Chapter 15
The one Du Zhizhong wanted to give to Zhang Da most was Du Ruozhen.

Du Ruozhen caused him to lose a large amount of money and objects, and even if he was played to death, he could not relieve his hatred.

But Du Ruozhen's family is prosperous, with four brothers in her father's generation and seven brothers in her generation.He knows how to hunt, has a lot of strength, dotes on the only girl in the family, and will never give up the moon if he wants stars.

If he knew that he was planning on Du Ruozhen, he would definitely tear him alive.

He didn't want to chew on this hard bone until he had a firm foothold.

Yes, we have it, Du Ruoli!

Du Ruoli is an orphan with no parents to interfere with her.If you give it away, you will give it away. If it gets dirty, it will get dirty. If it dies, it will die. It is very safe.

Du Zhizhong quickened his pace and came to the feed room.

The moment he opened the door, he was furious.

Why does he live in a livestock shed with excrement on the floor and a stinky smell to the sky, while a few women can live in such a nice place?
He understood that it was Du Ruoli who sold her lust in exchange for it.

He said, why did the guard take Du Ruoli but not him? It turned out that there was something behind it.

It's because he is too simple and doesn't think bad things about people.

That being the case, why should he worry too much?Maybe people are just eager for it!

He would definitely ask the clan leader to remove their family from the clan to avoid tarnishing his reputation.

Du Zhizhong didn't even say hello, and said to Du Ruoli with his chin: "Pack up, change into clean clothes, and come with me."

Du Ruoli is looking after the child.

Zhou Daya's daughter Niuniu and Du Ruoyu were lying side by side on the floor.Niuniu is already three months old. She laughs whenever she is teased and Yiyi chats non-stop with others.

Du Ruoyu's eyes would follow and follow the moving fingers in front of him.Like a cute little animal.

The two little babies were well packed, white and clean, exuding the fragrance of milk.

Du Ruoli was very busy making fun of this and that.

Hearing Du Zhizhong's words, Du Ruoli felt something was wrong and raised her eyes to look at him: "Where are you going? What's the matter? Am I alone?"

Du Zhizhong suppressed his temper for the time being and said warmly: "You'll know when you get there. Clean up quickly and I'll wait for you outside."

Du Ruoli sat steadily, motionless as a mountain: "I won't go unless you make it clear."

Who knows if he will be sold.

Du Zhizhong's face darkened: "I'll just go if I tell you. What nonsense are you talking about? Don't you even listen to the clan brother? Can the clan brother harm you?"

"Isn't it enough that you caused our whole family to be exiled? Isn't it enough that you caused my parents to die on the road and my sister to almost starve to death?"

Du Ruoli stood up and looked directly into his eyes: "You are greedy and immoral. You have done all kinds of bad things. You have dragged three hundred clan members away from their homeland. You traveled thousands of miles, and people died and were starved and beaten along the way. How do you have the nerve to stay alive? Find me early." Even if you are killed by a piece of tofu, you won't be here without repentance and pointing fingers."

As early as when there was a quarrel here, many tribesmen gathered around.At this time, hearing Du Ruoli's words, they couldn't help but nod.

They had wanted to say these things for a long time.

At the moment when the whole clan was arrested, in the dark and damp cell, on the way out of the city where dirty things were thrown at them, when they were in unspeakable misery, I wanted to yell like this.

I just didn't have the nerve to say it.

They adults, gentlemen, are not as happy as a little girl.

Du Ruoli doesn't think there is a problem with the tribe, but there are few scholars in this era, and people have a natural respect for scholars.In addition, Du Zhizhong was once their pride, and they were always somewhat tolerant of him.

She was different. She had neither the blind awe nor the pride she once had. If he bullied her, she would naturally expose him.

Du Zhizhong was trembling with anger, pointing at Du Ruoli and speechless.Du Ruoli pointed toward the door: "Get out!"

Du Zhizhong has not completed his mission, how can he get out?He simply pulled up a tiger skin as a banner: "Master Zhang has taken a liking to you and asked you to accompany him. I'm just here to convey a message."

Are you useful for conveying messages?

Du Ruoli was really angry now.

This is a pimp who wants to give her as a gift!

The tribesmen were also shocked, especially those in the room, who were petrified on the spot with their mouths wide open.

Is this still the one they are proud of?When did you become so shameless?
Du Ruoli sneered: "Whoever agrees will go! Anyway, I won't go!"

Du Zhizhong became angry with shame: "If you don't go, who will? If you offend the servant, our family will get something good to eat? Are you willing to watch everyone suffer because of you?"

There is also moral kidnapping!
Du Ruoli didn't want to waste her words and directly gave her advice: "Go ahead! You will pay for the sins you have committed."

He looked at him like he was looking at goods: "Look at you, you stay in the house every day and you are white and tender. You have the best skin in the whole clan, so it is best to serve as a servant... What is that look in your eyes? Don't look at me. Say you don’t know, men can also serve men..."

"Girl Ruoli, you keep your word." The clan leader couldn't stand listening anymore. He pushed his way to the front and said sternly: "We are all descendants of the same ancestor, why should we speak so harshly? I have learned about the exile. You My cousin was wrongly accused. Being wrongly accused is already very tragic. If the clan members still don’t understand how to help, then my Du clan will never be able to get ahead."

"Wow, that's generous."

Ever since she learned that the clan leader handed over a huge sum of 40 taels of silver to Du Zhizhong without the consent of the clan members, Du Ruoli lost respect for the clan leader:
"You understand, you help, you are a good person, do you want to go for him? Are you too old?"

"Pfft! Hahahahahahaha..."

Among the onlookers, who couldn't help but laugh first? Everyone covered their mouths and laughed, looking at the patriarch in various ways.

"Be outrageous, there are no rules anymore!"

The patriarch had never been treated like this before. He looked at Du Ruoli with eyes that seemed to be cannibalistic.

How could Du Ruoli be afraid of him? She puffed up her chest and asked loudly: "You just kept saying that Du Zhizhong was wronged. Does that mean that the Holy One made a mistake? The Holy One will also make a mistake?"

"Shut up! Shut up quickly!" Du Changxing was so frightened that he broke into cold sweat, and retorted sternly: "The Holy One is the Son of Heaven, and whatever he says is right, he will never go wrong."

"Really? What about Du Zhizhong?"

"He was not wronged! He deserves it!"

"What about the officer asking for someone?"

"Du's family doesn't sell girls! Whoever agrees will settle it!"

"What did you say?"

"One word!"

"Then you take care of the aftermath!"

Being forced into this situation, the patriarch had no choice but to brace himself and said to Du Zhizhong: "Go and tell Mr. Zhang that the Du family will not sell their sons or daughters. The Holy Father has sentenced us to exile in the frontier, but nothing else."

Du Zhizhong felt terribly wronged: "I won't go."

If you fail to complete the task, will you be beaten?

The patriarch nodded: "If you don't want to go, don't go. Go back to the house and sleep. Don't watch the excitement. Go back to the house and sleep."

After saying that, he put his hands behind his back and went back to the house to lie down.

(End of this chapter)

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