Chapter 19 A good girl turns out to be deaf
From Qunshanyi to Longquanyi, there has been continuous autumn rain.The exile team walked extremely hard, and finally reached their destination on the morning of the seventh day of September, ten days later.

Longquanyi is located on the outskirts of Beijing and is the only place to pass when entering the capital.The inn covers an area of ​​hundreds of acres and has hundreds of rooms.The merchants and traders lived in the front yard, and the dignitaries lived in the back yard.

A high wall made of bricks and stones separates the front yard and the back yard, creating a clear class barrier.

The place is overcrowded with people and there are so many livestock that it is impossible to have any extra stables for the exiled team.The exile team was assigned to the open space to the north.

The open space was reserved exclusively for the exiles.It is surrounded by mountains on all sides and is guarded by dedicated personnel.The soil on the ground was dark in color and had a smell of blood that could not be ignored. It was unknown how many people had died.

Many dignitaries who were sentenced to exile chose to die here out of despair for their future and their last nostalgia for their homeland.

Du Ruoli and others had no time to think too much, finding a good location was more important than anything else.

The weather is wet and cold, and people prefer to sleep in the middle, squeezing in to keep warm.

Taking advantage of the opportunity when everyone rushed towards the center, Du Ruoli quickly grabbed a dry and flat place on the edge of the woods. The right side was next to the tree, and the left side was next to the carefree Du Ruoying. It was very safe.

Putting the ceremony roll on the ground, Du Ruoli looked at the woods nearby.

After the autumn rain, it is when mushrooms grow wildly. No one comes to pick them in the woods, and mushrooms are all over the ground.Especially in damp places, the clusters are very crowded.

There was a custom of eating mushrooms in this era, but not many varieties can be identified.There are only the most common shiitake mushrooms, oyster mushrooms, porcini mushrooms, Chongyang mushrooms, etc.Morels and gallinobacteria are rarely encountered and can be eaten occasionally.

The tribesmen swarmed forward and tried their best to pull into the basket.

Du Ruoli tied her sleeping sister behind her and went up the mountain with Du Ruoying, Du Ruozhen and Zhou Daya, and also picked up half a basket of porcini mushrooms.

There are the most porcini mushrooms in the mountains. At first glance, they are almost everywhere. It only takes a few minutes to pick them up.

She squatted down, quietly poured some sugar water on the ground, and sprinkled some cookie crumbs to attract the ants.

To be precise, attract termites.

Because termites and gallinobacteria live in symbiosis, they attract termites, and when they find their nests, they also find gallinobacteria.

Coriander fungus is valuable, and if you can find it, you can sell it for a lot of money.

When the sugar water falls to the ground, ants and insects with a keen sense of smell quickly sense it and rush towards it in groups.

Among them are termites.

Du Ruoli called to her companions: "Follow these white ants, one person at a time, to their nests. Look for gallinophilia and pick them if you find them."

After experiencing the wild rice incident, her friends were convinced of her, and they each chased the termites, exclaiming from time to time.

Du Ruoli herself also turned over a piece of gallinobacteria, which had just come out of its head. It was tightly wrapped in a small round umbrella, which is when it is most fresh and tender.

I picked them all without leaving any, and followed the same method to find a few more gallinomas and filled the basket.

Her basket was the smallest and the first to be full. She said hello to her friends and sent it back in advance.

The friends didn't even raise their heads, responded casually, and continued busy.

Du Ruoli smiled and went back alone.

In the open space, mushrooms were piled up into hills.The tribesmen were so hungry along the way that they wanted to grab all the food they came across and eat it till the end of time.Even the twenty exiles who joined later picked some and placed them on the ground.

On the way back, Du Ruoli picked up a bundle of dry firewood.In fact, I didn’t pick it up, I took it out of space.

Usually when the weather is good, she will pick up dry firewood and put it in the space. When the weather is cloudy and humid, she will take it out for use.

When she arrived at her destination, she lit a fire, boiled a pot of hot water, and sat by the fire to warm herself up.

It's a pity that I don't dare to bring out a grill, grill meat, or make tea by the fire.

The temperature dropped again and again, down to [-] or [-] degrees Celsius. Normally, activities were fine, but when they stopped, it felt cold to the bones. The team could no longer do without the fire.

Du Ruoli wore hiking shoes, thick socks, cotton autumn clothes and fleece pants, and put on her original jacket. After roasting for a few minutes, the fire warmed up. She got up and washed the porcini mushrooms, tearing them into small pieces. Yes, throw in a little salt and tasteless corn oil, put it in a pot and simmer.When Du Ruozhen and the others come back, they can drink it directly to warm themselves up.

I'm busy.Suddenly, a skinned pheasant appeared in front of her, staring at her with unblinking eyes.Du Ruoli jumped up in fright, covering her pounding heart and looking at the initiator.

The man was holding two bloody rabbits in his hands.I don’t know how long it’s been since I cleaned myself up. My face was half covered with hair, my beard was unkempt, and I couldn’t see my true face.All I know is that he is very tall, and his eyes are as dark as a deep pool with whirlpools, making people afraid to look directly at him.

If this person isn't weirdo Lu Jizhou, who is he?

After traveling together for more than ten days, Du Ruoli tried not to get close to him.Although he was silent and did not make trouble along the way, and seemed docile and easy to talk to compared to the other nineteen prisoners, she just felt that this man was dangerous.

It felt like there was a volcano hidden deep in his heart that could erupt at any time and burn the surrounding area to nothing.

Being frightened for no reason at this time, she couldn't bear it anymore, jumped up and shouted: "Hey, what are you doing? Do you want to scare people to death? How have I offended you?"

"I want to borrow some firewood." Lu Jizhou pointed at the pheasant and said, "This is the reward!"

I'll go. Is this the proper way to ask for help?
Du Ruoli was even more angry than before, glaring at him and scolding: "It's amazing that you can hunt pheasants? Isn't it amazing that you can't exchange for equal value? I stood forward quietly and threw a dead object. Do you want to scare people to death? Want to scare people to death?”


Didn’t you hear the footsteps and coughing that were deliberately aggravated just now?
Such a good girl is actually deaf!

Lu Jizhou took a step back and said at a higher volume than usual: "I'm sorry, I'll be louder next time!"

Du Ruoli was very happy to be treated like a deaf person.Pick up the pheasant on the ground, clean it, put it on the chopping board, and chop it with a machete.The chopped meat was bouncing up and down, and the machete shot out sparks.

If I tell you to be scary, if I tell you to be sarcastic and sarcastic, I will take advantage of you and eat your chicken in vain.

Lu Jizhou stayed as far away from her as possible, took out a small porcelain bottle from his arms, spread the powder in the bottle evenly on the rabbit, and put it on the fire to roast.

As time passed, the roasted hare gave off a burst of aroma.Du Ruoli's nose twitched, good guy, this person actually has cumin and pepper.

You must know that in this era, spices are very expensive, some are as good as gold.He is still a wealthy owner, but he just doesn’t know if he can do it all.

The aroma of roasted rabbit is so overbearing that it penetrates people's nose and scratches their heart and lungs.There was no shortage of oil and water in Du Ruoli's stomach, but she was still greedy and her saliva continued to secrete.

Lu Jizhou tore off a rabbit leg and handed it to her with a half-smile: "Eat it, the fire will go out later!"

Du Ruoli wished she could kick him over. You are greedy and your saliva will put out the fire!
Not eating it was free, so she snatched the rabbit leg and bit into it hard.

(End of this chapter)

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