Chapter 26 Ginkgo
The guards brought two wild boars to Lu Jizhou. The leader, a man with six fingers on each hand, said, "This is what you deserve. Do you want to sell it?"

Lu Jizhou sat on the stone without standing up, and said calmly: "Not for sale."

"Okay, you can handle it yourself." The six-fingered man solemnly requested: "Our comrades are seriously injured, and we have to go into the city again. Please take care of the officers and prisoners who are left behind."


Lu Jizhou didn't say yes or no, he just said the word "oh".

The six-fingered man took it as a promise and drove away in the carriage.

As the carriage drove away, Lu Jizhou asked the onlookers: "Who knows how to kill a pig?"

"We!" In the crowd, Du Ruozhen's uncle and brothers raised their hands.They are hunters in the village. They deal with prey all year round, so they naturally know how to kill pigs.

Lu Jizhou nodded: "Please help me kill him. I can have an extra bowl of meat later."

Still getting paid? !

The reward was a bowl of meat!

Don’t be too cost-effective!
The men took off their coats, picked up the butcher's knives they borrowed from the guards, carried the wild boar a little further away, and disembowelled it, as if they had endless energy.

The others cried with envy and looked at Lu Jizhou eagerly, hoping that they would have other work to do and a bowl of broth.

Lu Jizhou lived up to everyone's expectations and divided people into five groups.

One group fetched water, another collected firewood and made a fire, one group cooked, one group cleaned the battlefield, and another group patrolled.

The prisoners and servants were together, everyone had work to do, and everyone had meat to eat.

Mrs. Zhao suggested: "How about asking the Zhao family to provide some grain and salt, and the Du family to provide some mushrooms, so that we can have a hearty meal?"

Her proposal was very thoughtful, taking care of the poor Du family without letting Lu Jizhou suffer alone.

Lu Jizhou nodded: "You take care of the arrangements."

"Sure! It's settled then."

Mrs. Zhao went back to weigh the grain. She weighed 100 kilograms of flour, plus half a kilogram of fine salt, and handed it to Shen Sanzhi, Zhou Daya's mother-in-law, who was in charge of the stove.

The Du clan didn't need to be mobilized by the clan leader. They took out their own mushrooms one after another. You and I sent them baskets one by one. The piles were higher than the mountains.

The chef aunt, represented by Shen Sanzhi, was so happy that half of them stayed to knead and leave the dough in preparation for pasting the pancakes.Most of the people took the mushrooms to the river and washed them clean.

The aunts were chatting and laughing loudly while working, creating a harmonious scene.

Du Ruoli was assigned to a group for collecting firewood and lighting a fire, and the group leader was Du Changgui, Zhou Daya's father-in-law.Du Zhigui asked her not to go into the mountain and stay to make a fire.

Unable to offend others' kindness, Du Ruoli stayed and managed the fire together with three other 70-year-olds.

The reason why four people were needed was because there was no dry firewood.It is necessary to use a bundle of dry firewood sent by the servant to smoke and dry eight bundles of wet firewood to make enough for cooking.

The three old men were very experienced and skillfully built four simple stoves with stones.Make a fire below and smoke the wood above.

Each of the four people is in charge of two bundles of wet firewood on a stove, watching the fire and turning the wet firewood at any time.

This job is not difficult, it is warm and gentle, and it is considered the lightest type of work.

Du Ruoli felt sorry for herself, grabbed two handfuls of nuts from the bag and buried them under the charcoal ashes.

Nuts may be collected bits and pieces on the road, or they may be smuggled out of space.Includes chestnuts, pine nuts, acorns and ginkgo.Under the scorching heat, the nuts explode, emitting a strong sweet aroma.

The place around the stove suddenly became lively.

Seven or eight little cubs, two or three years old, staggered around, including those from the Du family and the Zhao family, including Qiao'er, whom they had just met. They bit their fingers and looked at the stove eagerly, drooling down three feet.

It’s this group of little beans waiting for them.This is when they are curious, restless and don't like to listen to what others say.Running around all over the place not only delays the work of adults, but is also dangerous.

She has nothing to do, so she might as well help take care of the children.

There's nothing in ancient times that a naughty kid can't handle with just one chestnut. If it doesn't work, just use two chestnuts.

Du Ruoli asked Xiao Douding to stand half a meter away from the stove: "Be good, whoever is the most good will eat first."

As expected, Little Douding stopped moving, straightened up his little chest, and put his little hands behind his back.

"Well, not bad, not bad, they are all very good, and you can all eat a fragrant chestnut. But, Qiaoer stands the straightest, Qiaoer eats first, and you eat later."

Seeing a little boy opening his mouth to cry, Du Ruoli pointed at him and said, "If you cry, you won't get anything to eat..."

Before he finished speaking, the little boy had already closed his mouth tightly and held back his tears.

Du Ruoli held back her laughter and took out the nuts from the hot ashes. After the chestnuts were slightly cold, she peeled off the skin and placed them in Qiaoer's little hand: "Let them cool before eating."

Qiaoer nodded heavily: "Qiaoer, be good. Qiaoer listen to your sister and let it cool before eating."

Du Ruoli gave her a thumbs up, then peeled off one.

The children waited quietly and were extremely well-behaved.

After eating the chestnuts, there are also ginkgos.After eating the ginkgo, there are still pine nuts.After eating the pine nuts, there are still acorns.Du Ruoli coaxed them for an hour with these food.Several people fell asleep leaning on her because they were too sleepy.

She didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but she made a bed on the floor, put the little pig on the bed and fell asleep, and covered her with a quilt.

After the wet firewood was smoked and dried, a raging fire was lit in the stove. Four large pots borrowed by the steward were set up to boil water and cook wild boar meat.

The two wild boars weighed a total of four hundred kilograms. The pork, including the heads and hooves, had been washed and chopped, and piled into several large pots.

Put the wild boar meat into the pot, put half of it in one pot, and cook it in four pots at the same time.Bring to a boil over high heat first, skim off the blood foam, then reduce most of the heat, and simmer over low heat.

The aunts were not idle for a moment, taking out the stove ashes and washing the internal organs.

Who said the ancients didn’t wash their internal organs and eat them?People in this era are very good at it!
Is it probably because supplies are so scarce that all non-toxic things are put to good use?
Xiaohuo didn't have to watch her at all times. Du Ruoli stood up, released her sister who was tied behind her, held her around and talked to her.

The book says that you should pay attention to communicating with babies.Don't delay her intellectual and language development by not speaking just because she doesn't understand anything.

What exactly should be said is not mentioned in the book.Du Ruoli felt that it was always right to talk about what she had seen. She pointed to the mountains and said: "Xiao Ruoyu, look, the color on the mountains is yellow, and the color on the roadside is also yellow. There are no leaves on the trees, and leaves are flying around on the ground. This is autumn." The scene. You were born in autumn and are a child of autumn. You need to know autumn..."

"Wow, Xiao Ruoyu, there is a ginkgo tree over there. The trunk is so thick that even three people can't hug it, right? Hey, is there only one tree nearby? What a pity. There is one male and one female ginkgo tree. Plants planted together will bear fruit, not just one plant. The same is true for us humans, only the combination of yin and yang will give birth to children..."

Lu Jizhou, who was hiding in the ginkgo tree and watching out: "..."

What a mess, is there any way to educate your sister like this?

According to his understanding, this ginkgo tree has indeed never produced fruit. Is it really due to the imbalance of yin and yang?Why don't you find someone to try?

(End of this chapter)

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