Chapter 16
Being abandoned by the clan leader, Du Zhizhong's heart felt cold.

They are all asleep. How can I explain to Mr. Zhang?

If he really doesn't reply, he will be the one who suffers tomorrow.It’s not certain whether he will survive or not.

The rise and fall of the family depends on him alone. Can't the patriarch help him solve his problems and force Du Ruoli or other girls to do it?
What does it mean to lose a girl?Why lose him?Is the clan leader unable to settle the accounts?
No, he had to explain it all again so that the clan leader would not be confused.

"My father has already gone to bed. No one is allowed to disturb him. We'll talk about anything tomorrow!" The patriarch's two sons, tall and thick-set men, blocked the door to prevent Du Zhizhong from approaching.

"Clan leader...Clan leader...listen to what I have to say...something very important...if the clan can turn around..."

Du Zhizhong yelled regardless.

The patriarch Du Changxing closed his eyes and said nothing. He didn't want to force Du Zhizhong.

But right now, he has no other choice.

If you don't force Du Zhizhong, you will force yourself to be beaten in front of the guards.

As for persuading others to sacrifice their daughters?He could see it in the eyes of the evil girl Du Ruoli. As long as he dared to speak, she would shout so loudly that the police officer would come over and accuse him of being disrespectful.

He couldn't bear the crime, and he was too old to be beaten, so he had no choice but to wrong the scholar.

Who made him agree to it rashly?

It’s time to learn a lesson.

There was still no response to the call. Seeing that it was getting late, and worried that Zhang Da would blame him and it would be too much to bear, Du Zhizhong glanced bitterly in the direction of the clan leader and slowly went upstairs to return to his life.

The tribesmen don't know what happened after they went upstairs.All I know is that Du Zhizhong came back very late, with injuries on his face and a limp when walking the next day.

On Du Ruoli's side, everyone outside had left, and only a few others in the room recovered from their petrification.

Du Ruoying, whose heart was bigger than the sky, said with stars: "Ah Li, you are so powerful. You dare to scold the clan brother and the clan leader, and make them miserable."

Zhou Daya stroked her chest with lingering fear: "Fortunately, Sister Ah Li is smart and didn't get tricked."

Wu Yueniang and Zhou Daya's mother-in-law Shen Sanzhi hated themselves for being useless and failing to stand up to protect their children, and they cried in fear.

Eight-year-old Du Ruoqiu was ignorant. When she saw others crying, she would cry too.

There were only two little babies who didn't understand anything and slept peacefully.

Du Ruoli didn't know what to say for a while.While organizing the words, the door was knocked open.Du Ruozhen rushed in angrily: "Du Ruoli, are you okay? I'm sorry, I'm late."

"I'm fine, it's someone else who's in trouble. Are you... hunting?" Du Ruoli guessed after seeing the mud on her feet.

"Well, come with me, I have something for you." Du Ruozhen picked up Du Ruoli, dragged her under the ginkgo tree, and stuffed her with an oil paper bag: "We caught a rabbit on the mountain and left one for you. Roast rabbit legs, eat them quickly.”

The rabbit leg was still hot, exuding a burst of meaty aroma. Du Ruoli took it and took a big bite, making her mouth full of oil.

"Well, it's so delicious, thank you!"

"No thanks!" Du Ruozhen said seriously: "Next time if you have trouble, go to me. If I'm not here, go to grandma. We will always help you, don't be afraid of anything."

Du Ruoli nodded solemnly: "Yes, I understand."

She finally made this smart and brave friend.

Lu Jizhou's five senses were excellent, and he heard every detail of the conversation between the Du Ruoli sisters, and secretly sneered: "You are brave and resourceful, you can solve the problem with a few words, and make the scholar the target of public criticism. How can you be afraid of a girl who can control the clan leader? She won't be afraid of anyone who is afraid. The Du family is not as good as this girl even if they are tied up. Only the one opposite can barely carry her shoes. "

Nothing new.Lu Jizhou blocked his ears with pieces of cloth, barely blocking out the sounds outside, and turned over to continue sleeping.After eating, Du Ruoli went back to the house.

No torches were allowed in the house, and the others sat in the dark waiting for her.Seeing her coming back, Zhou Daya handed Du Ruoyu, who was well fed, put on a clean urine ring and already asleep, to her.

The others said nothing and settled in their respective places.

Du Ruoli and her sister stuck together and couldn't sleep for a long time.

Even though she had won a battle today, she was actually quite scared.She was afraid that the clan members would kidnap her by force under the instigation of Du Zhizhong and the clan leader.

This will inevitably lead to a head-to-head confrontation between her and Zhang Da. She doesn't want to expose her strength, let alone live in exile. She just wants to live in peace, settle down in the border, and live in peace.

Fortunately, Du Zhizhong was not smart, and the clan leader was not very smart, so she didn't put in much effort.

Also, if these two people are smart and capable, the Du family will not end up having their homes confiscated and exiled.

The day was so tiring, Du Ruoli held her sister in her arms and fell asleep.

In the middle of the night, it started to rain and the temperature dropped.Many people woke up from the cold. When Du Ruoli was about to wake up, she felt a source of heat behind her. She leaned against the source and continued to sleep.

When I woke up in the morning, I realized that the heat source was Du Ruoying.Du Ruoying woke up from the cold at night and came over to share the bed with her.

Thank God, she didn't sleep in the space last night and no one discovered anything.

At the beginning of a new day, Du Ruoli took advantage of convenient time to bring her sister into the space.

First, I used [-] ml of formula milk to soothe my sister who was waiting for breastfeeding, put her in diapers, and let her lie on the bed.

Then I went to the kitchen and ate a large portion of Thai curry rice, plus two kiwis.After having enough wine and food, I put on a waterproof quick-drying suit under my outer clothes and took my sister out for some space.

My sister's appetite has increased and she needs to eat [-]ml per meal.Leave ten milliliters in the stomach for Zhou Daya to feed in the morning.

It not only makes her feel that she is feeding, but also does not put too much burden on her.

"Why did little Yu'er eat so little in the morning and stop eating after just a few bites?"

Zhou Daya touched the corner of Du Ruoyu's mouth with her finger. Du Ruoyu didn't open his mouth to make a sucking reflex. He looked like he was full and asked doubtfully.

Du Ruoli said: "It means you have more milk in the morning."

Shen Sanzhi and Wu Yueniang, two people who came over, touched Du Ruoyu's bulging belly and agreed: "Ah Li is right, you have good milk in the morning and you will be full after a few mouthfuls."

Zhou Daya believed it, with a clear sense of stupidity.

Du Ruoli suppressed her laughter and knelt on the ground to pack her luggage.

While queuing up to receive steamed buns, she saw Du Zhizhong, who was in a miserable state.

Du Zhizhong looked at her with eyes that seemed to be quenched with poison and filled with strong hatred.

As early as when he set his sights on her, their hatred had already been forged and would never end.Du Ruoli no longer hid it, showed a big smile, and asked with her lips: "Does it feel good?"

Does it feel good to be generous to others, but it will come back to bite you?
Is it cool to treat women as objects that can be played with at will, but in the end you become an object to be played with?

Is it cool to be the kind of person you despise the most?

Not happy that she didn't mind stimulating him a little more.

(End of this chapter)

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