Chapter 3 Ruoyu
The baby's cry sounded again. Zhou Daya squatted in front of Du Ruoli with the baby in her arms and said to her, "Oh, the baby is worried about my sister. Look, my sister is fine. Let's let her lie down for a while, okay?"

The little baby actually stopped crying and looked at Du Ruoli with wide round eyes.Du Ruoli was so cute that her heart melted, and she reached out to hug her.

Zhou Daya refused to let her hold her: "I'll help you carry her for a while, and you have a good rest. And..."

She lowered her voice and said: "I will feed the baby the night milk as usual, but from today on, I don't want the steamed buns, so you can keep them for yourself. If I really can't bear it anymore, I won't ask you again. We are all pitiful." People, let’s live together.”

Du Ruoli didn't expect that in times of crisis, there would be such good people.She smiled sincerely: "I know, lobby sister-in-law."

Zhou Daya didn't say anything and returned to her family with the baby in her arms.

She was also hungry and greedy for steamed buns. She wished she could eat ten or eight of them in one meal.But no matter what, she couldn't take someone's life.It's all in trouble, so let's just endure it for a while.

The area around him suddenly became empty, and Du Ruoli used her consciousness to explore the space.

The space is still there and the supplies are full, and she feels more at ease.

Suddenly, the crowd became commotion and ran in one direction, shouting: "Hurry, hurry, hurry, dinner is here, hurry up and line up to get it."

Du Ruoli regained consciousness and wanted to get up to receive the meal.

In order to show his power, the damn police officer did not allow others to collect the food on his behalf. He had to be present in person, otherwise he would not have food.Moreover, the buns got smaller and smaller towards the back, forcing the people of the same tribe to kill each other, so they hid behind and watched the fun.

"Aying, go quickly. You don't have to wait for me. I'll wait a little longer for half a stick of incense before I go get it." Du Ruoli couldn't find the strength to get up, so she let Du Ruoying and her daughter, who were running around in a hurry, go first.

Du Ruoying and her daughter looked at her worriedly and left first.After all, you can get two steamed buns, so three people can share a portion without going hungry.

While everyone was gone, Du Ruoli entered the space.

She had been busy yesterday, so she left things in the space and ignored them, thinking that she would pack them away when she was free.

At this time, when she went in and took a look, she found that it was very organized, and her best friend Zhou Mengjin had packed it up for her.

Four tin huts were built in the front yard, and most of the things stored were piled in the tin huts.The four thatched houses were divided into kitchens, bathrooms, living rooms and bedrooms.The room is decorated warmly and romantically, making it feel like home.

Du Ruoli felt full of love again and went to the kitchen to find something to eat.

The cooked food was all placed on the shelves. Du Ruoli was drooling and wanted to eat everything she saw.But I was worried that my stomach wouldn't be able to bear it, so I only ate half a bowl of vegetable and lean meat porridge, a tea egg, and a cup of yogurt.

These foods, which used to feel ordinary, are now more delicious than any delicacies from the mountains and seas.Du Ruoli thought about it for a while and brushed her teeth to make room.

She stayed in the space for 10 minutes and outside for just over 3 minutes.The person who received the meal has not returned yet.

She already had some strength and slowly walked over to the end of the queue.From the hands of a ferocious guard, I received a cold black steamed bun that was as big as the palm of my hand and exuded a sour smell.

Du Ruoli decisively gave up the black buns. It was already frustrating enough to travel to this poor place, and she couldn't let her stomach feel depressed anymore.

She quietly put the buns into the space and walked back slowly.When Wu Yueniang and her daughter returned home, they saw that her face was no longer pale and she looked full, so they ate the steamed buns they had received.

Du Ruoli walked to the place where Zhou Daya's house stayed.Zhou Daya is a new daughter-in-law who has just been married for two years. She has her parents-in-law, her brother-in-law, her sister-in-law, and her three-month-old daughter. The family of seven is crowded together.At this time, the family was eating steamed buns with hot water, and the two babies were lying on the laps of Zhou Daya and cousin Du Zhixiao.

