Chapter 23
Zhang Xiuhe turned around and saw Du Zhizhong.

This was the first time that Qian Juren had spoken to her.He asked nervously: "I have time, do you have something to do with my aunt?"

Du Zhizhong was polite and said: "The clay pot at home has a hole in it. I would like to borrow Aunt Qi's. Is it convenient?"

"It's convenient. What's the inconvenience? It's just a pot. You can use it!" Zhang Xiuhe found his own clay pot and handed it over.

"Thank you Aunt Seven."

Du Zhizhong took the clay pot with both hands and did not use it after returning, but just left it.

When his dinner was ready, he poured a bowl into the clay pot and sent it back to Zhang Xiuhe: "Aunt Qi, thank you for the pot. There is a bowl of crude food in the pot. Don't dislike it."

"What are you doing..." Zhang Xiuhe opened the lid and saw a bowl of white gnocchi.The lumps are mixed with mushrooms and two or three pieces of fat, which can make people hungry to death.

I tried hard to go back, but they were already gone.Zhang Xiuhe grabbed a piece of fat and put it into his mouth, thinking with emotion:

Why are the gaps between people so big?Also asking for help, Du Zhizhong sent white noodles and meat, but Du Ruoli couldn't even part with a black-faced steamed bun.

Du Zhizhong's character is more noble.The last time I heard from the clan leader, he was wrongly accused.After being rehabilitated, he was still an official.She must be friends with him.

Turning around and seeing her husband and boys snoring loudly, she turned away in disgust: No one could count on them, so she had to do it herself.

The delicious food is also yours.

Zhang Xiuhe finished a bowl of gnocchi without any psychological burden.

Du Zhizhong, who had been observing her, nodded secretly: OK, we have help.

The air is filled with the aroma of food. Every household has bought more or less ingredients and is busy eating by the fire.

Du Ruoli used Yuan's only clay pot to cook a pot of buckwheat noodles.

Soba noodles were sold at local grocery stores, and she bought some separately so that she could eat them openly on the road.

Put the not-so-good chicken fungus and meatballs in the noodles, it's a very hearty meal.

The mother and daughter Du Ruoying next door discussed quietly for a long time and decided to satisfy their craving with a bowl of fat pork belly first.After the braised pork was heated, he took Du Ruoli's wooden bowl and filled half of it.

Zhou Daya's family also eats braised pork. They make steamed buns with thick buckwheat noodles and put the braised pork inside.As soon as the steamed buns came out of the pot, two were brought to Du Ruoli. There was so much meat inside that it almost fell out.

Du Ruozhen has a large family and eats both roasted chicken elbows and braised pork.The old grandmother thought clearly: "After a month on the road, if I don't make up for it, I won't be able to make it to the border." Her family sent Du Ruoli half a roast chicken.

Du Ruoli didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Why are you giving them to me? It's not like I don't have any. Calculated per head, I have much more than you. You can keep it for yourselves."

When his friends didn't agree, Du Ruozhen said, "This is my intention. You must accept it. If you don't accept it, you are looking down on others."

"Okay, I'll keep it. You guys go back quickly." Du Ruoli accepted them one by one without sending back any gifts.

"Okay! Eat slowly!"

Her attitude made her partners feel comfortable and lessen their psychological burden.He left happily and went back to his home for a big meal.

Du Ruoli put away the gifts she received and ate soba noodles with her sister in her arms.

My sister closed her eyes and kept swallowing.

Not long after, new people arrived at the resting place.

The total number of Lao Zhang's team is 600.There were no adult men, only old men, women and children.The children are all girls.It seems to be a home raid that wipes out all the roots.

The leader was an old lady with gray hair, about 70 years old.Although he looks haggard and his clothes are in tatters, he always holds his head high and his back straight, looking like he cannot be defeated.

The others following him didn't look sluggish either.

This is the Zhao family that they took a long detour for a month to meet up with.The head of the Zhao family was originally the prime minister of the dynasty. Because he advocated new laws, he opposed the emperor in the court, angered the emperor, and was sentenced to execution.All the men of the clan were imprisoned, and the Queen of Autumn was beheaded, leaving only the old, weak, sick and disabled in front of her.

Since the emperor took office two years ago, he has gone on a killing spree and uprooted many nobles. As a result, the cells were full and there were not enough officers to escort the exiled prisoners, especially the leader.

After capturing the Zhao clan, there was no one left in the Criminal Department to send, so they had to call back Ji Tong, who had just received his errand, and the two teams formed one team and entered the border together.

Du Ruoli and others spent an extra month on the wrong path, and there was no reason to explain.

The Zhao family was quiet, finding an open space to place their luggage, spreading their mattresses and quilts, and sitting on the floor talking quietly.

But children can't sit still, especially those two or three years old. They walk around the resting area, looking here and there, extremely curious.

"Sister, can Qiaoer play with the little sister? She is so cute, Qiaoer likes her! Qiaoer gives her candy."

A small dumpling with a bun and fair skin swung around half a circle, walked to Du Ruoli, looked at Du Ruoyu from her shoulder, and stuffed Du Ruoyu with candy.

Du Ruoli smiled and pushed her candy away: "My sister can't eat it yet. Can we wait until she grows up?"

The little girl flashed her big eyes, puzzled: "Why can't you eat it? Candy is so delicious, Qiaoer likes it the most."

"Because my sister doesn't have teeth, unlike Qiaoer who has beautiful white teeth."

"Why doesn't she have teeth?"

"Because she is small!"

"Who said children can't have teeth?"


"Qiao'er, you're messing around again! Come here quickly, don't disturb my sister and sister's rest!" A woman in her 20s came over and said apologetically to Du Ruoli: "Qiao'er is ignorant and has disturbed the girl. I apologize to the girl on her behalf.”

"Madam, Qiao'er is cute and well-behaved. I don't even have time to like her. How could I find her noisy?" Du Ruoli stood up and avoided her courtesy.

"I'm not a madam anymore. If my sister doesn't mind, please call me Xue..."

Xue what?My daughter is already called sister, she can no longer be a sister.Auntie and auntie, I’m asking you for help...

Du Ruoli couldn't help but laugh: "Just call me sister Xue, Qiao'er calls me sister, let's talk about our own affairs."

"Sister Du is still transparent." Xue Jinxin said with a smile: "That's it, let's discuss it on our own. It's getting late, Sister Du has a rest. Qiao'er, let's go back to find grandma."

Qiaoer refused to leave and insisted on giving the candy in her hand to Du Ruoli: "Sister, keep it for the little sister, wait until the little sister can eat it before eating it. Sister, I want to tell the little sister that it is a meeting gift from sister Qiaoer. "

Du Ruoli knelt down and took the candy, touched her bun and said, "Thank you, Xiao Qiao'er, sister took note of it."

Qiaoer then followed Xue Jinxin towards her home, looking back three times every step.

(End of this chapter)

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