Chapter 5 Good Impression

Du Ruoli tilted her head and asked, "I don't understand. Why is my little sister full after these two mouthfuls of yours, but not full by my cousin's twenty mouthfuls? It's also human milk, but yours is extra thick?"

There was sarcastic laughter, and Zhang Xiuhe's face turned red.

If it was thick or not, she would not dare to take it.There were too many women giving birth to children in the clan, and everyone knew what was going on.I dared to coax the little girl before because she was young and thin-skinned, so I didn't dare to talk to her.I never expected that the little girl would yell in public regardless of her shame.

As they are all members of the tribe, Zhang Xiuhe did not dare to go too far, so he said with a smile: "Really? She only took two bites? I remembered it wrong. I will feed her for a while."

"Thank you so much."

Du Ruoli put it away when she felt good, sat on the luggage roll, and watched the little girl sucking milk.

"Shameless bitch!"

Zhang Xiuhe scolded Du Ruoli in his heart and wanted to secretly pinch the child in his arms to vent his anger.Looking at Du Ruoli's eager look, he didn't dare to take action.

Du Ruoli watched her eyes rolling around, knowing that this person was unable to cooperate and had to find a way to solve it.

A quarter of an hour later, the team set off.

Du Ruoli tied her sister in her arms and carried her on her back to salute, walking side by side with Du Ruoying's mother and daughter.

Since having a sister, the original general's poor luggage has been streamlined again.In addition to a set of bedding, he only had two clothes, a clay pot, a clay stove, two wooden bowls, a bamboo tube, a hatchet, a pair of scissors, and fifteen copper plates.

Even so, it still weighs twenty or thirty kilograms.When Du Ruoli packed her luggage in the morning, she secretly put the scattered things into the space, leaving only a set of bedding for show, which together weighed less than ten kilograms.

Xiao Ruoyu was also sent back to the space to sleep, with a stuffed bear on his chest instead.

She has read the book. Babies under one month old cannot roll over or crawl. They will fall asleep after being fed. It is very safe to sleep in a crib.

Besides, she could also sense any movement outside, so it was safe to say.

Most of the weight in front and behind her body was gone, and Du Ruoli walked much more easily.

Du Ruoying asked her in a low voice: "You didn't eat in the morning, are you hungry? I still have half a piece of steamed bun, how about..."

Du Ruoli revealed some cocoa buns from her sleeves: "I have it, you can eat it yourself."

Du Ruoying felt relieved and wolfed down half of the bun.Du Ruoli pinched the bun in her sleeve and hurried on in silence.

After being exiled for three thousand miles, he must reach the frontier years ago.Excluding extreme weather, they have to walk fifty miles a day for more than thirteen hours.

Fortunately, this body has been working hard all year round and can continue to walk as long as it is well fed and drunk.Otherwise, with Du Ruoli's pampered physical condition in her previous life, she would have knelt down long ago.

She ate one steamed bun every other day, and another steamed bun every other day. By the lunch break, she had eaten six.

Xiao Ruoyu in the space was already grunting from hunger. Du Ruoli put down her luggage and used convenience as an excuse to find a remote place to squat down and sneak into the space.

The crying in the bedroom was extremely aggrieved. Du Ruoli quickly mixed the milk powder and fed it into Xiao Ruoyu's mouth.

Xiao Ruoyu drank a little urgently, his whole body was straining, and his throat was swallowing continuously.Du Ruoli couldn't imagine how the baby survived after being hungry all day a few days ago, and how anxious the original body must be to feel sorry for her sister.

Ninety milliliters of milk was finished in a short time.Du Ruoli changed her diaper and stepped out of the room.The lunch was still black steamed buns, and everyone in the tribe devoured them. Du Ruoli sat next to Du Ruoying and her daughter and asked: "We are obviously exiled to the western border, why do we keep going east?"

Mother and daughter both shook their heads: "I don't know."

Also, people who have never left the village will not know the directions.Du Ruoli estimated that the only person the clan knew about was Du Zhizhong, the person who led the whole clan to be exiled.

She needs to find time to ask.

The lunch break was only a quarter of an hour, and there was no chance to eat in the space. Du Ruoli got into a fight with Baozi and showed off three more times.

My stomach suddenly turned into a black hole that could not be filled no matter how much I filled it.

We walked up the hill in the morning, and in the afternoon it was time to go down the other side.The road down the mountain was steep and slippery, and the team was at a trot the entire way.One after another, people fell down and some rolled down the hillside.

No matter how serious the accident is, you have to get up and keep walking.Not leaving?The sergeant's whip will make you go!
People who never make mistakes are treated cruelly and coldly. This is the abnormality of the continuous system.Du Ruoli took advantage of the ease of walking in her hiking boots, so she deliberately walked a few steps faster and walked up to Du Zhizhong to see his reaction.

Good guy, he was empty-handed and just immersed himself in walking, turning a blind eye to the suffering tribesmen, and even a little impatient.

It seems that all this was not caused by his greed and that he did not implicate anyone.

Selfish, cold-blooded and cruel to a terrifying degree.

Du Ruoli secretly kicked a small round stone at his feet. His feet slipped and he fell heavily to the ground, falling backwards.

The instigator walked around him and walked away.

Du Zhizhong was helped up by his old father and brothers, and he groaned in pain.He pressed his tail vertebrae that was about to break and said, "I had a good eye on the road and couldn't have walked more carefully. There's no way I could have fallen. Someone must have harmed me."

The old father and brother had always believed in him, and they hurriedly recalled the situation just now, trying to see who had taken advantage of the ambition of the leopard, and dared to bully even the honor of the whole clan, the people, and the officials.

After thinking about it for a while, I couldn't figure out why.Seeing the whip coming from the officer, Du Zhizhong quickly dragged his father and brother forward and ran forward.

My father and brother were very relieved: He was indeed the literary star of their family, and he had been extraordinary since he was a child.Long Face was the first person to be elected by the Lu family, and he became an official. He was better than others even in dodging the whips of the servants.

Du Zhizhong's youngest brother, Du Zhiqiang, raised his eyes and glanced at them, then quickly lowered his eyelashes and walked silently.

Du Ruoli didn't know what the patriarch's family was doing. She had already walked ahead.He approached a young guard who seemed to be easy to talk to and said, "Sir, which station should we go to next?"

Li Jianming saw that her eyes were clear and she was neither humble nor arrogant, and he immediately had the idea of ​​​​talking: "The next post station is called Qunshan Post. After passing Qunshan Post, we will walk for about ten days to Longquan Post. Longquanyi is a post station on the outskirts of Beijing, where we will follow another group. Let’s meet up and head west.”

Du Ruoli felt like scolding her mother.

Did they spend all this time together in vain?Just to join up with another team?
It's outrageous, fucking open the door to outrageous, outrageous home!
A slander is a slander, but you still have to be polite. Du Ruoli thanked Li Jianming: "Thank you for letting me know, you are really a rare good person."

Li Jianming smiled slightly, said nothing, and strode forward.

After all, he left a good impression on Du Ruoli.

(End of this chapter)

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