Chapter 22 Lu Langjun

Shopkeeper Zhang was generous, and Du Ruoli was not stingy either. He gave her his own gift: a pack of red, black and green raisins.

The raisins are big, pure and sweet, with a sweetness level of over 20.My best friend Zhou Mengjin’s family purchased it from Xinjiang and put it in the cake to increase the taste.I gave her a few kilograms and it would be nice to give them away.

"Thank you! This is also from the Western Regions. You can keep it for yourself."

Shopkeeper Zhang was flattered.

This pack of raisins that came all the way from afar is not cheap. The little girl gave it to her as soon as she asked. This shows that she is a generous person and worth getting along with.

"Then you're welcome!" Manager Zhang took the raisins and his smile became more genuine: "He is in charge of the restaurant's purchasing and has some say. Miss, come back next time you have something to eat, and I will give you a good price. If I'm not here, You look for rocks and wood, I will tell you."

"Well, I know!" Du Ruoli nodded heavily.

After separating from Manager Zhang, Du Ruoli rushed to the grocery store to help the clan leader without further delay.The clan leader is responsible for the entire clan’s purchasing tasks, ranging from needles and threads to iron pots and knives, all of which are trivial and complicated.If she doesn't help, she won't have a chance to come out next time.

When she arrived, the clan leader was sulking because he had forgotten what half of the people were supposed to buy.He didn't know much about literacy, and the knowledge points he barely wrote down on the leaves had disappeared due to friction.

If he can't handle this little thing, how will he explain it to his tribe when he goes back?
Du Ruoli rushed over and said, "Master Patriarch, please rest, I will remember it, and I will buy the rest."


"Of course it's true. I guarantee you won't be mistaken." There are cheat sheets, the kind that won't fade.

The clan chief let out a breath: "That's good. Fortunately, I have you following me."

"You are welcome!"

Du Ruoli took over the patriarch's responsibility and started busy.

The clan leader was not idle either and went to the food store to buy food.

Over there, Manager Zhang rushed back to the restaurant happily with a barrel of wine.Mu Mu, who was guarding the door, winked at him: "My master is here."

"Really? It's finally here!"

Manager Zhang climbed up to the second floor in three steps and two steps at a time, came to the innermost room, and knocked on the door: "Sir, can I come in?"

Lu Jizhou sat in the room and said in a deep voice: "Come in."

Manager Zhang opened the door and saw the noble young master, who was so thin that there was only a handful of bones left. His eyes turned red and he almost shed tears: "Sir, you have suffered..."

Lu Jizhou said: "Uncle Zhang, you don't have to be like this, I'm fine. Sit down, I have a few things to tell you to do."

"Yes, young master... Mr. Lu family, please tell me."

"Come with ears."

After finishing talking, Manager Zhang remembered the good wine he just got and said, "Mr. Lang, I just got a barrel of good wine. It's better than the ones before. Can you pour me a glass to try?"

"Well, pour two glasses." Lu Jizhou said.

"Okay." Manager Zhang went out and took out the crystal glass cup collected by the restaurant, and poured a cup for his young master and himself.

The wine slowly poured into the crystal cup, making a pleasant sound, and the transparent cup slowly turned deep purple.

Lu Jizhou took a deep breath, waited for the wine to sit in the cup for a while, then raised the cup and took a sip, holding it in his mouth to savor it.

"Really good wine!"

“Take it with you and drink it on the road!”

"No need, the road is suitable for strong liquor. Don't sell the wine, keep it well."

"Yes, Langjun." "It's time for me to go."

Lu Jizhou walked out of the side door of the restaurant and suddenly became the exile who was worse than a beggar again. He was guarding a pile of food and items, waiting for the guards to pick him up.

The shopping time was two hours, that is, four hours. Du Ruoli hurriedly hurriedly bought the things at the last moment and moved them to the designated location.

After Li Jianming had eaten and drank enough, he went to the building and listened to some songs for half a day, and came to pick him up with a glowing face.

There are a lot of things that can’t be loaded in the carriage.Only Du Ruoli was sitting in the carriage. The patriarch and Lu Jizhou walked with the carriage and arrived at the inn half a quarter of an hour later.

The people left behind watched eagerly as Du Ruoli helped the patriarch to put things away and distribute them to each family.

The clan leader had no choice but to accept the assignment until nothing went wrong in the end. This little girl had a really good memory, even better than Du Zhizhong, who was the best at reading.

Hey, if this is a boy, why should the Du family worry about not being able to make a difference?

Du Ruoli didn't know what the clan leader was thinking, so she ran to Zhou Daya and hugged her sister over.

After being separated for half a day, she missed her.

As soon as my sister took it, smelling the familiar milk fragrance, she felt extremely peaceful.

Is blood really thicker than water?She actually developed strong feelings for a little baby who only knew how to eat and sleep.


Holding her sister in her arms, Du Ruoli took her three companions to her place of residence and reported the situation in a low voice: "The food was sold for a total of seven taels of silver, of which the gallinobacteria accounted for two taels and the other type accounted for five taels. I thought it would be rare again. When I had the opportunity to go out, I spent three taels on my own initiative. I bought some medicines for each person, ten pounds of cotton, a piece of coarse cloth, two pounds of fine salt, two pounds of maltose, a piece of pork and some cooked food. There were also thirty eggs and A bag of dried vegetables. The remaining four taels of silver will be one tael for each of us."

Except for the eggs that were in the space, the rest were bought by Du Ruoli, but with three taels of silver, they were all spent.If she hadn't been worried about being too ostentatious and offending other tribesmen, she would have spent it all.To ensure the nutrition and warmth of these households.

Looking at the big bag of things and silver, the friends were all dumbfounded.

Is this too much?I originally thought I would be thankful if I could sell [-] taels, but I didn't expect to have [-] taels. After buying a lot of things, I still had one tael left.

Oh my God, I have never seen so much money in my life.

I have never seen those delicious foods before, but Ah Li is really ruthless and buys things that they would never dare to think about.

Is that greasy elbow?Is that roast chicken in the oil paper bag?Oh my God, the meatballs are fried with meat?Fried food is inherently delicious, so wouldn’t it be better to fry it with meat?Oops, the meat and base in the meat bowl are amazing...

There are also medicines, cotton, and maltose... Oh my god, it's great. It's great to follow Ah Li. You can still make money on the road.

Look at their useless looks, where are they?

Du Ruoli said angrily: "Are you sure you want to stay here all the time? Why don't you go back and put things away?"

The friends just woke up from a dream and picked up their things and went home.

"Host sister-in-law, please wait." Du Ruoli put her portion of eggs, pork, maltose and a bowl of pork belly into her basket: "These are given to you by Xiao Ruoyu alone. You should eat better." , two children are pointing at you."

Zhou Daya no longer hesitated, took it generously, and returned to his family with the basket.

Zhang Xiuhe, who had been observing the movement here, felt sour.

These families don't usually see it, but they turn out to be quite wealthy.Things were bought in baskets one after another, and they were all good things. She could smell them from a distance.

They are all digging in the soil, why should they?

Especially Du Ruoli, she was so hungry that she was about to die, so why did she suddenly produce money?Could it be that you were just pretending before?
She was fooled by this dead girl.

If...then wouldn't she have to share half of these things now?
"Aunt Seven, are you free?"

(End of this chapter)

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