Chapter 20
Oh my god, what kind of magical barbecue is this? It’s so delicious!Crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, rich in fat, moderately seasoned, and fragrant to the bones.

Du Ruoli was so addicted to rabbit meat that she could not extricate herself.Forget about the cruel words I secretly put down before, and taste it carefully.

Well, since rabbit meat tastes so good, she's willing to make peace with this fucked up world for a few minutes.

Lu Jizhou looked at her with a half-smile again, and carried the rabbit back to his landing place.

His landing place was in the opposite direction to Du Ruoli, also on the far side, next to the grove.

He lifted up his tattered robe, sat down with his big horse and golden sword, took out the strong wine from his bag, ate meat and drank from a big bowl, temporarily forgetting all the troubles in the world.

Du Ruoli didn't look at him. After finishing a rabbit leg, she took out the pot from Du Ruoying's house next door and stewed the pheasant.

In autumn, pheasants need to fatten up and become fatter and stronger, weighing more than four kilograms by visual inspection.Add some chestnuts picked up one after another on the road, and fill a pot full.

When the chicken was fragrant, Du Ruoying and her daughter came back, followed by Zhou Daya's family and Du Ruozhen's family, carrying large and small baskets of porcini mushrooms and gallinobacteria. They had a full harvest.

"Wow, Ah Li, have you caught a pheasant?" Du Ruoying put down the basket, ran over and squatted beside the pot, taking a deep breath: "It smells so good."

"Sister Li, let me smell it too!" Du Ruoqiu ran over second.

Before long, a circle of children gathered around the pot.Du Ruoli smiled and gave each of the three families half a bowl of chestnut chicken, with porcini mushrooms underneath the meat, and two spoons of soup: "Go back and let the elders share the food. I won't care about you."

The children took the wooden bowls and thanked them all.

"Thank you sister Li!"

"Thank you Aunt Li!"

"Sister Li is the best, the best in the world..."

"Aunt Li is the most beautiful, the most beautiful in the world..."

Du Ruoli was laughing so hard that she was so obedient that she didn't need any money.

The adults didn't come in vain, and sent them the good things they got today.They have been dealing with mountains and forests all year round and have their own philosophy of survival.

What Du Ruozhen's grandmother sent was a bag of grain nuts found in a squirrel hole. There were walnuts, chestnuts, pine nuts and millet. The weight was not light.

What Zhou Daya sent was six rare fresh lilies, which were very juicy.

What Wu Yueniang brought was two sweet fried August mushrooms and four morels.

Du Ruoli happily took it, put it in her bag and put it away, then made a bowl of chicken and ate it slowly.

Others took the chicken back, poured it into a pot, filled it with more than half of the pot of water, and used it to cook the porcini mushrooms, which made their bellies feel round.

Other people also came back one after another to cook mushrooms and eat them, creating a scene of joy.

The only one who was not happy was Du Zhizhong. Just now Zhang Da sent a letter asking him to go to his room at night. It was self-evident what he was doing.

Thinking of the humiliation and torture he suffered at the Gunshan Station last time, he wanted to die.

No, he had to find a way, he couldn't continue like this.

He is well-read in poetry and books, and has reached the seventh rank in officialdom. How can he be the person who serves people with color?
He secretly glanced in Du Ruoli's direction, thinking that she should replace him.He was careless last time, but this time he planned carefully and nothing went wrong.

Du Ruoli didn't know what others thought. After finishing the chicken, she continued up the mountain, followed by her three friends and their families.Use the same method to continue searching for gallinophilia.

Galli mushroom is not a high-yielding mushroom, and it didn’t take long to find it.When we put it all together, it only weighs about twenty kilograms.

Excluding the ones with open umbrellas and those in bad condition, it only weighs ten pounds.

At lunch time, Li Jianming came to share the steamed buns.And announced the news that the exiled prisoners can send three people out to purchase.Winter is about to begin, and it will get colder and colder as we go northwest. Without winter clothing and food, these people will all freeze to death on the road.

