Chapter 17 Wild rice
Du Zhizhong was insulted in the middle of the night, and he didn't know how he survived.At this time, being humiliated by the little bitch again, her anger was ignited eight feet high, and she rushed towards her to strangle her to death.

Du Ruoli predicted it and moved to the side to avoid his sharp edge.Du Zhizhong was too fast and had no time to turn and bumped into someone.

The man didn't wait for him to touch him, and flew up with his kick, causing him to draw a beautiful parabola in the air, and then fell heavily to the ground, stirring up dust on the ground.

Du Zhizhong groaned, closed his eyes and fainted.

It took his father and brother a few breaths to realize what he was doing, and they ran over and hugged him, crying for father and mother.

Du Ruoli looked at the assailant.

What a good guy, he turned out to be an acquaintance with vortexes in his eyes that could absorb people's soul.

He looked like a normal person, standing with one leg bent and his chest crossed.He looked towards the ground, wondering what he was thinking.

Seeing the cries of Du Zhizhong's family attracting the guards, he didn't even raise his eyelids, as if he was not responsible for the kicking.

Du Ruoli couldn't help but sweat for him.

If Du Zhizhong dies or becomes disabled, he will add more sins to his crimes and his life will not be easy in the future.Being sent to the guillotine is also possible.

This happened because of her... Hey, why did the servant come and then leave?Du Zhizhong stood up?Is he okay?

Just be fine!Just be fine!It seems that this person has a good footing and knows how to control it.

No wonder people are calm.

Du Ruoli stopped worrying about eating carrots and stood still waiting for breakfast.

Lu Jizhou behind him raised his eyelids and looked at her back.

He regretted that he shouldn't have kicked someone just now.

If you don't kick anyone, you can watch a good show.Look at the girl in front of you, how she fights against an adult man with her delicate body.

Since she dares to provoke, she must have a backup plan.It's a pity that his subconscious kick brought the fun to an abrupt end.I want to see it again in the future, but I don’t know how long it will take.

Soon it was his turn to receive the steamed bun. Lu Jizhou stopped thinking and received a black steamed bun, took it back to where he stayed, and ate it slowly.

The steamed bun was harder than a stone and stuck in his throat. It felt like he had tasted the delicacies from the mountains and the sea.

The prisoners who were tied to the same chain as him tried to stay as far away from this man as possible.

I have already witnessed his cruelty and ruthlessness, so it’s better not to get in trouble with him...

When we were about to set off, the rain in the sky turned from light to heavy.

The officers wore raincoats, hats, and were fully armed and mounted on horses.

The accompanying prisoners also wore bamboo hats, but no raincoats.The coir raincoat is too heavy and takes up a lot of space to be taken on the road.

The twenty new people had nothing and were soaked in the heavy rain.

Du Ruoli had never put anything heavy on her head before, and she was not used to having a hat weighing several kilograms on her head, so she used her hands to adjust the direction from time to time.

"Are you... okay?" Li Jianming rode past and asked.

He was very drunk last night. When he woke up today, he found out about Zhang Da's drunkenness and immorality, which made him sweat all over his body.

Fortunately, Miss Du was smart and didn't follow Zhang Da stupidly.Zhang Da had no scruples about meat and vegetables, and his behavior was rough. Few people who fell into his hands had a good ending.

Du Ruoli smiled and replied: "I'm fine. It's okay. Thank you for your concern."

"Yeah." Li Jianming said nothing more and left. "Ah Li is so popular, everyone likes you." Du Ruoying, who was walking side by side with Du Ruoli, looked envious: "When did you become so powerful? You used to be dull and didn't say a word all day long, except for me. , not many people like you!"

Du Ruoli teased her: "Then what do you like about me?"

Du Ruoying said in a sincere tone: "As long as it's you, I like you no matter what you look like. I'm especially willing to stay with you."

Well, luckily the original person's only friend was a big-hearted person and didn't notice that she had changed her core.Du Ruoli smiled and said, "I like you too. We will be good friends and sisters for life."

"Yeah, sure!"

Next, we have to walk along the official road to the next post station, Longquanyi.

The official road is flat, clean and easier to walk than the small roads, and it doesn't suffer too much when it rains.At night, the team entered a small village.

There is a natural cave behind the small village. The cave is wide and has an underground river flowing through it. It can accommodate 600 people at the same time, which is more than enough to accommodate the exile team.

Together with Wu Yueniang and her daughter, Du Ruoli once again grabbed a seat to the side.

After putting down the luggage, Du Ruoli asked Du Ruoqiu to help look after her sister, and went out to find food with Du Ruoying, Du Ruozhen and Zhou Daya.

It had just rained and the road was slippery, so they did not go towards the back mountain.Keep moving forward along the underground river, hoping that fish and shrimps will jump to the shore and be picked up easily.

When they reached the farmland, a middle-aged woman waved to them: "Daughter, come here quickly, Auntie has something good going on here."

Du Ruoli looked at the wild rice planted behind her and knew that this was a lazy person.

The wild rice was sparse and covered with black mold, which looked scary.There are more weeds than wild rice, making it impossible to get rid of them.

There is nothing left in the adjacent fields and they have been neatly tidied up.Only her house looked like a haystack.

The woman's eyes were moving wildly as she spoke, not knowing what she was thinking.

Du Ruoli was looking forward to it. She took a step forward and asked loudly: "What's the good thing? Auntie, come and hear it!"

The woman let out a long sigh, showing her sadness and reluctance:

"My aunt is sick and can't do any work. It's a pity that the grain that I have worked hard to grow for a year is rotting in the ground. My aunt sees that you are so skinny and pitiful, so I will give it to you as a sign of good deeds." You don’t need to do anything, just clean up the land.”

The whole piece of wild rice is infected with the virus, and there is still a ball of yarn!

I was really drunk when she said that I was cheating people to work for free and it was like giving me a favor.

Du Ruoli complained in her heart, her face extremely shocked: "Really? Is such a good thing really possible? Auntie wants to give us all the food?"

Seeing the fish take the bait, the woman patted her chest and promised: "You sweet little lady, my aunt is too late to feel sorry for you, how can you lie to others? My aunt means what she says, everything in the field belongs to you, and I don't want any of it! If you regret it, , the sky was struck by lightning!”

Seeing that Du Ruoli seemed to be taking advantage of the sky, she wanted to agree.Du Ruozhen from behind pulled her sleeves and whispered: "There is no food in the field, not even a grain. She is lying. Don't be fooled."

Du Ruoli turned around and gave her good friend a comforting look, asking her to believe her.

Du Ruozhen took back his hand and motioned for her to continue.

When working together, the most taboo thing is to undermine each other. She doesn't want to be the one causing trouble.

Zhou Daya and Du Ruoying never thought of objecting. They believed that Du Ruoli would not mess around.

With the support of her companions, Du Ruoli looked at the opposite side flatteringly: "Thank you very much, auntie. Auntie is the best person in the world. Bodhisattva will bless you."

"I'd like to lend you some good advice!" the woman said, "It's getting late. You guys should get busy. Auntie will go home and rest."

(End of this chapter)

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