Chapter 24
When night fell, the exile team of thousands of people, except for Du Zhizhong, who was taken away, collectively fell asleep.

Du Ruoli waited for Du Ruoying next door to fall asleep before entering the space.

The 60 taels of gold earned during the day were placed on the table in the living room, shining brightly and blinding people's eyes.

Du Ruoli had never seen so much gold before. She couldn't put it down and held it in her arms, setting her ambition:

In the future, she will earn countless gold and become the richest person in the world.Lying on gold and sleeping all day long!
Oh my god, what kind of magical day is this? I can wake up from my dreams with a smile!


The baby cried loudly, and Du Ruoli realized that she was too excited and hugged Jin Zi too tightly, squeezing her.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, sister, I'm sorry for you." Du Ruoli put down the gold and gently coaxed her sister: "Go to sleep, go to sleep, grow taller, grow into a peerless beauty, let sister hold her thighs."

Instead, my sister cried even harder. She scratched her little hands, bounced her calves, and almost fell out of her arms.

The child had never cried so hard before. Du Ruoli was frightened and didn't know what to do.Sometimes he would test the temperature of her forehead, and sometimes he would look at her throat.

It was only when her chest was soaked with urine and the urine ring was removed that she saw many red rashes.

The red rash is on the place where the urine ring comes into contact but not elsewhere. Isn’t it diaper rash?

Emma, ​​it is indeed easy to go from frugality to luxury, but difficult to go from luxury to frugality.

Since she arrived, the baby has been using dry diapers most of the time.If you really have no choice but to carry it outside, you can use a urine ring made of clean cotton cloth. You can change it immediately when it gets wet.It was not convenient to take her with me when I went out today, so I gave her to Zhou Daya. Zhou Daya didn't have time to wash the urine ring, so she dried it and used it several times, and it ended up like this.

You can't blame Zhou Daya, everyone does this, and the original person did the same thing in the past.

It seems that I won’t be able to leave my sister easily and go out in the future, and I have to leave enough urine rings when I go out.

Du Ruoli took her sister to the bathroom and put her in a tub filled with warm water.

As soon as the baby entered the water, he immediately stopped crying.The little hands and feet slapped the water happily, making waves of water splash.

Du Ruoli held her up with one hand, squeezed out baby shower milk with the other hand, and washed her clean.

Take it out and put it on a bath towel, wipe away the water, apply diaper rash treatment ointment, and put on a diaper.The little child finally felt comfortable and fell asleep with his eyes closed.

Du Ruoli stood for a while and looked at her rising and falling belly before going out to work.

In the vegetable field, the radishes and cabbages were harvested, leaving a small area empty and replanted with some vegetables and sugar cane.

I had no experience before, so I thought I needed to eat more vegetables, which resulted in a lot of excess.Not much money was made from the sale, and land resources were wasted.Now she knows that ten square meters of land is enough for food, and the remaining area is planted with cost-effective crops, such as sugar cane.

Before modernization, cane sugar had always been a luxury product and could be sold at high prices everywhere. Growing sugar cane was always a cost-effective business.

After finishing my work, I went back to the house and drank a glass of milk mixed with protein powder, took a shower and went to bed.

When she was packing up the things her best friend Zhou Mengjin bought for her the day before yesterday, she discovered a few packets of protein powder, which she could use to supplement protein.

While she was enjoying herself here, Du Zhizhong's life would be difficult.

Zhang Dacheng was always good at eating and drinking, and was stronger than an ox. He was pinched until he burst into tears, and he didn't say a single word he had prepared.

If he wanted to talk about it after he was done, he had already fallen asleep, leaving him with only a solid back.

Du Zhizhong was not qualified to stay overnight, so he returned to the resting place and kept his eyes open until dawn.

Early the next morning, the team continued to set off.

The number of prisoners tripled, becoming a team of thousands.The number of servants increased from the original 8 to 100.Judging from the number of servants alone, the Zhao family is worth a lot.

Ji Tong was the general leader and organized every twenty prisoners into a small team as before.If someone in the team escapes and commits crime, the others will be punished together.

The guards were also assigned, with most guarding the Zhao family and a small number guarding the Du family, Lu Jizhou and others.

The Du family walked at the front, the Zhao family in the middle, and Lu Jizhou and other 20 people walked at the end.

Except for the last 20 people who wore shackles, others did not.

Not long after walking, a 70-year-old man from the Zhao family couldn't bear it anymore and fell to the ground.The six- or seven-year-old child couldn't stand it either, crying as he walked.

Mrs. Zhao personally came forward to discuss with Ji Tong: "In order not to delay the trip, can we rent two carriages for the elderly and the weak?"

"50 taels of silver." Ji Tong said expressionlessly, "One day."

Mrs. Zhao took a breath.

I thought about being a police officer, but I never thought about it being so dark! 50 taels of silver is enough to buy a good carriage!
But if they don't rent, none of them, the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled, can even think of going to the border.

The situation was stronger than the situation. Mrs. Zhao gritted her teeth and nodded: "Sure, I'll rent you."

Before departure, relatives and friends came to see her off and gave her some money. She could hold on for a while, but when she couldn't, she had to stay alive first.

Ji Tong saw that she was familiar with the situation and kindly gave him an idea: "You can also let us carry the luggage. It only costs 20 taels of silver."

Is this something that can be refused?Can't!Mrs. Zhao understood clearly: "Okay, I'll get some money for you."

After the deal was concluded, Mrs. Zhao arranged for the weak old man to sit on the carriage, and unloaded the luggage to Ji Tong.

Ji Tong turned around and arranged for Patriarch Du Changxing: "You have many men and are strong, so help carry things. We are all on the same road and should help each other."

Du Changxing's heart was more bitter than Coptis chinensis, and he showed a forced smile: "Okay, we'll carry it. Please give us a little time to prepare."

"That's right!" Ji Tong nodded arrogantly.

Not far away, Zhang Da quietly gave Ji Tong a thumbs up. The eldest brother was still smart and knew how to scrape more money from the prisoner.

The 40 taels of silver the Du family had with them was nothing. They made it back in two days of carrying the things.This trip lasts for more than half a year, and I can earn more than 3000 taels.

In addition to the money for renting the carriage and helping to buy things and find a good room, the price difference is [-] taels.

Posted!They sent it!Go back and buy a house or land, you have everything!

The Zhao family had a lot of luggage, and the patriarch Du Changxing distributed it with a grimace. Du Ruoli was also assigned a bag to carry, about twenty kilograms.

There is no way, a man alone cannot carry it, the elderly and half-grown children also have to bear some burdens.

The Du family members were all bowed down and miserable.Du Ruoli wanted to help, but she just thought about it. She put her things into the space, carried this obvious baggage, and walked forward.

This world is so fucked up, oppression and exploitation are blatant.

Her joy of making gold yesterday disappeared completely at this moment.She resented why Jade Pendant sent her to this damn era to live a miserable life.

She is homesick.

(End of this chapter)

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