After staying up all morning, I didn't see these people come to ask for help or bring anything.The boss finally couldn't stand it anymore and asked them to go out and buy on their own without scraping this layer of land.

It is mainly the territory of late entrants, and the little money Du Shi has can only be spent on it.

Three spots, one for newcomers.Lu Jizhou glanced at him and saw that no one dared to object, so he was naturally elected.

The other two belonged to the Du clan, which had a large number of people, and one of them was occupied by the clan leader.Among the remaining ones, he chose Du Ruoli.

Du Ruoli looked at him directly, making him panic and had to make a choice.

He said: "Don't be dissatisfied with any of you. This little girl has lost her father and her mother, and she is alone with her one-month-old little sister. We can't help her, so why don't we give her a chance to relax?"

The tribesman who wanted to object lowered his head, his face flushed.

In this way, Du Ruoli got a place to go out, loaded the newly collected gallinobacteria into Li Jianming's carriage, and traveled with them.

Arriving at Longquan County, several people parted ways.

Lu Jizhou went to the food store, the clan leader went to the grocery store, Li Jianming went to the restaurant, and Du Ruoli walked towards the vegetable market.

Although it was past noon, there were still people coming and going in the vegetable market.Du Ruoli walked towards an old man selling dried vegetables, pointed at the prunes, radishes, eggplants and day lilies in front of him and said, "Uncle, I want these. Can you please calculate how much they cost?"

When Uncle Li arrived and opened the shop, he met someone Bao Yuan. He laughed so hard that he couldn't see his eyes: "Girl, these cost 220 yuan. I'll give you a cheaper price. I'll give you 200 yuan."

200 Wen is 2 taels of silver. Du Ruoli handed the money over and said, "Here it is. Can I not take the dried vegetables? You can look after them for half a quarter of an hour. I'll borrow your cart and push some things in to sell." "

Why can't this be done?Uncle Li picked up the dried vegetables and put them away, and said cheerfully: "It doesn't matter, you can go ahead."

Du Ruoli took over the cart, and not long after, she pushed in a cart full of goods.

Uncle Li was so stunned: "Girl,"

"Uncle, please eat radishes, crispy and sweet radishes." Du Ruoli selected a green-skinned and red-heart Xinxinmei radish, and a red-skinned and white-hearted Fuhong No. [-] radish, peeled off the skin and handed it to the uncle: "Just wait for me for a little while while I unload the things."

The juicy radish was handed to me, and it looked delicious at first sight.Uncle Li couldn't help but take it, looking left and right, not knowing which one to eat first.Just take a bite from the left and a bite from the right to make a clicking sound.

Du Ruoli spread a clean cloth on the ground and stacked the radishes.

When the radishes in the space field were ripe, she pulled them out and weighed them, and found that they weighed more than 2000 kilograms.

One piece of land, more than 2000 square meters, produces more than [-] kilograms of radishes. It can only be said that the land and seeds are awesome.

Next to the radishes are buttered cabbages. There are not many cabbages grown, only twenty square meters, and nearly a hundred kilograms are produced one after another.I kept some for myself and sold the rest.

The prominent place in front of the radishes is placed on behalf of the sale of gallinobacilli and wild rice.

Worried that no one would recognize the wild rice noodles, Du Ruoli placed a plate of wild rice noodles stir-fried with bacon and a plate of cold wild rice noodles on the side.

Cut the radish too, cut it into small pieces and put them on a plate with toothpicks on them.

While I was busy, I felt my eyes darken. Someone squatted in front of me and asked, "Girl, is this really a radish?"

"It's a radish, not a radish." Uncle Li answered helpfully: "It tastes like radish, but it tastes better than autumn pears. It's sweet and not spicy at all."

As he spoke, he took a big bite and chewed it.

(End of this chapter)

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