Chapter 4 Nonsense
When it was time to go to bed, Zhou Daya came over to feed Xiao Ruoyu the night milk.

Du Ruoli handed the child to her, and when she turned her back to face the stone and started breastfeeding, he reached out to her mouth and stuffed a small handful of raisins into her mouth.

Zhou Daya was caught off guard and was fed a mouthful of food. He couldn't say what he wanted to say, so he looked back at the instigator.

Under the weak moonlight, the girl who had just turned 15 blinked at her and mouthed: "Eat quickly."

She also winked at the girl and started chewing heavily.

Oh my god, what fruit is so delicious?It’s simply sweeter than freshly cut honey!It was so sweet that she wanted to cry!

She didn't expect that she could eat such delicious food in her life, and she would be willing to die!
"Host sister-in-law, my little sister has eaten enough. You should go back and rest quickly."

Du Ruoli's voice interrupted Zhou Daya's random thoughts, and she realized that the baby in her arms had eaten nothing and was about to fall asleep with her eyes closed.

"Oh, I'm leaving then. Thank you for the good fruit."

Zhou Daya handed the baby to Du Ruoli and returned to where she landed in a daze.

Did she really eat a fruit that was so sweet just now?Are you hungry and dreaming?

I stirred it in my mouth with my tongue. Well, there is still a sweet taste left. I really ate it, not a dream!
She can have a good sleep in peace.

After Zhou Daya left, Du Ruoli held Xiao Ruoyu in one hand and spread the mattress and quilt with the other.The mattress and quilt were patched together, and the inside was stuffed with hay and leaves.Under these conditions, even if the original body does not starve to death, it will freeze to death after a while.

Xiao Ruoyu was already asleep, Du Ruoli put her under the quilt and lay down next to her.Next door, Du Ruoying and her daughter were also asleep, snoring loudly.

She took out a half-human tall doll from the space and stuffed it into the quilt, then entered the space with the baby in her arms.

Take off the baby's rough clothes that are patched and patched and make the skin red, put on a soft monk's clothes and a diaper, put on a spring and autumn sleeping bag, and put it on the crib to sleep.Du Ruoli started cooking for herself.

Cook a pot of rice in the rice cooker, cut the yellow beef into a piece, and make stir-fried yellow beef, and then serve it with a cold spinach.Simple and quick, rich in carbohydrates, protein and dietary fiber, Du Ruoli showed off two big bowls.

Because she had made a lot of preparations in advance, Du Ruoli adapted well to the sudden addition of a baby and was not in a hurry.

After the meal, she took a nice hot bath, put on comfortable cotton underwear, threw her original rags into the washing machine, and went to bed.

The bed was given to her by Zhou Mengjin, but it looked a little out of date, but it didn't affect her use.The bed was covered with brushed sheets and a duvet. It was like sleeping on a cloud. Du Ruoli entered a dreamland in a second.

At Yinshi, that is, at four o'clock in the morning, the alarm clock rang.Xiao Ruoyu started to groan, and Du Ruoli went over to take a look and found out that he was shitting.

Ignore her for now and go to the kitchen to steam the buns made last night.The bun skin is made of white flour and cocoa powder, and the color is close to the black buns made by the guards. The filling is a purchased red bean paste, and the whole thing is black.

After the buns were put into the steamer, the baby's cries increased. Du Ruoli hurried back and carried her to the bathroom, where she took off her clothes and prepared to take a bath.

Before taking a bath, I weighed the baby and found that the six-day-old baby weighed only three pounds.He was skinny and skinny, not much bigger than a mouse, and looked like the African refugees she had seen in videos before.The baby was soft and slippery, and Du Ruoli took a lot of effort to clean her and put on the premature baby underwear and diapers given by a second-hand seller.

After being washed cleanly and fed with [-] ml of formula milk, Xiao Ruoyu didn't eat much, but he didn't make any fuss. He lay on the small bed and kicked and punched her.

Du Ruoli glanced at her and went into the kitchen to eat beef noodles.The beef noodles are ready-made, with thick slices of beef and coriander on top, plus a glass of milk and a tea egg, which makes it extremely satisfying to eat.

After eating, Du Ruoli went back to the room to change clothes.

This body is already 15 years old and looks like a bean sprout. It is 1.4 meters tall and weighs less than [-] pounds. The hair is yellow and rough, the skin is shriveled and dehydrated, and the body is flat. She has not yet become an aunt.

She sighed and put on the smallest thermal underwear she could buy in modern times, knee protectors, and professional hiking shoes.

In this era, women's feet were not allowed to be seen by outsiders. Pants and skirts had to cover the tops of the feet, which was just convenient for her to put on good shoes and discard the broken straw sandals that leaked everywhere and were slippery when exposed to water.

Put on washed and dried rags and apply sunscreen.Du Ruoli put a shabby coat on Xiao Ruoyu, applied sunscreen, and stepped out of the space with a black steamed bun that looked just like the real thing.

Outside, people had already gotten up and ran towards remote places to relieve themselves.Du Ruoli took her little sister who fell asleep again, got into the cold quilt, and pretended to close her eyes.

Not long after, Du Ruoying woke up next door, pinched Du Ruoli's nose with her hands, and whispered: "Ali, get up."

"it is good!"

Du Ruoli slowly sat up, imitated her original appearance, tied her sister in front of her with old clothes, and began to pack her luggage.

When Mao hour arrived (five o'clock in the morning), the guards began to distribute the meals. Du Ruoli received a black steamed bun. When she returned to her place of stay, she saw Zhang Xiuhe, who was feeding Ruoyu morning milk, waiting for her.

Zhang Xiuhe has a stern look and a rough manner. He always grabs black steamed buns when he comes up: "Feed two children every day, I will starve to death. Bring me steamed buns to pad my belly. Eat well to be strong." Feed the little girl.”

Zhang Xiuhe was a shrewd and mean man. He took the original man's buns but didn't feed his little sister properly.Feeding her two or three mouthfuls every morning would take away other people's jobs, causing the little children to cry endlessly.

In order to let my little sister take a few mouthfuls of milk, the original mother had no choice but to endure it.

In order not to arouse others' suspicion, Du Ruoli could only endure it for the time being.He handed over the black steamed bun he had just received: "Here."

Zhang Xiuhe snatched the steamed bun and stuffed it into his mouth, choking and burping repeatedly.After finishing a steamed bun in three mouthfuls, he unbuttoned it and fed Xiao Ruoyu. Xiao Ruoyu opened his mouth to drink the milk. After just two sips, his nose was pinched and he was forced to withdraw.

Du Ruoli held down Zhang Xiuhe's hand that was pinching her nose and said, "Aunt Qi, isn't this appropriate? How can one steamed bun only get two mouthfuls of milk? Did we agree in advance that we would feed her enough?"

"Who said she hasn't eaten enough?" Zhang Xiuhe raised his voice: "Her belly is full, and now she is sucking and playing with it. Aunt Seven has raised four cubs, so she knows what is going on. You are a girl, not Know better than to talk nonsense.”

(End of this chapter)

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