Du Ruoli took the sleeping little girl from Zhou Daya's lap. The little girl was so light that she couldn't feel any weight.But the skin is fair, the eyes are round, and the original body is well tidied up, there is no strange smell on the body, only the unique milk fragrance of a baby.

Du Ruoli carried her little sister back to her place of rest. There was a big rock on the left side of her place, and Du Ruoying and Wu Yueniang were next to her on the right.

It was the end of the eighth lunar month, and there were some wild fruits and mushrooms on the mountains.After dinner, there was still a hint of light in the sky, and the tribesmen began to search nearby in twos and threes.Du Ruoying and Wu Yueniang's mother and daughter were also among them, and there was no one around them again, which made it easier for Du Ruoli to move.

She took her little sister and entered the space.There was formula milk powder in the space that she had mixed while eating, and she tentatively fed it into her little sister's mouth.

It was the first time that the little girl came into contact with a rubber pacifier. She was a little uncomfortable and tried hard to push her tongue outwards.As the milk flowed out, she tasted the food and swallowed it.

The human cub is so cute that it kills me. Du Ruoli held the bottle and watched her slurping milk. She whispered, "Can you just call me Ruoyu? You are so wise and stupid. My sister hopes that you will be a smart girl and live a good life." "

The ancestral Jade Perry brought space with her and sent her here from modern times.Du Ruoli believes that this is God's will.She did not dare to go against God's will, and she wanted to raise this sister well.

After finishing the [-] ml of milk quickly, Xiao Ruoyu began to suck the empty bottle.Du Ruoli was worried that her stomach would hurt if she breathed in the air, so she started to take the bottle out.When the bottle was taken out, the baby's eyebrows turned red and he started crying heartbrokenly.

Du Ruoli had no choice but to mix another [-] ml of milk and feed it into her mouth.After eating this time, she obediently let Du Ruoli take the bottle and burped a little.

Du Ruoli looked amused, put the bottle in the basin to soak, picked up Xiao Ruoyu upright, put her head on his shoulder, stepped out of the space, and burped gently while walking.

When it got dark, Du Ruoying and her daughter came back.They were lucky enough to pick up a handful of chestnuts and gave Du Ruoli five of them.

Du Ruoli accepted it happily and gave Du Ruoying a handful of raisins with her backhand: "I just picked them from the tree. They are very sweet. You and the third aunt should have a taste."

Of course this is a lie.Raisins come from space and are the most convenient thing to take out at this time, which can supplement some sugar for people like them who are extremely malnourished.

Du Ruoying did not doubt his presence, picked up a raisin and threw it into her mouth.The sweet taste exploded in her mouth, and her eyes suddenly widened. It was too sweet and delicious, so delicious that she couldn't bear to swallow it.

She hurriedly fed one to Wu Yueniang.Wu Yueniang's expression was exactly the same as hers, ranging from surprise to disbelief, to savoring it carefully and not swallowing it for a long time.

Just one raisin made the mother and daughter so excited, which shows how hard life is.Du Ruoli whispered: "Eat it, you've eaten it all. I still have some here and I'll get it for you tomorrow."

"Nonsense, you can't enjoy a blessing twice, how can you eat a handful at a time? You finally got something, so save it carefully."

With a straight face, Wu Yueniang returned the remaining raisins to Du Ruoli: "We have already enjoyed the blessing with you, keep the rest well and use them to save lives at critical moments."

Du Ruoli looked directly into Wu Yueniang's eyes: "Third aunt and I are so clearly distinguished, but you think that our sisters are a burden and you will no longer care about us in the future?"

"Nonsense, when did I say I don't care about you? Even though I'm useless, I'm still an adult!"

"Then take it!"

"You kid!" Wu Yueniang gave Du Ruoli a hard look and did not return the raisins.

(End of this chapter)

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