back home before it got dark.

When they settled down, Wu Yueniang hadn't come back yet, so Du Ruoli cooked all the eggs.While cooking, some hay was stuffed into the pot to hold the eggs in place so that they would not make any noise and would not be noticed.

The meat is eaten at the bottom of the bowl, especially now.

After the eggs were cooked and allowed to cool, Du Ruoli and Du Ruoying hid in a deserted place and ate one each.

Du Ruoying only ate eggs once. The eggs at home were saved for money, and no one dared to waste them.She could eat it, but she was so sick that her mother was willing to give her one.

At that time, she felt extremely happy.At this time again, she was still so happy that she wanted to cry.

She actually cried too.

Du Ruoli handed her the eleven items in the cloth bag again: "These are all for you, you and the third aunt share them... Don't be afraid, share them equally every time you find something, and this time is no exception... You If you find something delicious, will you leave me behind?"

"Yes! Definitely! No! Yes!" Du Ruoying shook her head desperately and accepted the egg in a daze.

Du Ruoli told her: "Eat it within two or three days, otherwise it will go rancid. If it goes rancid and you have diarrhea, there will be no way to cure it on the road, and it will kill you."

"I saved it."

It was dark for a long time before Wu Yueniang came back.She and several women went deep into the woods and gathered two handfuls of acorns, about three taels in total.

Squatting on the ground and drinking a gulp of water, the girl whispered what had just happened.She was so shocked that she could fit two eggs into her mouth, and it took her a long time to say: "Keep it, we will pay back the favor slowly, and we will always be able to pay it back."

"Well, mother, please eat an egg."


Next door, Zhou Daya came over on time, touched the baby's nose with her hand and said, "Baby Ruoyu, are you hungry? Sister-in-law, I will feed you now. Eat well so that you can sleep well."

Today on the road, Du Ruoyu's name was officially announced, and everyone in the tribe knew it.

Du Ruoli handed her sister to Zhou Daya and stuffed her with two eggs: "I got it by chance. Eat it quickly while no one is paying attention."

Zhou Daya refused: "Sister-in-law, I don't want it. You are weak, so keep it for yourself."

Du Ruoli had a headache: "I'm not doing this for you, but for my little sister's food rations. If you take one more bite, she can take one more bite too. Stop refusing, and it won't be heard."

Zhou Daya had nothing to say in reply and ate eggs silently.Because I was afraid of being smelled, I didn't open my mouth the whole time.

After Ruoyu had eaten enough, Zhou Daya left, and Du Ruoli could finally lie down.

The hay mattress that I had disliked yesterday felt so comfortable now that I actually fell asleep within a few seconds of lying down.

In the middle of the night, Du Ruoli suddenly felt a warm current, and the hem of her shirt got wet.When he reached out and touched it, half of his head was wet on the mattress, and Du Ruoyu was humming in discomfort.

Good guy, she forgot to put on a diaper before going to bed and wet the bed.

The moonlight was like a hook, and the people around him were wrapped in quilts and fast asleep.Du Ruoli took out her watch from the space and looked at the time. It was only 11:30 in the middle of the night.Just like the night before, tuck a doll into the quilt and bring the bedwetting baby into the space.

The first thing you do when entering the space is to give the baby a bath, put on clean clothes and diapers, and then clean yourself up.

The little baby had its last feed of the day and was lying on the crib, kicking and punching.Du Ruoli pushed the crib into the kitchen and made food for herself.

She was really exhausted today and she wanted to reward herself.I fried a piece of steak, some tomatoes and white mushrooms in an electric pan.Add a bowl of pasta and a plate of winter dates and eat them deliciously.

There are still more than ten steamed buns made with cocoa powder, enough for tomorrow.Du Ruoli put away the dishes, cleaned the used bottles, and mixed them with new formula milk.

Looking back, I saw that the baby had fallen asleep at some point. He raised his hands above his head and clenched his little fists in a gesture of surrender.

Du Ruoli was very happy to see it. She smiled and threw the dirty clothes into the washing machine to wash and dry them, and then went back to the house to sleep.

Although it was a bit awkward to wear clean clothes every day, she couldn't stand being dirty, which made her feel uncomfortable and prone to getting sick.

For the sake of your health, stay clean until trouble comes.

(End of this chapter)

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